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27 Mar 2015, 07:02
Hi Steph, I think it is good to listen to your body and only eat if you are hungry. Don't think you have to eat in the evening unless you feel hungry. The body will tell you.
Did I understand this right - do you have IB? If you have IB (my mother has it), try and leave at least four hours between meals and don't graze. Your stomach is overworked otherwise. I think your tagine is excellent for that it has only vegetables and meat.

I am pleased to hear Adam's tastes are changing. Btw, what is pop? Is it a fizzy drink?
FIL has left again and he liked th place. Now I am not sure what is happening. There is a waiting lis anyway.
I have been naughty and had some chocolate the other day. I got it for FIL and he didn't eat it so I ate it.

Today is another day. I will try and fast. Take care BIG HUG
27 Mar 2015, 07:02
Hi Steph, I think it is good to listen to your body and only eat if you are hungry. Don't think you have to eat in the evening unless you feel hungry. The body will tell you.
Did I understand this right - do you have IB? If you have IB (my mother has it), try and leave at least four hours between meals and don't graze. Your stomach is overworked otherwise. I think your tagine is excellent for that it has only vegetables and meat.

I am pleased to hear Adam's tastes are changing. Btw, what is pop? Is it a fizzy drink?
FIL has left again and he liked th place. Now I am not sure what is happening. There is a waiting lis anyway.
I have been naughty and had some chocolate the other day. I got it for FIL and he didn't eat it so I ate it.

Today is another day. I will try and fast. Take care BIG HUG
27 Mar 2015, 07:03
Hi Steph, I think it is good to listen to your body and only eat if you are hungry. Don't think you have to eat in the evening unless you feel hungry. The body will tell you.
Did I understand this right - do you have IB? If you have IB (my mother has it), try and leave at least four hours between meals and don't graze. Your stomach is overworked otherwise. I think your tagine is excellent for that it has only vegetables and meat.

I am pleased to hear Adam's tastes are changing. Btw, what is pop? Is it a fizzy drink?
FIL has left again and he liked th place. Now I am not sure what is happening. There is a waiting lis anyway.
I have been naughty and had some chocolate the other day. I got it for FIL and he didn't eat it so I ate it.

Today is another day. I will try and fast. Take care BIG HUG
27 Mar 2015, 12:47
Hello Ieramul,

I am fasting today as well. I'm hoping it will be relatively easy considering I work until 2:30 in the afternoon and lately haven't wanted to eat much before 4 on fast days. I will be making a tofu and vegetable stirfry for my main meal. Last time I made it it filled me up so much I didn't need to eat anything else for the rest of the day.

Yup, I have IBS, irritable bowel syndrome. Terrible thing, annoying and embarrassing at times. I started taking a probiotic with my first meal of the day last Saturday and so far it seems to have worked miracles. No more bloating and other symptoms have lessened as well. There are still certain foods I won't eat, though. I always leave at least 4 hours between meals naturally. Sometimes I don't eat for 5 or 6. I tend to eat too much at my first meal at 4.

Ah, chocolate. I brought 4 little chocolates with me when I visited Marion on Wednesday. Two for each of us. She was so pleased as she never has chocolate, her family won't let her because of her diabetes yet they have supplied her with cookies., go figure! Two tiny chocolates wouldn't spike her sugars. So, after the taste of chocolate, I took a couple of cookies home from the coffee lounge. When I got home I ate all of Adam's cheezies and yoghurt covered pretzels. So, I went off the rails again. Seems I just can't eat a bit of a treat, I go all in! Pop, is soda pop. In the States they call it just soda, here pop. It is drinks like Coke and Gingerale, carbonated sweet drinks. What do you call them?

I better hop to it. Finally did my taxes and want to mail them out as well as a letter to my mom.
Happy fasting! :heart: :clover: :clover:
27 Mar 2015, 22:22
Hi Steph, what a nuisance having IB. I am sure you know exactly what to do and you have researched it well. This together with diabetes is certainly worth trying out every food combination to see what is most beneficial.

