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17 Nov 2014, 11:27
Hi again buddy friends. :grin:
Great news about your weight loss Ieramul, you did well to lose a pound after the weekend with your family, I wouldn't have been able to resist all of that lovely food. I hope this morning's hunger doesn't result in the same outcome as last Monday. Fingers crossed for you. :smile:
I'm so glad that you managed a successful fast yesterday Steph. I had never heard of Oblaten, I know of them as wafers but I've never had them, our family has never been 'churchy', the only time we go is for weddings and funerals. I had to Google Oma and Lebkuchen as I hadn't heard of them either. lol
I hope you can find a suitable car today, I'm not sure what to do about ours, I don't like making big decisions either, but as hubby is usually very confused I've had to take over the finances so I'm now responsible for everything. These things were always a joint decision when he was fit and healthy.
I'm still not back to my usual self but I'm a bit better than I was at the weekend, at least I'm up and dressed, I had to go back to bed after breakfast yesterday. This is going to be a busy week so I haven't got time to be ill. :neutral:
Right, so let's see what the day will bring, something good for us all I hope. :like:
17 Nov 2014, 11:30
I forgot to say that I am fasting today, I had a small breakfast and hope to last out until the evening meal before eating anything else.
17 Nov 2014, 20:20
Hi both of you. How are you coffee? Are you feeling better today? You always seem to be busy - which is great. No time to feel ill. I wonder how your fast went today.
Steph, did you find a car today? I hope you managed to relax a bit after all the stress.

I fasted until 3 pm and then broke the fast with a couple of apples. An hour later I had a slice of rye and sunflower bread with a bit of butter. When I got home DH had made some vegetable spring rolls of which I had two. I should have looked up the calories of those before I started. they are 200kcals each!!! That means I had around 700 kcals today. Not great but not a disaster either. It'll have to do. Speak too.
17 Nov 2014, 22:16
I'm not too bad Ieramul, I went over the 500 calories too but only by about 25 cals so that was OK. I was thinking about you today and what you said about having a meal at 4.30 and nothing after that on the day before a fast which makes you hungry on your fast day. The next time that happens how about having a small snack during the evening? It could take you a little over your TDEE but it might help. I hope your weight will still be at the bottom of your range.
Hi Steph, I hope you have had a good day and that by now you have a new car sorted out.

I'm still feeling the same, similar to flu symptoms but not so ill, I hope it doesn't get any worse. I really must try to get to bed early, it might make me feel better by the morning.
Speak tomorrow. :smile:
17 Nov 2014, 23:26
Hello you two :).
Staying exactly at 500 cals on a fast day is difficult. It is so easy to go over by 50 or so just by not counting the calories religiously. Sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly coffee. Early to bed.
I didn't sleep well last night. My mind kept running in circles for hours after I lay down for the night. I didn't dare look at the clock , I didn't want to know how late it was. My guess is I didn't get to sleep until at least 2 and then I woke up at 6 to take my thyroid medication, then slept fitfully until 7 when I had to make sure Adam was up for school. I went back to bed and just dozed for another hour. I tried sleeping in a little longer but just couldn't. I was too keen to get on with the day. I mailed the gift to my granddaughter for her birthday this morning, and OMG the price of postage was DOUBLE what it would have been to buy it on and have them ship it. I am definitely going to buy their gifts online from now on. I always loved getting parcels when I was a kid, they were a highlight of the season so I've made a point of putting together packages with toys, books, chocolates and such. I can't really afford to do that anymore, but I might send a little package on top of what I send from amazon. I've already bought some books and small toys for them for Christmas so I'll send them. Shouldn't be too much money, I hope!
The car shopping wasn't as stressful as I thought it would be. I took an ativan/lorazapam, an anti anxiety medication about 45 minutes before I headed to the dealership. He worked out a payment plan first then showed me the car I could get with that plan. I took it for a drive and wasn't comfortable in it at all. The frame around the windows was so wide there were large blind spots. I won't be buying it. He has another car but that one is even more expensive. I can't really afford the prices he gave me so I will have to look for a private sale. If I do that, though, I need to ask my friend Ille if she would loan me the cash and I'd pay it back over the next couple of years, like a personal loan. I have to do something or get prepared for being car-less. Well, things always work out for me in the end. I visit my friend tomorrow afternoon and will have the awkward conversation with her then. I have another friend who is so very assertive and can wheel and deal with the best of them. I think I will ask her to come with me when I look at cars in the future. She just bought a car and has already gone through all the hassle.
I haven't been eating well today. Way too many junky carbs again. I did choose fruit for my sweet tooth, though. I lost a lb this morning and my waist was 1/2 cm slimmer! Now I just need to keep that lb off in the next week. Haven't decided when my next fast will be. I'll decide when I wake up one morning maybe :).
Sleep well ladies!
18 Nov 2014, 08:43
Hi Steph, great news about the weight loss and the slimmer waist. My weight has been going down but my waist stays the same. Will you be entering your new weight into the tracker? When you look at the tracker and see the line going down on days when you feel that you've messed up and you've been eating the wrong foods, you feel that perhaps things are not so bad and it gives you the incentive to carry on.
Sorry that the car wasn't suitable but at least now you know what you 'don't' want when you look for the next one.
I haven't even started thinking about Christmas yet, I'm one of those people who leave it until the last minute and then panic.
I'm not too bad today, my throat is a bit sore but nothing that I would normally worry about. I'm off to the hairdressers this morning (I'll try not to give the poor girl my germs!), I hope the day goes well for you and that you managed to get some sleep.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
18 Nov 2014, 11:08
Good morning, both of you. Coffee, your illness sounds a pain (everywhere). Sometimes it is worse to be slightly ill or unwell as that tend to drag on and on. When I was younger I used to get a very high temperature one day and a night and that sorted me, like it burnt away all those germs. These days I seem to get ill with lower temperatures but it goes on for days and days.

