The FastDay Forum

Benefits & Side Effects

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Two positive side effects
01 Jul 2013, 17:26
I have unintentionally fasted a few times during my Marine Corps career, and have noted numerous positive effects. I am prone to getting red splotches and streaks on my face, but noticed that they went away for weeks when I returned from field ops and for months during and after a 2003 deployment to Iraq. Same thing after 2 weeks on the 5/2 plan. Also had some heel pain disappear after months of gutting it out on painful runs. (See, Honey, I was right about not needing to see a doctor! )
Re: Two positive side effects
02 Jul 2013, 00:02
That's great! Do you have allergies or asthma? The splotches/streaks made me think of that (we have hives and eczema over here in my family), and there's some interesting info out there about what fasting can do for certain conditions (but I'm with "Honey" on the doctor recommendation :-).
Re: Two positive side effects
02 Jul 2013, 05:05
Welcome Sledge. Retired Army myself. I didn't have true fasts much like this 5:2 is really just a low calorie plan 2 days a week. Piece of cake.
Re: Two positive side effects
02 Jul 2013, 18:22
Sifrina, no allergies that I know of, though I seem completely unable to digest wheat beer. No problem with other wheat products. Dr once diagnosed rosacea, but it never quite fit. I would get angry red streaks down my face on either side of my nose ( really bad when exposed to tear gas). Before starting off with a fast last week, I had dime-sized splotches under each eye.
I have noticed another effect (not sure if it's a blessing or a curse) the last couple of mornings that had me tempted to wake my wife early, but 20 years of marriage has taught me to resist such urges.

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Re: Two positive side effects
02 Jul 2013, 19:32
Hmmm! The libido aspect pops up every now and again. Its not just the men that are getting 'urges'.
I wonder if being overweight affects the hormones?
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