Well I also don't know why we can't eat moderately. It seems to be either all or nothing. I was doing quite well today with having a banana late morning and then some raw vegetables (carrots, peppers,radishes and cucumber) with a bit of low fat dip and a few cracker style slices of bread, when I remembered the lunch time leaving do for one of my colleagues . Everybody had a meal (burgers or chicken) apart from me who just had some water with lime. I thought I was getting away with the fast when DH called and said he wanted to go out to an Indian restaurant after work. I didn't want to spoil it as I don't want my fasting dictate our life. So I abandoned the fast and had a delicious but far too calorific evening meal. I am just hoping I didn't go over TDEE too much.
DH is going away on Sunday, so I will try a fast then, although I don't know if I can do a fast when I am at home near all the food. Fasting seems so much easier when at work.
We call a pop a fizzy drink. Take care and BIG HUG
27 Mar 2015, 22:23
Hi Steph, what a nuisance having IB. I am sure you know exactly what to do and you have researched it well. This together with diabetes is certainly worth trying out every food combination to see what is most beneficial.

Well I also don't know why we can't eat moderately. It seems to be either all or nothing. I was doing quite well today with having a banana late morning and then some raw vegetables (carrots, peppers,radishes and cucumber) with a bit of low fat dip and a few cracker style slices of bread, when I remembered the lunch time leaving do for one of my colleagues . Everybody had a meal (burgers or chicken) apart from me who just had some water with lime. I thought I was getting away with the fast when DH called and said he wanted to go out to an Indian restaurant after work. I didn't want to spoil it as I don't want my fasting dictate our life. So I abandoned the fast and had a delicious but far too calorific evening meal. I am just hoping I didn't go over TDEE too much.
DH is going away on Sunday, so I will try a fast then, although I don't know if I can do a fast when I am at home near all the food. Fasting seems so much easier when at work.
We call a pop a fizzy drink. Take care and BIG HUG
27 Mar 2015, 22:45
I LOVE Indian food (although my stomach doesn't)! haven't had it in years, though. No one to go with. Well, actually last year my neighbour, Tom, had won an evening meal for two at an Indian place. He kept dropping hints that I might like to go with him. I didn't want to, though. I can only handle him in small doses, he tells very elaborate stories and toots his own horn too much. He is a nice guy, brushed off the snow on my car from all the winter snow storms, drives my son to work every Saturday morning and other such things, but sitting in a restaurant for a couple of hours with him I can just imagine getting antsy to get away from him! How awful for me to say such things about another person!
I'm glad you treated yourself to dinner, as you say, this WOE is supposed to fit into our lives not rule them. Well done for staying strong during your lunch social! You have great restraint.
I've already eaten my calorie allowance and have another 4 hours to go till bedtime. I'll be sipping gallons of tea! :lol: There should be a smilie for full to the brim with tea! or at least a tea cup/coffee mug icon :smile: Sweet dreams! :sleepy:
28 Mar 2015, 20:18
Hi Steph, I get your dilemma with the invite from your friend. You don't want to give him hope... :smile:

The meal was delicious and I thiught I wouldn't eat for another week but alas I had brunch at midday with DH and about to have supper. On top of that I have had some chocolate creM today, completely crashing my lenten challenge. This means tomorrow I will not eat any sugar.

Not much to tell, just visited my old friend this afternoon and she is OK but tired. I hope you are OK today.
TaKe car and BIG HUG :heart:
28 Mar 2015, 21:14
Hello Ieramul. Tom is a nice guy but he is a bit forward. Out of all his friends and neighbours here, I am the only one he hugs and gives pecks on the cheeks to. He is a bit tiresome with his, "Hi beautiful!" and "There's Miss Sexy". Oh well, *sigh* he means well and I've made it clear I don't want anyone else in my life at the moment. He does put a smile on my face at times. The oddest thing, though, is when he says, "oh is that a new blouse/shoes/pants? He knows my wardrobe better than I do!

