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12 Nov 2014, 14:36
Hi buddies, we've had a lovely sunny morning even though rain was forecast and it was a pleasure to paddle round the fields with Maisie.

I think the trouble with maintenance Ieramul is that when you are not seriously trying to lose weight, the general weight fluctuations seem worse. As you say, you are happy when your weight stays within 3lb of your goal weight, I'm glad that your little eating frenzy didn't take you over that. I got into a mild panic every time my weight increased by 2lb, it wasn't until I had put on half a stone that I really got worried though. I'm gradually getting back to my goal in a zigzag sort of way.

I agree with your advice about cooking extra to freeze, it might be a great help to Steph, although I only do that with the burgers, there's just not enough room in my freezer to do it on a larger scale. When I buy meat for hubby I always divide it into portions and freeze them - but he has a nasty habit of riffling through the freezer several times a day and tearing open the packs of food. What is more annoying is that he doesn't close the door properly and some things start defrosting and the door freezes so that it's impossible to close - but that's a different story.

I go to the Asda's cafe in the nearest town on Wednesdays, AgeUK sets up a couple of tables each week so that elderly people can come and chat. I'm one of the volunteers and I enjoy it as much as the old dears, I'm going to ask about volunteering for the befriending scheme too, I can't do anything that keeps me out of the house for too long as hubby gets cross but a couple of hours is OK.

How strange, I don't remember having breakfast this morning! :confused: In fact I'm sure I didn't. That's never happened before, wouldn't it be good if I could forget it every morning! :wink:
12 Nov 2014, 14:57
Hello you two, traipsing about in the sun with Maisy. Wonderful. I do make bigger batches of food and then freeze but mainly meals that Adam likes. I don't have much room in my freezer either. You must have an old freezer Coffee for it to freeze open. You have to put up with so much I'm glad you can get away and spend some time with the old dears :). You need some down time. Forgetting about breakfast haha. How did you sleep last night?
I did weigh myself this morning against my better judgement and I am now a bit sad and discouraged once again. 131.6 lbs. I've forgotten what my last weight was exactly but it was around 131 so I haven't lost anything much at all. I will not weigh myself again until Saturday. Although I will no doubt be heavier the day after since I will be eating greasy take out chicken and carrot cake with lots of cream cheese icing. Adam will be celebrating his birthday that day.
I've just cooked some rice and bok choy to go with the leftover teriyaki chicken, preparing it ahead of time makes it more likely I'll eat it for lunch when I come home from the Y. It would take too much time to cook, and I wouldn't bother otherwise. I go to visit my elderly friend Marion this afternoon.
Well, that's it for my this morning. I will go veg on the couch for 45 minutes until it is time for me to go to my exercise class. Don't really feel like going but I will.
Hope your days are going well! Staying away from carbs and sugars Ieramul?
12 Nov 2014, 16:47
Well that's settled it then, we all need larger freezers. If only! There is nothing wrong with my freezer door, the reason it doesn't shut is because hubby leaves it open and the ice builds up so much inside and all around the door, it's like he is trying to freeze the whole kitchen. I have to keep defrosting it - or worse chipping the ice away from the door which is not good. :frown:
Sorry you didn't lose weight this time Steph, how are you getting on today?

We have the most lovely sunset, I have to keep looking out of the window to see it and it's even better from upstairs, It's a shame it doesn't last long but so lovely to see for a short while. It's brought a huge smile to my face, it's the simple things that make me happy.
Time to cook dinner now...
12 Nov 2014, 20:12
Just to let you know, hubby has a hospital appointment tomorrow and we have to leave quite early so I probably won't have time to post anything before we go. I'm going to 'try' to have an early night but I'll pop in here before then to see if either of you are around and how you are getting on. :smile:
12 Nov 2014, 20:31
Hi everyone. Just lost a long post. Not sure I remember it all.
Coffee, how great that you volunteer and socialise with other people and carve your own life with your own interests. Little Maisie keeps you real, too I suspect. I particularly like the fact that you appreciate the little things in life like the autumn leaves and sun sets. These are the little happinesses every day.
You are right we all need larger freezers and you, coffee need a secret one. :lol:

Steph, you are so lucky to have such wonderful friends nearby. I hope Adam's party goes well for you and that you are not too tempted by all the goodies. Where do you go when you go to 'Y'? I had to google 'sloppy joe' :lol:

