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13 Nov 2014, 20:02
I give up, why did I click on the arrow to go back one page? I'm so stupid, I've just lost yet another long message and I can't type it all out again. I'm a bit sleepy and can't remember half of what I said so I'll just say now that I hope you both got on well today and my fast was OK.
:frown: :confused: :cry:
13 Nov 2014, 20:28
Thank you Ieramul. We moved to Cornwall over 24 years ago, we used to come to the West Country on holidays and loved it here. We planned to move to Dorset but at that time the house prices suddenly jumped sky high and the prices were lower further west, so here we are. We wanted to get out of the rat race, we don't regret moving here although I still miss my family.
I hope you have a good time tomorrow. :smile: :)
13 Nov 2014, 22:45
Hello folks - felt I should just say Hi as I have been reading your posts and don't want to look like a stalker!

We cook large batches of curry and spag bol and freeze them but we too are struggling for freezer space at the moment - I need to go through them and do an inventory again - if we don't know what's in there we'll never use it!!!! My uncle brings us lots of fruit and veg which go in there. We have just invested in an ice cream maker to try to use some of it up (a friend of mine makes homemade gooseberry icecream and it's delicious - that's where I got the idea from - obviously I should be making sorbets for me!).

Anyway - just wanted to say it's lovely to see how you are all supporting each other - keep it up - a problem shared is always better!

:like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like: :like:
13 Nov 2014, 23:38
Hi welcome @Madcatlady. Love to hear from you and please do join us at any time.

I LOVE ICE CREAM!!! I would love an ice cream machine but I have enough gadgets and not much space and even less storage. No utility room or similar and a medium to small kitchen and tiny obsession (see below) :lol:
So I make my ice-cream with a good blender. I put in semi frozen food and a bit of yoghurt or cream and maybe a bit of juice or water with sugar or sweetener.

It seems we need to place a big order for freezers. I have a fridge freezer with a 2.5 drawer freezer and periodically contemplate to invest in an additional freezer to be put in the shed. I usually discard this idea very quickly because I want to have less belongings not more and it would mean yet another item to gather things and have to organise.

I have a tiny (maybe not so tiny) obsessive streak in that way - always have - but is definitely getting stronger as I get older. I have this thing that too many things tie me down and are a burden. The less things I own the more flexible I am. I still have waaaay too much and want things like an ice cream machine but more often than not I remind myself of how many things I once wanted ended up at the charity shops.

I have just realised that I was about to launch into a three page rant. Luckily I stopped myself phew. I will relieve my obsession by toddling over to the declutter tent, which I discovered recently or read a few blogs on minimalism. That should do it.
13 Nov 2014, 23:50
Aww thanks @Madcatlady, it's nice to know that others look in now and then. We do seem to have a lot to say - I'm going to try to get in bed before midnight so won't be saying too much now, only minutes to go. Pop in whenever you can, we will be pleased to see you. :smile:
13 Nov 2014, 23:55
Night night my buddy friends, I might be going out again early tomorrow morning to help my son clear his flat ready for moving, I'll catch up later in the day. :heart:
This is becoming a habit!
14 Nov 2014, 09:14
Good morning, I hope it is a good one for you two. It is chucking it down here, so I am very happy to be in a warm office.

Coffee, helping son move sounds tiring, don't work too hard today.