I made it to my March 28th goal. I'm down to 132 lbs! 4 lbs lost this month. So what do I do? I eat pizza for dinner and two scoops of ice cream with chocolate syrup for dessert! And tomorrow my sister and her OH are coming for dinner. Adam and I are making rouladen again, and then for dessert I've made chocolate brownies with chocolate chips and chocolate icing. Which I will serve with ice cream, strawberries and chocolate syrup. Don, my sister's partner LOVES chocolate so I'm going all out for him :smile: He's the one who did all the running around for me to get this new car. He is storing my tires at his place too so he will take the winter tires off when we visit them Easter Sunday and put the summer tires on for me. He's a gem!

I've finished washing the stairs, a big job what with all the road salt and sand tracked in. I hate the thought of doing it but actually enjoy it while I am washing them. Strange. And then it is so gratifying to see them so clean! Adam is actually cleaning his room even his dresser-which was overflowing with "stuff" - not just his floor. I don't know what's gotten into him but I like it :smile: Once he is done I will mop all the floors. Having company sure is an incentive to clean house! It also helps that it is bright and sunny. The wind was too cold to walk to the grocery store today - I hate wind, the one type of weather I won't walk in- so I drove. I actually went to 4 different ones :grin: Each had different ingredients for my supper menu but of course I forgot to get carrots so I will go out again tomorrow. Perhaps there will be no cold wind and I will walk.

On to more cleaning! Will you be fasting on Monday? I intend to after all the indulgences of the weekend! It is sure easy to give in to treats. I don't know if I will count the ice cream as a "treat" on my list of things not to eat. Strictly speaking I am not to eat the junk that can be bought at the variety store or that Adam brings home, like chips and marshmallow strawberries! yum! and caramels, and chocolate bars. Maybe ice cream doesn't count because I bought it at the grocery store :lol: :wink:
Enjoy your evening. :heart:
28 Mar 2015, 21:29
well done Steph on so many levels:
First and foremost drumroll.....for raching your March goal. You should be very proud indeed. :heart:
Then well done for getting those stairs done.
And thirdly for making sure Don will be happy tomorrow with chocolate cookiies since he has been so kind and helpful to you.
And Adam????? what is going on.? Is there a girl friend waiting in the wings? Generally that is a sign in teenage boys that they are in love. :oops:

I will be fasting with you on Monday indeed. We both seem to have a bit of making up/good to do. Have a wonderful Sunday. Take Care
30 Mar 2015, 01:58
Well, it is all over. All the preparations and a job well done :). Dinner was a success although it got off to an awkward start at the table when we couldn't seem to find a topic to discuss. Adam jumped in and saved the day. I struggle with people I don't know well - yes, I don't feel I know my sister very well- to begin and sustain a conversation. Also we live such contrasting lives with not much in common. She with her partner in a large modern home which they are painting and decorating; both having good jobs but having to get up early to go to them. Me, single, on disability, getting to sleep in every day, on very low income compared to them; I live in a small apartment and go to thrift shops to decorate my home. We did chat for a while about their upcoming stay at a cottage near my stepmom this summer. They will be going zip-lining of all things! All went well. I didn't realize how nervous I was about the whole visit until we were in the middle of dinner! LOL This was the first time I've had them over together. I've had both of my sisters over for lunch in the past but they just talked to each other and I was left out. This time we all had to talk. The food was great, the brownies a bit too fudgy and dense for my liking but Don happily took all the leftovers home. Adam and I polished off the rest of the ice cream, yeah! now I won't be tempted tomorrow. Adam's supper will be leftovers and I will have a stir fry when I decide to eat. I am so full now I'm hoping I won't have any desire to eat until late tomorrow afternoon. I don't know what I will do to keep busy tomorrow. I have my exercise class in the morning but then the whole afternoon will stretch before me. Perhaps I will go to the library, take back the book I don't like and find something I'll be interested in reading. I have been watching WAY too much tv and should really do something else. I just watched Call the Midwife before doing all the dishes. It is a British show, perhaps you've seen it? I may watch it again next Sunday. My daughter had an interest in becoming a midwife for many years but then circumstances unfolded to where she would have to make sacrifices to go to school to become one. She was at each of her brother's births and wasn't squeamish at all. Played cat's cradle with the doctor in the corner of the delivery room as I was having contractions. She is still unfazed in medical circumstances. A very laid back lady, my daughter. :smile:
I hope your Sunday went well. I am debating going out for a short walk. I wimped out this morning and drove to the store to get some carrots. I should really get some exercise, lazy Steph!
Happy fasting :clover: :clover: I'll be with you when the sun comes up in my part of the world!
30 Mar 2015, 12:00
Hi Steph, you did so well entertaining your sister and BIL. It seems strange that you were almost shy with your sister, but I can understand it. I feel similar with my sister - our lives couldn't be more different, she much younger, so we didn't even share our childhood. Due to our mother often not being very well, I was minding her rather than playing or competing with her. I left home for college when she was just 7 years old so all we have in common now is our parents and family we can chatter about. I am always fine for topics for couple of hours but then we run out of common experiences. I see her once a year and she is such a nice person but also a stranger to me.

