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15 Jan 2015, 10:09
Hi Buddies

Well done Steph, let's work on the non-fast days. My fast yesterday went well with about 100cals eaten late afternoon and then a lovely vegetable gratin in the evening with a bit of left over pasta. Altogether, I must have had somwhere between 500-600cals.

Today is an eating day and I am resolved to stay under TDEE with healthy food (not sugary stuff). I already had a banana for breakfast and have taken with me to work a whole lot of vegetables like carrots, celery, tomatoes and cucumber with me to snack with a dip at lunch time. For afternoon I have brought a couple of apples which should tie me over to my evening meal tonight of more vegetable gratin with a chicken filet instead of pasta. See how it goes.

I hope your car starts up again Steph and good luck with Adam's operation next week. I can understand that you are nervous about this. BTW I am also fasting tomorrow (Friday).

Coffee, I hope you are also fine. Steph and I are taking you on our wagon this January 5:2 journey until you can jump on your own again. Hope you have a great day.

Big Hug :heart:
15 Jan 2015, 12:10
I think I might stop trying to fast for a while and just be careful not to binge and perhaps miss out lunch now and then. The more I try to fast the more it all goes wrong, even 700 or 800 calories isn't working. I will start fasting again soon though. Yesterday was my second fastiversary, perhaps I need a break?
I'm glad that you are able to keep fasting through the cold months Ieramul, I'm sure you will be able to carry on until the weather warms up.

Both elderly men and women go to the Age UK coffee morning but there are more women there. I didn't go yesterday, hubby had to keep a record of his movements while he had the blood pressure monitor and he was a bit confused so I had to do it. I had to keep my eye on him most of the day, he kept going downstairs and poking about in the fridge and freezer as usual then back to bed, then out into the garden to feed the birds and back to bed again, I didn't know he moved about so much. I'm not sure how but the tube came out of the contraption and I managed to put it back, I don't know how long it was like that and if any of the readings are missing he will have to do it again.

We didn't get the snow but there was a thick layer of hail in the garden yesterday which hung around until the afternoon, and then last night was really wild, I thought the trees were going to blow down. It blew a huge golden privet out of the ground, my son moved it for me a couple of months ago and it obviously hadn't had time to put out new roots, it's OK though, easy to replant but I'll leave that job to Glynn on his next visit.
I managed to do some gardening when the hail stones had melted and then again for half an hour this morning. I'm trying to dig out all of the brambles while the soil is damp, they are a real pest in this garden.

Sorry to hear about you car Steph, this is the time of year when you need it most, do you think the problem was the extremely cold weather? I hope all goes well for your son's next dentist appointment. I still have a broken front tooth which looks awful but I can't find the courage to get it fixed.

I might not be fasting but I'm still going to be here, joining in when I can.
Keep warm :heart:
15 Jan 2015, 22:52
Hi Coffee, that is OK, you will let us know how you are doing every so often, won't you?

I hope your husband's tests will not have to be repeated and he will feel a bit more comfortable.

BIG HUG :heart: :heart:
15 Jan 2015, 22:53
Hi Coffee, that is OK, you will let us know how you are doing every so often, won't you?

I hope your husband's tests will not have to be repeated and he will feel a bit more comfortable.

