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22 Jan 2015, 23:16
Oh Ieramul, I'm so sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of you as you go through this sad time. Be well. :heart: :heart: :heart:
23 Jan 2015, 17:58
Sorry to hear your sad news Ieramul, what a terrible shock for you and you family. Sending you love and positive thoughts.
Big hugs :heart:
26 Jan 2015, 16:18
Hi Buddies
I hope you are both well, lots of things and changes happening here - but my husband is shouldering most. It is very hard on him.

I only did one full fast last week the other two planned fast days were just TDEE days though I did not overeat this weekend, which is interesting and I am just at the top of my maintenance. Today is a fast day because Mondays are just the easiest of the three days. I have had two oranges for lunch and will go home to eat a reasonable dinner.

Steph, I hope you are still resisting those crackers. :grin: Coffee, I hope you manage to maintain without fast days.

Take care BIG HUG :heart:
26 Jan 2015, 17:14
Hello Ieramul, coffee
good to hear from you Ieramul. I know how hard it is to lose a parent, and an in-law must be difficult as well. My father passed away in 2005 at the age of 65. Too young. Were you close with your mother-in-law? Did you see her often?

I only did one fast last week. Friday was a bust. Adam came home with his usual junk food after being paid. He offered me some cheezies and I just couldn't resist! the rest of the day went to pot. Monday is my regular fast day so I am going to commit to it today. It is noon and I am not hungry in the least. I plan on making a stir fry when I get hungry. Adam and I didn't cook on Sunday. Adam slept in until the early afternoon and then the evening just went by so fast and he had no interest in cooking and to be honest neither did I. He wants to make chicken wings tonight so I will get him to help put them in the crockpot in a couple of hours to be ready for dinner at 5. I will do my best to resist them but might have a baked potato for my supper. Will have to look up the calories before hand, though. I am amazed at how well you do with your fasting and sticking to your TDEE Ieramul! You sure have the right stuff for this WOL :).

I visited my friend and her husband yesterday and they have agreed to loan me some money for a car. Now my sister's partner has agreed to check one out in the city before I take a look. I've been checking online autotrader sights and kijiji. Don is very familiar with vehicles so knows his stuff. I am so grateful for his help! So, hopefully, I will have a new (used) car in the next couple of weeks.

I'm off to the post office and the library. Lots of hugs to you both!
27 Jan 2015, 11:56
Hi buddies
Great to hear you might be able to get a new (used) car soon and what a relief that you have someone with you who understands cars. I would be so grateful,too. I also see from you tracker, Steph, that you are holding your weight. Great.

Don't praise me Steph, I don't deserve it. I did a great fast yesterday until I got home and had a normal meal (chicken, peas, tomateos and a couple of fries. But then my brain somehow thought "fast over" and I had half a bowl of jelly with rasperries. So I probably ended up more around 1000cals and ruined my good work of the day. I'ts never over until it's over.

I will have another go tomorrow. Last week I wasn't that successful (apart from Monday) but I didn't overeat at the weekend so today I am spot on my maintenance weight although I would like to go a pound or so lower to have room for manouver. I have noticed that I don't fluctuate quite as much when not fasting and even with fasting it is never more than one or two pounds. Some people seem to fluctuate 3 to 4 pounds in a week.
Good Luck today girls: Big HUG :heart:
28 Jan 2015, 12:34
Hi Buddies
I am having another go at fasting today, as Monday wasn't really successful and probably can't do another fast this week. Tomorrow I have to drive to in-laws (100miles) for funeral on Friday, so might not post very much until next week. Steph, I wasn't particularly close to my MIL but she was a very good mother to DH and accepted me.