My sugar free low carb day went well. I woke up and wasn't hungry so I had breakfast at midday with a couple of apples, a banana and some nuts and seeds. Was still not too hungry after my lunch time walk and just had a couple of satsumas. i wanted to have some yoghurt and a couple of eggs a bit later but had to help the boss with a project and couldn't eat them until half past five. When I got home I found a left over beef pie, my husband made on Sunday and ate the filling and very little pastry and a bit of coleslaw. After that I had a low cal hot chocolate with a dollop of cream. i know that was cheating a bit but I still came well under TDEE today and it was a lovely way to end the day.

i hope you are all doing well. As you can see, sometimes the fasting thing is easy and sometimes it is not. I am glad I didn't force the fast on Monday. Whatever I did or didn't eat on Sunday made me hungry on Sunday evening causing me to eat (sweet) stuff late evening. Then waking up hungry on Monday and eating breakfast really was a bad move.
I am going to look into how important the day before the fast is - ie does eating lots of carbs make fasting the next day harder???
Have a great evening and speak soon.
12 Nov 2014, 22:07
Coffee I hope the doctor's appointment goes well and that your husband is better behaved in public :).
Ieramul I wouldn't be able to get through the day without carbs I don't think. I am always so "empty" if I don't eat at least a little bit. Carbs other than bread that is like potatoes or rice. Congrats on getting through the day! and achieving your goal! I find if I stuff myself the day before a fast with bread and junk I tend not to be hungry the next day. I think my digestion is very slow.
Right now I am eating grape after grape from a huge bunch. My tummy will complain later but they are so good and I don't feel like eating supper yet. I'm really not hungry but the grapes are too good. I have to confess I had two small digestive cookies I scooped from the retirement residence when visiting Marion this afternoon. I almost threw them in the garbage but didn't and almost didn't report to you that I ate them, but this only works if we are honest I think. Other than that I've had some rice, chicken, bok choy, a banana and the rest of the trail mix ( a lot less than last night). So I guess I am doing well, considering the awful binge days I've had recently. It is early yet, though, so it remains to be seen what happens tonight :). (only 5:15 pm)
The Y is the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association). I have never had any sense that they are a Christian association, though. They are just a fitness club. There are many in the US and Canada.
I had to google "bangers and mash" lol
Interesting how we are learning the slight differences between our cultures.
Sleep well!
12 Nov 2014, 22:17
I'm glad the day went well for you Ieramul, I might fast tomorrow, I'll see how I feel in the morning. It might be easier not to eat until later if I'm at the hospital and that will be a good start.
We all keep trying different ways with this WOE until we find something that works for us, we've both done that to get as far as maintenance, but then it all changes and we have to start experimenting until we get it right again. I don't think either of us are there yet although you seem to be more in control than me. You've got it right today and I hope I can do as well tomorrow.
The voluntary work all came about because my son and his girlfriend arranged help from the carers support for me, it's had a knock on effect and seems to be branching out in different directions. That was a few months ago and in many small ways it has changed my life.
I love the idea about a secret freezer or perhaps I could get a lock for the one we have. heheee
12 Nov 2014, 22:46
You seem to be coping better so far Steph, I know you still have the evening to get through but I hope you can be strong. Try popping into the fasting today thread, there is usually somebody there when us lot from the UK and the rest of Europe are in the land of nod.
I'm learning more about our cultures too, I think most of our food is the same but there are small differences. Is there much difference between Canadian and USA cookery? I've got a couple of American cookbooks and I haven't heard of half the dishes, I wouldn't know where to get the ingredients in this country but it all sounds so tasty.
I think I'll have to think of getting ready for bed now as I have to get up early. I still have the usual pile of washing up to do, I always put it off until the last minute.
Enjoy your evening - and try to keep away from the goodies! :wink:
12 Nov 2014, 23:07
Hi steph, DH came home late at 10pm and I sat down with him and had some ryvita bread and jam. I was doing so well until then. I know what you mean, steph protein just does not fill up for long. I had too little food today (I think only about 1000 kcals and my TDEE is 1350. but I am sure my late night food has brought me up to my TDEE. I should have made sure I had enough food with proper meals during the day to re-assure my body that there is no food shortage after the fast yesterday. .