BIG HUG :heart: :heart:
16 Jan 2015, 15:22
Coffee, a break for you sounds like a good idea. You have so many responsibilities with your husband. I hope you can find ways to take care of yourself and sorry to hear you couldn't go to your UK group. Perhaps next week. I hope the hail didn't damage your flowers and plants! We are having a few flurries this morning but not a big storm, thankfully. I will go out in a few minutes to check my car. I hope it starts without a problem. It isn't as cold today as it has been, only -5 C. Crossing my fingers. I will go to the bank while I'm out and get some change just in case I have to take the bus. I am really nervous driving this rusting heap now, never knowing when it will stall.
I gained a bit of weight over night. I thought I had stayed close to my TDEE but apparently not (I didn't buy a big roast beef sub after all, just a little flatbread and a salad). Thankfully today is a fast day! I want to lose another lb this week so I'm hoping I will resist all those crackers. I almost had Adam buy me a diet coke last night but resisted. It would just have sent me down a slippery slope!
Ieramul I'm proud you! you are so diligent and focused. Being prepared with healthy, low cal snacks is a great idea, keep it up!
Well, time to check my car. Enjoy the day ladies.
17 Jan 2015, 14:41
Good morning, another fast day successfully completed last night. It was a bit difficult in the afternoon after I had my first meal but then after an hour or so that "want" to eat disappeared until I wasn't even that hungry when I ate my second meal. Why did I eat it then? because I could and still stay within my calorie allowance! nutty, eating because I can rather than when I'm hungry. AGAIN!
My car started this morning, stalled then started again. Phew! I managed to get Adam to work on time. Then I had a breakfast sandwich and a very greasy, but oh so good, hashbrown. A whopping 560 calories for breakfast! more than a 1/3 of my TDEE. Oh well, I will have a stir fry for supper, low cal.
How are you doing today? I have to go out in a bit to find my grandson a birthday present as he turns 7 next Friday and I must get a parcel in the mail on Monday so he will get it on time. I've been putting off going to Walmart all week. Just had no desire to go shopping. Still don't but I must :). I'm listening to Nana Mouskouri. Wonderful voice and I haven't listened to her in years. I remember waking up to my mom playing Love is a Rose in the mornings. That was 30 some odd years ago!
Enjoy the day ladies!
18 Jan 2015, 19:51
Hi buddies, just popping in to see how you are getting on. I haven't eaten so much today although there are still a few hours to go till bedtime. I'm not quite ready for fasting yet, I was doing so well before Christmas and hopefully will get back to where I was very soon.
All the best C x
19 Jan 2015, 01:58
Hi Buddies
I have had Internet connection problems last night and last Thursday so forgive my lack of posting.
Steph, you are doing well overall. it is inevitable that we mess up and of course we are frustrated by that. I, too feel frustrated that I didn't manage my third fast on Friday and was really really bad on Saturday eating far too much. I finished off all the Christmas chocolates and those fudges I had asked my DH to hide (and found). Sunday was better but still over TDEE but not so bad sugarwise. I am dreading Monday's weigh in :cry: I am planning a very strict fast on Monday (today) and hope to cancal out my exesses over the past three days.

Coffee, lovely to hear from you and you will be able to fast again, soon.
Take care both of you.
big hug :heart:
19 Jan 2015, 17:33
Hello Coffee, don't stress over not fasting, is it not supposed to be workable in our daily lives? you can get back to it on your own schedule :). Ieramul thank goodness the Christmas chocolates are gone, no? I ask Adam to hide the goodies all the time, but then I inevitably go searching and find them! Now I throw out what I don't eat right away. Perhaps a waste of money but better to have a waist reduction LOL.
I've decided to try a lower carb diet as well as fasting. I did well yesterday and even resisted the rest of Adam's chips. BUT, I had so many pieces of quiche! to be fair, though, I used 5 eggs split between two pie shells so in reality I only ate about two plus some cheese and broccoli. Apparently it was a good way of eating because I'm down a half a pound since my bingeing on Saturday.
I was planning on going to my exercise class this morning, haven't been in weeks, but just couldn't push myself out the door. I have to go out later to mail my grandson's present and I don't want to do that either. I don't know what's up with this resistance to leave my cozy home.
Well, back to knitting. I'm on my second scarf, having finished the first yesterday. Enjoy the day my buddies!
20 Jan 2015, 12:44
Hi Buddies
Steph, you seem to be getting on top of things most of the time and that is all we can ask for because all of the time is not possible. Well done for resisting the chips. They smell so nice!!!

Wow you are on your second scarf - great. You can keep the whole of the nursing home warm at that rate. :wink:
The scales yesterday morning were as expected - 2lb above my maintenance range after finishing off all the tempting fudge and chocolates and Baileys last weekend. So yesterday I did a fast and managed to just have only two mugs of boullion at 10calories each. I was away for 13 hrs and when I got home at 9.30pm, I wan't that hungry - only WANTED to eat. I went straight to bed and this morning I broke my fast at 8.30 with a banana followed by a couple of apples and two fruit yoghurts. I really want to keep below TDEE today - DH is cooking a lovely meal tonight so I need to have planty left to eat tonight.
I have no idea why I keep wanting to eat today and yesterday I was totally cool with no food. :confused:

The weather has got a lot colder but luckily we have not had any snow so far, just ice. I hope we can escape snow this year.
Have a lovely day Coffee and Steph, take care and keep warm.
BIG HUG :heart:
21 Jan 2015, 00:11
Hello ladies,
I'm sure the scales will go down by your next weigh in Ieramul. Despite my fasting yesterday I only went down by a quarter of a lb. I haven't eaten properly today at all. Succumbed to the crackers yet again, to the tune of about 350 calories! the plus side is that I am not hungry at all now. Part of me wants to eat anyway but the other part is a bit stronger tonight and now I am waiting until I actually feel hungry so I can make a real meal instead of continuously snacking. I also don't know why I can go all day with out getting hungry on fast days after eating only two small meals yet on non-fast days I want to eat everything in sight and am seemingly never satisfied. Crazy.

