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02 Feb 2015, 23:00
Hello buddies, how are you both? I'm feeling like joining you coffee on your break. I'm fasting today but it is difficult. I really want to eat my second meal but am trying to hold off as long as I can because it will be so difficult not to keep eating all evening. I don't know why it is so hard today to do this, but I will do my best. I have four to five hours to get through until bedtime. It seems endless. I just have to tell myself I have already managed to get through 21 hours since eating last night so Don't Give In! I guess I will just have another cup of tea *sigh* I'm looking forward to eating tomorrow.
I had to take my car to the shop. My neighbour was going to move my car so the plow could come in and clean the parking lot behind the house. He pressed the window switch "by mistake" he says, (but I think because he was too lazy to brush off the car to see out the window and wanted to see the side mirror better to back up. Doesn't matter I hadn't told him the switch wasn't working properly.) and the window went down but wouldn't go back up! It is -10 C and I need the darn thing closed so I had to take it into the shop. It was an electrical problem and I told the mechanic to just force the window back into position and never mind the wiring. Thankfully he could do this and the window is now closed. It only cost me $50 but that is still $50 more than I wanted to spend on my jalopy. I NEED a new car! Ok, my moaning is over.
I'm thinking of you two, hoping your days have gone well. Have good dreams.
02 Feb 2015, 23:06
I hope your fast is going well today Steph, I couldn't join you as I had a lovely day out with my son and friends which included lunch and when I got home I kept eating, unable to stop.
I know you get a lot of snow but it's unusual to get any in Cornwall. It was snowing before I left this morning and I wasn't sure whether to go but it stopped and started melting. There was no snow in the small coastal town where we went but on the way home everything was white and it was still snowing heavily when I got back. It looked beautiful but it was not very pleasant when hubby had locked me out of the house. Probably the reason for the comfort eating when he finally let me in. I'm OK though and I'll try to fast tomorrow.
I hope you have a good evening and are able to resist the tempting goodies.
Take care buddy friends :heart:
03 Feb 2015, 00:26
Hello Buddies and Candice and anyone who vists us from time to time
I am so pleased to read all your posts of the last week. congratulations on your second fastiversary, Coffee. I am so pleased that you are fasting again, never mind how successful but trying and keeping the spirit of 5:2. Lovely day you had today with your son. Steph, sorry to hear you are still car hunting - you have my sympathy.

The funeral is over and I am starting to look for a place for FIL nearby as he lives 100miles away from his children and we are worried as he lives on his own now at 90 years of age. He is very sharp and loves his garden but not very secure on his legs. On top of that he is hard of hearing, so phone calls are a bit tricky. I am very fond of him and wish he could stay with us but our house is not suitable for him. Now we want to find a place where he is going to be happy.

Coffee and Steph, I assure you that you will get used to the laptop and will soon wonder why you hesitated, when you can sit on the sofa with the laptop on your lap. No computer table in the corner of a room with all those cables etc. I use a tablet and like the fact that I can go on line, write e-mails and can take it with me anywhere. I even have my kindle books on here and can view television in any room in the house.

I have been a bad girl over the weekend with far too much sugar. I don't know why I do it. But today I fasted all day until I got home from work and then had half an avocado and french bread with cheese. Two hours later I had a few prezels and a handful of nuts. I think I probably had 700 cals. Why did I have those nuts and prezel?
We are going to have snow tonight, so not looking forward to the scraping of car tomorrow morning.
Take care BIG HUG :heart:
03 Feb 2015, 23:18
Hello ladies, my bloody car wouldn't start today. Not surprising. But, my sister's partner is off looking at a car this evening. He is such a saint, taking the time and effort to look at vehicles for me! Perhaps by this time next week I will have a new (to me) car. It looks like I may have to bus it to work on Thursday and Friday in the mean time. Not looking forward to standing in the cold waiting but there is no alternative.
My fast went well yesterday after I waited out the "wanting to eat though full" stage. Today has been terrible, though, eating all the darn crackers and cheese, pizza and more carbs. Now I am REALLY wanting some chocolate :) but am feeling really lazy to walk to the store. Adam is at a friend's so I can't persuade him to go. That's a good thing. I'm also trying to pay closer attention to my blood sugars so chocolate is not a good choice LOL. I don't know how my blood work is so good when it is checked every three months by my doctor. It is a mystery.
Back to knitting. This scarf is coming out so pretty that I may just keep it for myself!
I hope you are both doing well. Oh, coffee, about the waffles, Ille serves them when she invites her girlfriends over in the afternoons. She usually invites me as well and I give in to the darn things every time. I could just eat the berries and cream which would be slightly better. Or I could eat before I went but she would be insulted I think. I could explain to her beforehand I suppose. Aw heck, I know what I SHOULD do, I just don't do it!
Talk again soon.
03 Feb 2015, 23:32
Hi again. Just saw your posts. Good to see you back Ieramul. Sounds like a good plan bringing your FIL closer to the family. Ille's husband is hard of hearing (I hate talking to him because of this and his German accent and his lisp makes it very difficult to converse) and has a telephone receiver which can be turned up very loud, not only the ring but the ear piece as well. He can probably converse better on the phone than in person. He doesn't always use his hearing aid. Perhaps you could find a similar phone for your FIL.
I've heard great things about laptops and kindles but I don't know if I'd like to have one. Watching tv up close and not across the room would seem so odd. Or reading on a kindle. I find the computer screen on my PC to be quite difficult to look at for long periods of time so I imagine reading a book would be more so. Maybe I'll feel differently whenever I get a laptop :).
Coffee I'm so happy you had time with your son, despite being locked out!
04 Feb 2015, 19:43
Hi buddies, fasting is not going well for me at all, I think I've had only one successful fast since Christmas. Each time I try I end up eating more than on a normal day. Yesterday was a disaster and as I missed lunch today I thought I would make this a fast day - but no, I've been gobbling junk all afternoon and can see myself carrying on the same all evening.
I'm not going to do it any more. I'll just eat normally and cut down a bit if my weight goes too high, as soon as I think about fasting something takes over my mind and my eating goes out of control.
I wish you both all the best with 5:2.
C x
05 Feb 2015, 11:26
Dear Coffee
Sorry, to hear you are leaving us. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Very sad for us and we will miss you - but we understand. If it is not working for you and you are dreading it, then you are doing the right thing. Life is not easy as it is - no need to fret over food, too. Maybe you can pop in sometimes and say hello.
We are wishing you all the best and all the happiness in the world.
Lots of love and take care BIG HUG :heart:
07 Feb 2015, 04:58
Coffee, sorry to see you go but I think you are doing the right thing as well. No need to fight with yourself and feel down if you can't fast. Stay well! take care of yourself. Big hugs to you.