Weight wise, we all seem to be on the right path here. Well done us three (pat on each other's back) It is true that success encourages and inspires to fast more which is bad news when we don't lose weight as we get so easily discouraged.

I am still the same weight this morning. I need a good eating day with lots of healthy food. After a fasting day, I always think I have to assure my body, that all is well in the world and there is indeed enough food for me in the future. :lol:

Steph, I really don't envy you finding the right car. I always think that the reliability is so important because it's usually the repairs that are killing. But you know what, I really liked your sentence: "Things always work out for me somehow" love, love, love it. Also well done for losing a bit of weight, I hope it keeps you motivated and substituting fruit for sweets is wonderful.

Last weekend I have found out that Christmas shopping will be dead easy for me this year. We will meet up with the children and their partners on the 27th December will do Secret Santa, which means everybody buys presents for just one person. My in-laws also urged not to do big presents, just maybe some little things like nice food treats etc. My parents and brothers and sisters plus their children haven't done presents for years. Living in different countries, the cost of sending parcels is prohibitively expensive and it is difficult to find presents to send that don't break, go off or are in the right language.
This has cheered me up because half the family celebrate their birthday around Christmas, so I always run out of ideas for Christmas. I haven't started buying for Christmas so I am very happy and I will make a proper list and get everything in one go.
18 Nov 2014, 14:19
Hi Ieramul, so glad that your weight hasn't increased, you seem to have it under control. Good news for me too, this morning my weight was 9st 7.5lb - that's just half a pound short of my goal weight. :grin: I haven't recorded it on the tracker though, I'm following your example and will be leaving it for a few days. I used to avoid putting my weight in the tracker when it had gone up too high, trying to convince myself that it wasn't true I suppose. Now I'm going to be honest and record it before a fast as that should really be my true weight when eating normally. You are a very good influence. :like: :like: :like:
I never think about Christmas shopping until December, by which time all of the best cards have been sold and the pressies which my grandchildren really, really want are sold out too. :cry: Must try harder! :frown:
I had my hair cut this morning, I like to keep it short but now I'm feeling itchy around my neck so I'm going to wallow in a lovely hot bath - of course just to get rid of the hair clippings, not because I'm being lazy and trying to avoid housework. Hahaaaa! :wink: :wink:
18 Nov 2014, 14:34
Dadaradadadaaaaaa - coffee, you are doing brilliantly!!!! You can lose this half pound by next week. Two good fast days and sticking to TDEE for the other days will sort that out for you.