Take care both of you. BIG HUG
28 Jan 2015, 14:55
Hello ladies,

I haven't been doing well with eating properly and broke my fast on Monday with those darn chicken wings in the evening. They were so tasty. I ate the baked potato first, was very full but ignored that and had the wings, which led me to an out of control binge. Then yesterday I ate a big bag of chips for supper!!!! I've started another food journal and recorded every morsel I ate yesterday, at what time I ate it and my blood sugar readings throughout the day. It is appalling how often and how much I ate. I will do my best to eat properly today. I have a chicken pot pie defrosting for tonight's dinner. I am waiting for a call from a friend who may take me to a couple of car dealerships in the city this afternoon. One of them is having a big sale with food offered. If I go I won't eat first :). She is teaching this morning so I won't hear from her until early afternoon. Ieramul, I haven't weighed myself yet this week. I am afraid to! but my official weigh in is tomorrow morning so I will post that. I fear I've gained a couple of lbs.

I had every intention of going to the YMCA on Monday but...didn't. I am so lazy and I was having leg cramps. Cramps didn't stop me in the past! There is another class today so perhaps I will go to that, if my car starts. It is a very cold day, again.

Time to get my lazy butt out of this chair and get dressed for the day. It is already almost 10 a.m.!
Drive safe Ieramul. Thinking of you both, :hugright: :hugleft:
30 Jan 2015, 12:04
Hi buddies, I haven't been here for a while, I got rid of my computer and the desk which took up too much space and bought a laptop. I can't get on with it very well at all so I've hardly used it until now. Hubby hated me using the computer and I had to put up with continuous shouting about it, he still doesn't know about the laptop as I can easily put it out of sight when I hear him coming - although he shouts about everything else now....

I'm thinking of you and your OH today Ieramul, you said that you were not close to your mother-in-law but funerals are always sad.

I still haven't been able to fast yet, my weight must have reached 10 stone a couple of weeks ago but I didn't dare go near the scales. When I was able to zip up my jeans it had dropped to 9st 12 lb and has been hovering between 4 and 6 lb over my maintenance weight ever since. Not good but not bad enough to worry about.

Have you managed to find a new car yet Steph?
I think a food journal is a good idea, perhaps I should try that again, it might help me get back to fasting.

I won't leave it so long before popping in here again, I bought a computer mouse which helps as I find it difficult to use the 'flat thingy' whatever it's called, so no excuse - not that I need one as I love to hear from you both. Take care. :heart:
30 Jan 2015, 20:52
@coffeetime just read about yr second anniversary x congrats!
Sorry to hear you are struggling..i totally understand as i did that for most of last year.
Seem to have found my mojo again now so there's always hope! X
I think you mentioned taking a break - sometimes its the best thing to do when things go stale.
Hope things turn around for you x
30 Jan 2015, 20:55
Hope you guys dont mind me calling by..
Lots of interesting stuff on here and you're a lovely little group x
@Ieramul so sorry,just read of yr sad news..thinking of you and your OH x
30 Jan 2015, 21:21
Hello coffee, good to see you. Once my desk top computer dies I will get a laptop. My son bought himself one last fall but couldn't set it up properly, and I'm hopeless, so he will be taking it in to a computer shop to have them set it up and put on a good antivirus program. I hate the little "flat thingy" on laptops too! When I visited my daughter I would use her laptop. That thing drove me mad! sorry to hear your OH is such a nuisance. All that shouting must get you riled!

I've been steadily gaining weight. I've missed two fasts in a row now and I've been pigging out on everything in sight. So far today I've been fasting. Ate about 250 calories worth of stir fry and a bite of Adam's sub. He has now gone out for a long walk to the video game store. He will come home with treats again! I will resist! Tomorrow we are invited to my sister's for supper. Perhaps I will eat a very light lunch and then can eat with abandon at her place.

I've gained so much weight I had to go out and buy some new pants! I gave all of my old ones away last spring. I will just have to recommit to eating properly.

CandaceMarie you are more than welcome to drop by whenever you like :).
Sending hugs to all and sundry!
30 Jan 2015, 22:32
Thank you for your kind words @CandiceMarie, and it's nice to see you here, I actually missed my 2nd fastiversery, I didn't remember until the day after. I can't believe that I've been doing this for so long and on the whole it's been easy apart from a couple of blips, one in September and one since Christmas but I'm determined to carry on, I would hate to go back to being fat and wearing size 18 clothes again.