So Ieramul, I started out fasting today but then couldn't resist Adam's chocolate. What poor 'stick-to-it-ness' I have! I'm not sure when I will try again. I'll see how tomorrow goes. How have you been doing? have you fasted since we last chatted? or have you been like me, giving in to treats?

I found a car! I will have it by late next week or early the week after. I am so happy, but nervous borrowing the money to pay for it. My sister's partner is a godsend! He went out of his way to help me with this. I will post a picture once I have it. Now onto organizing a wrecker to come take mine away.
Enjoy the day! :hugleft: :hugright:
08 Feb 2015, 17:04
Hi Steph, how great that you are soon going to have a new car thanks to your sister'S partner. I hope it won't give you any trouble in the future.

Last week my fasts were not particularly successful but tomorrow I will attempt a good fast again. are you fasting, too? Some weeks/days just seem to work better for whatever reason.

DH is sick so I have stayed in this weekend to catch up with some house work and I am now going to read a book instead of relaxing in front of the computer or TV. I am so looking forward to spring when the weather is getting warmer even though it is not nearly as cold here as where you live.

Lets try and do a good fast tomorrow together. keep warm and take care.
BIG HUG :heart:
08 Feb 2015, 17:04
Hi Steph, how great that you are soon going to have a new car thanks to your sister'S partner. I hope it won't give you any trouble in the future.

Last week my fasts were not particularly successful but tomorrow I will attempt a good fast again. are you fasting, too? Some weeks/days just seem to work better for whatever reason.

DH is sick so I have stayed in this weekend to catch up with some house work and I am now going to read a book instead of relaxing in front of the computer or TV. I am so looking forward to spring when the weather is getting warmer even though it is not nearly as cold here as where you live.

Lets try and do a good fast tomorrow together. keep warm and take care.
BIG HUG :heart:
10 Feb 2015, 13:09
Hi Ieramul,

yesterday's fast was a bust. I ate stupid foods, even donuts! Didn't have a meal at all just junk. I had a doctor's appointment that went well/didn't go well-both at the same time and I binged when I got home. Completely emotional eating. I don't know when I will try to fast again. Not today, I intend on making quiche and a salad for lunch, to get back into eating properly. I am going to Tim Hortons, a coffee shop with donuts, muffins, breakfast foods, lunch foods, all manner of temtation! I will resist and just sip tea while I visit with a friend. Well, time to hop in the shower and get on with the day! How are you Ieramul? was your fast yesterday successful?
11 Feb 2015, 09:31
Hi Steph, sorry to hear your fast went bust on Monday. Mine didn't go well either as I got tempted at 7pm to eat some of DH left over fish and roast potatoes. I had fasted until 3pm and i stayed under my TDEE but I am determined to do a full 0 calorie fast today as DH is not coming home tonight and won't tempt me.
I don't know what it is that my fasts have not been 100% successful. Maybe the motivation is higher when I have to lose and when I maintain I don't have to be so strict on myself.

If I manage my 0 calorie fast today, I will do a semi fast (20:4 - 800 calories) on Friday. Lent starts next Wednesday so I am determined to do extra well until Easter by hopefully cutting out sugar, too. I can't wait to see how that goes and if I will lose some extra weight.
Take care BIG HUG
13 Feb 2015, 10:34
Hi girls, I hope you are both well. I am afraid I have not been too successful these last two week. I believe this is because I am planning to do a special lent challenge with two 350 fasting days a week and no sugar until Easter. My brain seems to say: "The next few week will be tough just enjoy whilst you still can" This is of course silly.
Take care. BIG HUG
14 Feb 2015, 13:29
Hi again ladies, I'm just popping to see how are both getting on. I'm still in a non fasting phase, I'm not putting on any more weight so far, it's hovering around 9st 11/12 lb, not too bad. I might join in with fasting again but not sure when.

I hope you are both well and happy, all the best :heart:
15 Feb 2015, 23:01
Hi buddies
Lovely to hear from you coffee time and particularly great that you seem to maintain quite well.
Steph, are you OK, too?
Unfortunately I didn't do so well these past couple of weeks but starting tomorrow until Easter I have set myself a lent challenge of no sugar and two days' fasting at around 500cals. I used to do no-sugar-lent when I was a child but have not really managed as an adult. So this year it is my particular ambition to succeed as I managed as a child.

I will let you know how I am doing. Starting the no-sugar with a fast day tomorrow seems particularly important to hopefully lower my insulin levels. Right now I am quite excited about this, so much so that I am contemplating keeping a journal on what effect no-sugar has on me over this period of time.

Take care - BIG HUG
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