You are right Coffee, we need to find out what works for us. We are all different and feel different on different days and different times of days. There are so many reasons why we over eat or binge or why fasting goes well and only we know these reasons and can do something about it. We buddies are here to support whatever the other buddy thinks is right for them. So good luck with your fast tomorrow. I need to have a good feeding day tomorrow.

Steph you don't need to confess to us when you eat the wrong foods or too much. You do not need to feel guilty or bad about what you eat. We are not the fasting police- we just give emotional hugs and encouragement. So do not worry, relax and try and find out why you eat the food you eat and how you can change your eating habits. You know yourself best.

On that note let me give you both a big hug. Take care and be kind to yourself.
13 Nov 2014, 07:07
Good luck today at the hospital, coffee. I wish they could do something about DH's pain. Steph, all the best with the party and I am off to work. Have a lovely day with little happinesses.
13 Nov 2014, 12:50
Thank you for the hug Ieramul. You have to leave early for work, what job do you do? You might already have said but my memory is not good.
We got back fairly early from the hospital, there was heavy rain and wind and the traffic was awful, stop and start all the way. I find time limits so stressful when I'm driving, there's always an accident or cars and lorries breaking down somewhere on the journey but we made it on time today.
I've had just half a dozen grapes so far today, I was hungry when we got home but after drinking a cup of coffee the hungry feeling disappeared. I'll see how long I can go without eating anything, I doubt if I can last out until the evening meal though.
Your TDEE is very low, I've just looked on the tracker and mine is 1503 with light activity. I don't usually take notice of it but should try to keep on or under it each day. I was 9st 9lb this morning which has taken my BMI into the green again so that's good news, but my waist:height ratio is still over 50%, I will have to lose another couple of lb before it goes under the 50%. I've never had a slim waist even when I was skinny in my younger days.
I hope you can enjoy your food today now you don't have to worry so much about restrictions.
Talk again soon, toodle pip!
13 Nov 2014, 13:13
Oh, coffee, don't disillusion me. I want to retire away from the South East where there is so much traffic and sooooo many people. I thought down in deepest cosiest Cornwall you could just drive and park anywhere without any trouble. Was thinking about moving over to Bristol area (rural area) when I retire as children have moved over there and I would like to have family closer.
At least you didn't spend the day in hospital waiting room or corridor. Well done so far today. You only seem to have to lose 2 more pounds, go girl you are almost there. I don't know what you can do about waist, some people just don't lose it where they want the weight to go. Anyway a good BMI is brilliant!!!

I work for a medium sized company doing marketing, for me that means designing brochures, packing, post cards, advertising, technical sheets, maintaining web sites (only content management) do (e-)mail shots, social media. I love my job on the whole especially since I have a very nice boss.

I am off to my lunch time walk. BIG HUG AND speak to you both later.
13 Nov 2014, 13:27
The traffic isn't always bad here, the hospital is on the outskirts of Truro and as it was an early appointment there was the usual morning rush, people on their way to work, children being taken to school and quite a few heavy lorries. The rest of Cornwall is not too bad except during the school holidays, but as for parking, because this is a tourist area it can sometimes be expensive. I used to live in Brighton so I know how busy the roads are in the South East but even there it used to be quiet when we had days out on the South Downs. Enjoy your walk Ieramul, I hope the weather is a bit better in your area!
It's good to have a job that you enjoy, it sounds interesting. Nothing worse than spending all day, every day doing a job you dislike, I've done a few of those. :frown:
13 Nov 2014, 15:29
Just popping in to say hi. I'm busy today and will write later. I hope you are both having wonderful days, apart from that awful traffic Coffee.
Till later,
13 Nov 2014, 20:00
Hi you two, i hope you had an enjoyable day today.

Coffee how many years ago did you move to Cornwall? What made you move there and have you settled in well? When you were working, did you like your job and what did your do?

Did you manage a fast today?

I had a good eating day today and due to some people possibly fasting I won't tell you how much I enjoyed my glorious lemon tart after supper :razz: :lol:

I will be fasting tomorrow, though so that I can relax and enjoy the food at FIL's 90th birthday this weekend. I am quite looking forward to it. We are so isolated from family and friends that I always look forward to these gatherings. Sleep well an speak tomorrow. Here comes the HUG. :heart:
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