Hi Steph, I'm sure I will eventually get used to this laptop, it's not only the different way of using it but I don't like Windows 8 at all so far.
Sorry to hear that you had to buy some new pants, I started buying cheap charity shop clothes when I lost weight as I knew that I would soon have to replace the next size down. I kept hold of a couple of pairs of jeans that are one size too big 'just in case' - not a sensible thing to do as it's kind of defeatist, I think I should have got rid of them all as psychologically it seems to say that I won't be able to keep the weight off. ....but I WILL. I've been sorting out old clothes and books ready for the charity shop and I'm going to include the jeans too!
I'm wondering if the cold weather makes us eat more and if it will be easier for you when the weather warms up? You started this WOE just as it was cooling down, summer salads rather than winter stodge might be better - I think they will be for me. Something positive to look forward to. :wink:
31 Jan 2015, 00:24
Hello Coffee,
I agree, spring and summer tend to be easier with all the light foods we tend to eat then. It is just too hot to want to eat more here in the summer. That said I gained weight last summer after losing in the spring. It is my motivation or stick-with-it-ness or lack there of that gets me stuck in terrible eating habits. My moods tend to be better in the spring and fall so I have an easier time of eating well. Summers also mean lots of decadent waffles with whipped cream eaten at all of Ille's coffee afternoons! I don't know how she manages not to be big as a house. She eats so much of everything! She only gains a little in the winter then it all falls off her in the summer when she works 12 hour days in her garden. She is 72 and in better shape than me, at 48! sad really :frown:

It is 7 p.m. here and I only have 4 hours to go till bed. I am still full from my lunch and plan on having a large salad and a few pecans for my dinner, if I get hungry. I'm all out of eggs which I would usually have in my salad. I go grocery shopping tomorrow.
Have a good morning, ladies. See you on the other side!
31 Jan 2015, 18:13
I hope you got through your fast day successfully yesterday Steph. I've just had a thought, I expect your friend knows that you are doing 5:2? Would she be able to provide some low/lower calorie cakes for you? Perhaps a little less of the whipped cream might be better for you but still delicious?
How did you get on with your car search the other day? If you had found one I'm sure that you would have mentioned it, I wish you luck the next time.

I'm hoping to start fasting again next week but I say that to myself every week so I'm not holding my breath.
Have a nice afternoon. :heart:
01 Feb 2015, 02:36
Hi Coffee, I haven't yet found a car but am actively looking after burying my head in the sand in December. My friend took a look at one today but it was no good. I just came home from my sister's stuffed to the gills but still wanting to eat! no surprise there. She sent me home with cheesecake that Adam doesn't care for so I am eating it. I think I will throw it in the garbage. What a shame but better than gorging myself. My fast went well yesterday and I dropped 2 lbs overnight. I imagine I've gained them back after a large dinner of mac and cheese, salad and cheesecake! I intend on tracking my February weight in my signature starting tomorrow and put January in the past. It is a little horrifying to see it spelled out so clearly. Perhaps I will soon get with the program. It felt so good to fast yesterday. I'm hoping to cook all day tomorrow, making burritos and individual pizzas for my son's afternoon snacks and borscht for me. We will also be cooking dinner together and I'm looking forward to it. I told my sister and her partner that Adam will cook for them soon. We will make a big spread of rouladen, mashed potatoes and red cabbage. I think I will wait until later in the month or even into March. Maybe I can actually lose some weight before I see them again. My sister's been gaining too.
Time for some tea and to knit.
Oh, my friend would offer low cal treats I'm sure. It is I who would have to resist those waffles even if there was fresh fruit. When it is just her and I, I bring fruit and nuts with me to share. Last time, though, she had some mini cakes and delicious hazelnut chocolates. We ate the strawberries I brought after the treats :). It is all in my head. If I could only get mentally set in healthy behaviours I would be alright.
Ok, now to that tea! I will say good night. and good morning ladies :). I will be fasting on Monday again so you can join me coffee :).
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