Well I am fasting today and - right now all is well and I am not hungry. Learned my lesson from Monday and had no breakfast. Trying to last without food for as long as possible. Speak later - here comes the hug.
14 Nov 2014, 14:07
Hello ladies,
didn't have time to post yesterday. Nice to see you madcatlady. I'm with you Iermul I don't like having too many things. I went from a three bedroom house with a full basement, stuffed with 'stuff' to a two bedroom apartment. There are only two closets and no storage space. I have hooks on my bedroom wall to hang my clothes because the closet is in the other bedroom. I gave sooo much away when I moved. It was incredible to really see all the stuff I had that I could easily do without. I still have way too many serving dishes and glasses and such. I rarely do any entertaining anymore so I don't know why I keep it all. Probably because there is so much cupboard space in the kitchen for it all. I've made sorbet using a blender. It is pretty easy and my son asks me every now and then to make it. I use a food processor to get it to a smooth consistency once it is frozen.
I will be fasting today, hopefully. I will be able to last until 3 pm without food easily but it is after that I am not so sure of. It is my son's birthday today and he requested crepes with strawberries and whipped cream for his birthday dinner :). I really want a crepe lol. I will see how strong I am. I will not be fasting on the weekend so I should make today count. I will be making cake for Adam's party tomorrow which I want a piece of :), so no fasting then!
Do you live in the country coffee? surrounded by fields? or are you in a subdivision? and you Ieramul?
Good luck with the move, hopefully it won't be too difficult with heavy lifting :).
Enjoy the day!
14 Nov 2014, 16:33
Hi buddies, I hope you are both managing to get through your fasts OK, I lost about half lb on my fast yesterday, it was really easy, I wish all fasts would be like that. I think it was because I was not at home in the morning with food tempting me, I haven't eaten much today either.
There wasn't time to do much in my son's flat as he had to leave early to collect his daughter from school, but we cleared and cleaned some kitchen cupboards, he has until the end of the month to do it so there was no panic. I think he will miss the wonderful views of the sea and Perranporth beach from the windows though and I will miss our walks along the beach when I visit. He will still be by the sea in Newlyn and there is a view of St Michael's Mount from the front windows, it's about twice as far for me to drive though, about 60 miles away. My daughter lives about a twenty minute drive away but she's so busy at this time of year I hardly see her - we seem to keep in touch via facebook lately, I think she is coming to see us next week so I'm looking forward to that.
I do live in the country surrounded by fields Steph there are very few houses nearby and the village is about a mile away - there is a church but there is no shop, village hall or any sense of community. It suited us when we moved here as we were both working and driving but now I think we need to be closer to people, shops, a bus service, doctor etc.
I think I'll post this now as it's time to cook dinner and if I leave it for a while it's bound to disappear and join the other messages wherever they are hiding. Chapter two to follow shortly.
:smile: :smile:
14 Nov 2014, 18:51
Not long to go for this fast day Ieramul, I hope it's going well, and Steph, it must be about lunchtime where you are, I hope that so far you have managed to keep away from food as you intended. I made some vegetable soup for my evening meal yesterday, and because I hadn't eaten much during the day I added plenty of beans and some pasta to it. There was loads left over so I had that for dinner today, it tasted a bit bland so I decided to add half a can of chopped tomatoes - which ruined it. Then I had the bright idea of adding a little curry sauce to it and it was delicious, I must do that again. I've just had two bowls full and had to stop myself having a third as I'm feeling bloated. A couple of weeks ago I would have eaten the whole lot and made myself feel ill. It's thanks to you two that I didn't, I'm so pleased that we got together as buddies.
I wish I could follow your example both of you, I can't get rid of any of the clutter which seems to be taking over the house. Most of it is tat, but sentimental tat and whenever I decide to have a clear out it gets moved from whichever room it's in and then at the end of the day, back it goes as I can't part with it. Then I spend the next few weeks wishing I had taken it all to the charity shop. And so it goes on.

I nearly lost this, I clicked on preview so that I could see if there is too much waffle and nothing happened for ages, then I copied it 'just in case' and seconds later the whole FastDay page disappeared.
I can't remember anything else I was going to say, perhaps that's just as well as I think I've said enough!
Over to you. :grin: :grin: :grin:
14 Nov 2014, 22:04
good evening coffee, good afternoon steph. I can see you making crepes with strawberries - there is no way you can NOT eat those delicious beauties.

Glad you didn't overdo the work today, coffee. Sixty miles in Cornwall is quite a distance. Maybe when you move you can move a bit closer to him. But did you say your daughter lives in the other direction and you would then not be able to see her as much? It is never easy.

I have been trying to sort out Christmas tonight and it is quite difficult with everybody having in-laws and out-laws and what not.

Today, I was going to wait a bit longer before I claim victory on my fast day. It is now 9.30pm and I hope my fast day won't be sabotaged now. I only had a couple of plums, and boullion all day but when I came home DH had defrosted a lovely beef pie from last weekend but didn't eat it as he found something he fancied more. Now I had this dilemma of either throwing it in the bin as we are going away tomorrow or have some of it. As I cannot bear to throw food out, I had half of it (mainly filling) but some crust, too. Now I have absolutely no Idea how many calories I consumed today. I hope I didn't go much over 600kcals but who knows. It's a bit disappointing but hey that is life. Still better than not fasting at all.
Since this is a WOL I have to put it down to life. If I get too hung up about it, I won't be able to sustain it. The most important thing is to plan the next fast day (Monday) and not give up. See coffee's signature. :geek:

Tomorrow morning we are off, to the family celebration and hope that I can still keep in contact with my clever tablet. Sometimes connection is not great but we will see.