There were a few flurries here today but nothing stuck. It was actually warm enough for some of the snow to melt. It will freeze again tonight, though, making the side walks treacherous. I actually got out of the house today. Had to take Adam to the dental surgeon (turned out it was only for a check before they do the actual surgery in April) and then to the lab to draw some blood. When he came home after school we walked to the post office so he could mail a parcel then to the bank. It was colder than yesterday and I was glad to get home. I am such a wimp. Last winter I went out everyday despite the weather conditions. Soooo lazy lately. Going back to the couch. "sigh"
21 Jan 2015, 00:12
Hello ladies,
I'm sure the scales will go down by your next weigh in Ieramul. Despite my fasting yesterday I only went down by a quarter of a lb. I haven't eaten properly today at all. Succumbed to the crackers yet again, to the tune of about 350 calories! the plus side is that I am not hungry at all now. Part of me wants to eat anyway but the other part is a bit stronger tonight and now I am waiting until I actually feel hungry so I can make a real meal instead of continuously snacking. I also don't know why I can go all day with out getting hungry on fast days after eating only two small meals yet on non-fast days I want to eat everything in sight and am seemingly never satisfied. Crazy.

There were a few flurries here today but nothing stuck. It was actually warm enough for some of the snow to melt. It will freeze again tonight, though, making the side walks treacherous. I actually got out of the house today. Had to take Adam to the dental surgeon (turned out it was only for a check before they do the actual surgery in April) and then to the lab to draw some blood. When he came home after school we walked to the post office so he could mail a parcel then to the bank. It was colder than yesterday and I was glad to get home. I am such a wimp. Last winter I went out everyday despite the weather conditions. Soooo lazy lately. Going back to the couch. "sigh"
21 Jan 2015, 09:57
Hello Buddies
The psychology of eating always baffels me, too Steph. I have decided to try and make use of it, so after a 36hr fluid fast on Monday,I am thinking of doing a 600-800cals downday (it's not really a fast) today. I have brought some left over food from my DH's lovely meal and will have it probably mid-late afternoon so that I am not going to be starving when I get home. Then I plan a normal down day on Friday again (400-500cals). Having this semi downday today, will hopefully tell my brain that it is not an open for all day and won't bother me. I've got to try it, don't I.
On the up side my weight was down almost two pounds from Monday's weigh in despite going over TDEE yesterday . I would have thought today would be a bit higer. Steph, that is another thing, the scales don't always reflect what we think it should say.

Coffee a special hello to you and hopefully we will have you on our little wagon again, soon. We miss your talks of Maisy and Cornwall and the Age concern meetings. You see my life is very boring - not much to tell - I go to work and come home in the evening. I am by no means complaining, because I have had enough excitement in my life and more often than not, it is negative. Both my parents and my inlaws are still relatively well and independent - my parents are in their early eighties and my inlaws in their late eighties/nineties, so I am happy with every day they don't need my help yet but I know it can't last forever.

So I am very happy and appreciate boring because I know life can change any minute. We have to make the best of every day. Lets enjoy this day, it will never come back.

Sorry, if I come over rather philosophical, melcancolic or whatever. Take care
BIG HUG :heart:
22 Jan 2015, 15:45
Just a quick note before I dash out the door to work. My official weigh-in today 135.4 lbs. 2 lbs heavier than last Thursday! not surprising considering how poorly I've eaten the past couple of days. Broke down and just bought two pairs of pants, up one size :cry:
Great job Ieramul! I wish I had your determination.
Take care my buddies! I will enjoy the sunshine here while it lasts.
22 Jan 2015, 19:42
Hi Buddies .... when I wrote the post yesterday, I couldn't have known... My mother-in-law died very unexpectely this morning.
Life changes so quickly - we must appreciate all the good. Take care both of you. Sorry, I don't feel like writing about fasting. I hope you are both well. Take care. BIG HUG :heart: :heart:
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