Then we are going to work on a little buffer zone :wink: (maybe another pound in the next four weeks?) in preparation for Christmas, so that you can enjoy the festive season and start the New Year positively.
WELL DONE, WELL DONE :like: :like: :like: :heart: BIG HUG
18 Nov 2014, 14:35
Oh, and I forgot to say, you are by no means lazy. You are being kind to yourself, which is veeeeery important. I like that.
18 Nov 2014, 21:13
Thank you Ieramul for the lovely words, I would like to lose a little more weight if possible but I'm in no rush. I was thinking about a lower goal weight but not sure yet. :smile:
19 Nov 2014, 02:45
How wonderful ladies! congrats on the weight loss to your both and being so close to your target Coffee. You guys are doing so well!! Your bath sounds lovely. I hope you're feeling better and will have a good night's rest.
I'm more than discouraged today, I gained 2.5 lbs overnight! how is that possible? I know I ate too much yesterday and on Saturday but jeepers! I was doing so well today until I had some french fries from McDonalds and Adam bought me a chocolate bar which I didn't really want but ate anyway. I haven't really had supper and have no desire to eat anymore so even with the transgressions I shouldn't be much higher than my TDEE considering the good food I ate earlier. I will just have to make the next few days count until I fast again. I guess a couple of fasts are not going to stop the weight gain if I don't do something about the feed days. :cry: so hard!
I was asked to go on a field trip with the kindergarten classes this morning and I declined. I'm so glad I didn't go. It was -10 C and -20 C with the windchill. It was COLD. I hate to say this, but it was really boring at the school. The one class that didn't go on the field trip had a substitute teacher and she had no tasks for me to do with the kids. I left early, feigning a stomach ache. How ridiculous! Why couldn't I just say I am leaving? LOL I guess I feel a need to explain my desire to leave early when I usually stay until noon. Not giving a reason seems strange somehow.
I resisted cake during my visit with Ille this afternoon! yeah. I brought grapes which she ate with great pleasure. It is so easy to please her :) She has offered to drive me into the city to look at car dealerships. There were a number of cars online through an autotrader site that were in my price range. I intend on calling all the dealers tomorrow to find out if the cars are still available and if they would approve me for financing. I just couldn't ask her for a personal loan, just couldn't but I may have to if the dealers won't approve me.
Christmas, put on hold until I find a car. There is always a free turkey community dinner put on at a church in December for those on fixed incomes or who are alone over the holidays. I will phone tomorrow to find out what day it is on so I can put it on my calendar. I think it would get Adam and me more into the Christmas spirit. He told me today he didn't WANT a tree. I'm with him on that LOL.
Good morning to you both! I hope you slept well.
Till later...
19 Nov 2014, 02:53
Finally figured out the tracker. Jeepers I can be clueless sometimes. I was incorrectly inputting my kilos and grams. Silly. Anyway, it is depressing. :cry:
19 Nov 2014, 07:52
Good morning. :smile:
Yesterday I definitely ate over TDEE by ending the day with half a packet of Lebkuchen (spiced Christmas biscuits/cakes). That added at least 500kcals but I do want to have some treats. Today I wonder if I could do a no sugar low carb day but to eat to TDEE. It depends a bit how organised I am. Most low carb foods are those with meat/fish with vegetables or a salad. That is not as easy to do at work.

Steph I hope you find a new car - I really do - and I am sorry that you don't have any money for Christmas now :cry: I hope you can still enjoy this magical time. You seem to have fantastic friends - maybe you can get together and do a secret santa thing with giving each other home made things or so. Lack of money often inspires creativity. We do a secret santa at work with a £5.00 limit and it is hilarious what people can think of.

Coffee, enjoy today and don't forget - only another half pound to lose. You can do it. BIG HUGS :heart:
19 Nov 2014, 10:18
Good morning ladies, it seems that we all ate too much yesterday. I don't think the 2.5lb weight gain could possibly be all fat Steph, to gain 1 pound of fat you would have to have eaten about 3500 calories, therefore 2.5lb extra weight works out at about 8750 calories if I've done the sums right. So don't be disheartened, it was probably mostly water. That's why the tape measure is sometimes a better guide.
Do you remember the old rhyme - A pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter?

I was a bit stressed yesterday afternoon and evening so I kept eating but not as much as I used to on a bad day. I'm supposed to be going to the carer's group this afternoon but I'm not feeling too good, I'm coughing and spluttering, my head aches and just I feel poorly so I'm going back to bed.

I hope you both have a good day, I'll be back when I'm feeling better.
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