Yesterday (my sugar exemption day) I ate really unhealthy food. I went to a shopping mall as the weather was terrible and DH working and there I had a cup of coffee and a lemon drizzle cake for lunch. When I got home at 5pm, I had about 1/3 jar of Nutella and coffee and then at 7 pm I had some left over chicken with a bit of vegetables. I didn't even bother heating it up. My weight this morning is not changed. The problem is that I could easily use my TDEE on unhealthy food only and not gain weight because unhealthy food is of course also filling. I have now vowed not to eat any sugar until next Sunday and of course today is a fast day. I will only eat vegetables and a bit of meat tonight.

How is Adam's girl friend doing? :wink: :razz: Take Care and Big Hugs
03 Apr 2015, 14:11
Hello Ieramul, sorry for the long silence, just haven't been on the computer all week. How are you? have you managed to stay away from sugar this week? I just had some candy that Adam brought home from school yesterday. His teachers all gave him Easter candy. I've had enough after 3 little chocolates. Funny how I don't want anymore. I'm thinking of going to Tim Horton's to get a cinnamon raising bagel for breakfast and having a bowl of strawberries and bananas. I fasted yesterday as I want to cook quiche with Adam today instead of Sunday because we will be going to my sister's that day for a dinner of ham and scalloped potatoes. The fast was easy. I ate all of my calories around 3:30 in the afternoon and wasn't hungry for the rest of the day. Surprising.
I made Brötchen on Tuesday and froze them, after eating six of them with butter and jam. That is pretty much all I ate that day! I was so full after 3 but kept eating them anyway, of course *sigh*. I haven't been tempted since. I will wait until Sunday.
It is a beautiful day here. All the stores are closed for Easter Friday, except some restaurants. I plan on going for a walk once my laundry is done. It is a beautiful day here, sunny and warm. It may rain later, though, like it did yesterday. The snow is melting! and I've seen snowdrops in my neighbour's yard. Each year they spread and cover more of the grass. Soon the daffodils and tulips and crocuses will be up. The tulips my sister gave me last Sunday are still blooming beautifully. I see them every time I walk from the kitchen to the living room. Putting them in the hall was a good decision as I never notice flowers when I put them in the living room on the bookshelf.
Well, time to do the laundry and clean the bathroom so I can reward myself with that walk!
I hope all is well with you! how did your Monday fast go? and how are you faring today?
Big hug! :heart: :clover:
03 Apr 2015, 22:37
btw I wish I could eat unhealthy food and not gain, but alas that is not the case. Even if I count all the calories and stay within my TDEE allowance I still gain. Must be the combination of foods I eat, sugars and fats. Good to hear all your hard work isn't affected by your rare indulgent days.

Have a great evening! or more likely, at this time, sleep! sweet dreams :sleepy:
05 Apr 2015, 20:37
Hi Steph, HAPPY EASTER to you. Thanks for your post. What a lovely time you are having.

My son has come home for Easter and it is lovely to have him with us. DH had to work over the past days so I was grateful for his company. As I was offering him all these goodies I broke my fadt early and I have absolutely been going crazy. I have had an awful lot of sweet stuff and I am not sure it will show next week. i will start fasting again on Tuesday but until then I am going to have a good time and not think of calories.

We too had wonderful weather today. It raises the spirits and makes us feel so wonderful. I hope you can enjoy the rest of the festivities and I will try and pop in tomorrow to say hello. Take care and big hug.
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