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11 Mar 2015, 16:53
Hi Steph, sorry for getting back to you so late but I have been away on business staying in London for two nights. I am always so happy when I get home again. My fast on Monday did go out of the window. I find it difficult when I work at a trade show and finally relax I want to eat something. Unfortunately there are not that many healthy options and I resent paying £7.00 for a green salad. So I have done a fast today. So far I have had a couple of banans and a few grapes and it is almost 5pm

Well done for managing such a good fast last Friday. It is strange but when a fast goes well I just don't know what the fuss is all about but then there are times when it is just more difficult. I still not sure why that is so.

I hope you managed another good fast this week. I think it is important to do at least one fast just to not give up completely and hang on to that wagon.

Take care, BIG HUG :heart:
11 Mar 2015, 21:19
Hello Ieramul, good to see you! What business are you in that takes you to trade shows? Fasting was easy this week. Sunday I wasn't very hungry and didn't eat until late in the day, but then I went over by about a hundred calories by miscounting calories. I still count it as a success, though. Yesterday I fasted but not by choice really. I felt so full to bursting all day, don't know why and ate not a morsel of food. It is now 5 today and I've eaten a bit. My stomach is complaining so I should probably stop :). I don't plan to fast again this week but if I get another day like yesterday I will be forced to. Plus side, I'm down to 132.8 as of this morning, not sure I can maintain that until my official weigh-in on Saturday but I'll do my best. I am really wanting some of Adam's chocolate. I hope I can resist it and not sneak into the freezer (where he keeps it) and have a nibble :smile:
Take care! great to have you back :heart:
11 Mar 2015, 22:52
Steph, stay strong!!! :wink: You did very well and your weight looks good. I am very happy for you. Keep at it - you will be so pleased when the day is over.

I did quite well until supper tonight and indulged in too much food. But at least I stayed off the sugar.

Steph you asked what I do at work. My company manufactures venetian plaster that imitates stone wall finishes made from marble and lime. We are a relatively small artisan company that imitate expensive stone as well as urban trendy concrete effects using a trowel or paint brush. At the moment it is trendy to imitate metal or even rust finishes but we always come up with new ideas of how to make people's interior walls unusual. As I work in marketing I have to organise some Interior Design trade shows throughout the year but this is only a small part of my job. With only two marketers my job is very varied because we do almost everything in house - product launches, brochures, adverts, press releases, mail shots, instruction films, social media etc.

I wish you luck for the rest of the evening. I am going to bed now. Take care. Big HUG
12 Mar 2015, 02:51
Oh, I wish I had seen your post earlier. I now have a big red X on my calendar instead of a check mark :frown: Now that I think of it I should have gone online to check out the non-fast day tent, but then I would have had to boot Adam off the computer. I ate three chocolates and about 20 chips/crisps. I made up for not eating yesterday! hopefully it doesn't cause too much weight gain. I am going to Gisela's house tomorrow where she will offer cake and sweets again. I will try to stay strong and not gorge myself on everything she puts on the table.
Your job sounds wonderfully interesting :smile: . Do you find it rewarding? are you happy to go to work every day? I work tomorrow and Friday over the lunch hour at my little job. It is so menial but I like the routine and I feel useful. I also like getting a little extra money in my pocket.
Today I visited Marion, my 93 yo friend. She is so sweet. She told me her 'boyfriend' went off to war for two years and nearly lost his leg. While he was away she had two marriage proposals which she flatly turned down. She waited for her sweetheart to call and tell her he was coming home. They got married as soon as he came home from overseas. He was the love of her life and died when he was 70 leaving her alone for the last 23 years. She thinks of him everyday. She has a teddybear perched on her bed with "Harry" printed across its chest. Harry was her husband. She is blessed to be so much in love for all these years.
Time for bed! Talk again soon. :heart: :heart:
12 Mar 2015, 10:08
Never mind, Steph, today is another day. We always get a new chance is that not wonderful?

I have exactly a friend like yours. She is now 95 and lost her husband when he was 60. Same think love of her live. They started dating when she was 17 and married when she was 21. He had to go to war and luckily came back. They couldn't have children and were very, very close (probably because of it) Her only sister married her husband's brother and they also didn't have children, so they did everything together (holidays etc). After her husband died her sister and husband looked out for her, but then sadly about 12 years later they both died within 3 days of each other (natural causes) and suddenly she was all alone in the world - no relatives. Unfortunately now, she just wants to go to her husband. She is in a nursing home and her brain is as sharp as ever and she can't communicate with anybody because most of the other residents are senile and she is also hard of hearing. Apart from lovely carers shes is very lonely.
But as you said, she had such a wonderful husband and they loved each other so much - that is not something many people are allowed to experience.

Steph, I enjoy my job and whilst sometimes I wish I had more time to do things at home, I also know that retirement always comes round quicker than one thinks (I am 54) and then I have all the time in the world to do all the things I always wanted to do. I never dread going to work, I have a very kind boss and whilst he is here, I am going to stay until I have to stop working due to life circumstances. My parents are elderly, my FIL is 90 so you never know when they suddenly need me.