Steph I live in a pleasant village about 30 miles from London. It isn't as rural as coffee's place but fields are only a two minutes' walk away. I wish Adam a very happy birthday and all the best for the future. Speak tomorrow. Big Hug
14 Nov 2014, 22:28
Oh, coffee I read a wonderful suggestion:
Take a picture of any sentimental items that you don't really want to keep but want to keep a memory of. I am sure it works with some items.

My parents are the biggest hoarders and I hated it as a child and even more as a teenager when more stuff accumulated and I got embarrassed to invite friends over. My mum does not like inviting people because she is embarrassed, too. How sad if the things in the house are more important than people. My in-laws also have a house crammed with stuff. But I have found that you can't force yourself or someone else to part with things. I sold my old piano (practically gave it away) because moving a piano is such a bother and when we decide to move I don't want to look at houses and worry if I can get in a piano.

When I visit my parents the amount of clutter bothers me so much (and I can't do anything about it), that i do a massive clear out when I get home even though I have not much left to throw out.
14 Nov 2014, 22:53
Ieramul, don't worry about the pie, you ate very little during the day so you will have eaten much less than you usually would on a non fast day, and even if you don't lose weight I doubt if it will make much difference to your maintenance weight. What is 100 calories when you have to eat about 3000 to put on one pound of fat? It's just one day, plenty more fast days to put it right if your weight does increase.
My plan is to get rid of the great pile of 'stuff' that we've amounted over the years before we move, I doubt if we will be going anywhere in the near future, there's so much to do first to make the house appealing to buyers. Something to work towards before we get too old! :sidefrown:
Thank you for the hugs, and I'm sending one for you. :smile: Have a good journey tomorrow and a wonderful weekend with your family.
14 Nov 2014, 23:12
Hi Coffee, My aim in maintenance is to keep trying 2 fast days. Not like sometimes suggested one day a week If sometimes one of them does not quite work out then it doesn't matter as there is another one to sort things out. As long as we don't put on weight. We maintainers are the only fasters who are happy about our plateau. :lol:

For a while this year it looked as if we were going to move in 2015 but now it could be in five years' time. Who knows. Anything I don't own or have already got rid off, i don't have to worry when the time comes and it is much easier to find a nice abode. Night night. Thanks for hugs :smile:
14 Nov 2014, 23:52
Your home surroundings sound lovely. I wouldn't be comfortable living in the country. I would feel so alone. Plus, I'd have to have a reliable vehicle LOL. Maisy must love all that room to roam.
You did well today Ieramul. Like coffee said, don't worry about the pie. You are so strong and diligent with your eating, you impress me. I'm struggling at the moment. I've had about 300 calories so far today and just want to keep eating as I am hungry. Adam is off playing a board game with his friends so I haven't made his dinner yet. I am really wanting him home so I can make it and eat a crepe with whipping cream. Crazy but that is all I can think about! whipped cream! I will completely blow the fast day if I succumb.
Did I miss a post? You are going to a family celebration Ieramul? what are you celebrating? is it a holiday of some sort?
I envy you your dilemma, I'd love to have to figure out Christmas dinners with relatives. My sisters and their families and me and Adam will be getting together early this year, at the end of November. So, come Christmas it will only be me and my son. Very depressing but I don't know what to do about it. It was much easier when my older children lived at home even though we had no other family when we lived out west (Saskatchewan and Alberta). I always made a big deal and the kids and I enjoyed ourselves. I miss those times. I won't be getting a tree again this year. I've given up on real trees since Adam doesn't want to help me with them and they make such a mess just to be in the corner for a couple of weeks. One year the tree died. All of the needles were on the floor, it was crazy dragging a completely bare tree out to my car and having to sweep up all the needles. That is the other thing about trees, getting them home and taking them to the city works building afterward to be chipped. Anyway, I will decorate but I don't know how to make the holiday special with Adam. Last year my friend gave me evergreen cuttings from her bushes and I made a big arrangement in a pot instead of having the tree. Oh, Lordy! I did it again. Blah, blah, blah
Well, at least all this blather kept me from thinking of food for a few minutes LOL.
I think I will head over to the fasting today thread.
Sweet dreams. And a big group hug to my buddies!
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