Take care Steph, enjoy a non fast day.
BIG HUG :heart:
13 Mar 2015, 03:33
Hello Ieramul, it is so difficult for these elderly folk. Being in your 90's and just waiting for death, heartbreaking. Marion lives in an entirely different environment than your friend I think. It is a "seniors' residence" and has people as young as 70 all the way to 99 years. They all have their own rooms with bathrooms attached. Like small apartments. She dines with the other residents in a lovely dining room with tables set with linen tablecloths and napkins. There are many activities although most are out of Marion's range of ability. I try to get her out of her room to the socials when I can. She sits in her room all day except when they take her downstairs for meals. Her daughter visits every evening and talks with her on the phone during the day. She also has grandchildren and her two sons who visit her often. I am going to take her outside when the weather is nicer and the sidewalks are clear of snow and ice. I can use a wheelchair as she is pretty unsteady on her feet even using her walker and take her around the block. I think she will enjoy being outside.

I agree, it is great to know that there is always another day, another chance to eat properly. When I was calorie counting and aiming for only 1200 calories a day, every day, last January, I would binge sometimes and it would mess up my weight loss in such a huge way and I would feel miserable. I don't feel that way now if I have a day with junk food. Much better experience this WOE. I ate within my TDEE range today but all the wrong foods. Crackers again :dazed: I didn't eat any treats today, though, so another big check mark on my calendar! :victory: I am thinking of fasting again tomorrow, the third of the week. I've been taking a new medication which has messed up my digestion the last few weeks. I need to rest my stomach again and hopefully get things moving. I will have to decide if it is worthwhile staying on the med. A difficult decision.

I'm happy to hear you enjoy your job. I vowed 6 years ago, when my life drastically changed that I would only work if I enjoyed it. I can pick and choose what I want to do (according to my abysmal work experience :lol:) . I don't have a lot of money, but I have enough to pay the bills, so I don't have to work if I don't want to. I will keep this job, though, as the money I earn is going to pay off the car and I look forward to the work days.

That time again, the bed is calling :sleepy: Have a wonderful day! Are you fasting?
13 Mar 2015, 22:23
Hi Steph, I get the feeling you are back on track with this WOL. I am sooo pleased. :like: I hope your new meds work out for you eventually. It is nice that you are in a position that you don't have to work anymore unless you want to. That is the perfect way to be. It gives you time to visit your friends etc. I might ask if I can reduce my work to four days a week but at the moment I am still OK and I keep telling myself there is always time to retire. Once I retire I can't go back anymore because they will replace me. I want to get that decision right.

I fasted today and I am pleased how well it went as I am not very proud of the rest of the week and my fast on Wednesday was a bit haphazard. Today I only had two apples, two carrots a celery stick, a tomato and a bit o cucumber with a home made dip of Quark, yoghurt and a bit of creme fraiche. So no refined carbs for me. I will try and do another such a low carb day on Monday.

On Sunday we have Mother's day so I am going to visit DD no. 1 where we will be joined by DD no. 2 and possibly my son. DD no. 1 lives the most central so that nobody has to travel too far. I am very much looking forward to this.

Steph, keep up the good work, maybe you could do no-crackers for lent instead of o sugar.
Take care BIG HUG
14 Mar 2015, 02:59
Hello Ieramul, I laughed out loud when I read your line about giving up crackers for Lent. Don't think I didn't consider that! but the sweets, chocolate and potato chips are the biggest vice I have to deal with. If I can get those beat then I will tackle the crackers! I have to confess I ate 10 triscuits for a total of 100 calories today. I'm proud that I didn't eat the whole box :razz: I am getting better!

You hardly ate anything today! Wow. Good for you for sticking with it. My fast hasn't been a total fast at all. I've eaten about 800 calories, finishing off with a bagel with butter. I was starving :neutral: . I won't be eating until 3ish tomorrow so perhaps that bit of fasting will help as well? a 15/9 window? I'm pleased that I fasted today at all after doing so two other times this week. I'm hoping next week's fasts will go as well as those two.

I'm happy that you will be with your children on Mother's day! Do you get together every year? I might get phone calls from my older boy and my daughter this year but it is doubtful. I should have made a bigger deal about it when they were young, taught them how to honour me LOL! They both live in different provinces, one to the east and the other out west. Our Mother's Day isn't until May.

Sounds like a wise choice to stick with your job until you are sure you want to retire as long as you are enjoying your work.

Have a super, duper day! :heart:
14 Mar 2015, 11:25
Ha, ha Steph, are the crackers you being "good" ie is it what you eat instead of the really bad stuff? My "sweet replacement" are nuts which are horrendously calorific. Still at the moment with my no-sugar lent, it is a way not to cave in.

I do see some of my children every year on mother's day. I have this urge to tell them not to get me anything but I know that is wrong because it gives the wrong signals as if I am not worth it. But really and truly all I want is to be with them. My mother always urged us not to get anything and it is really annoying and now I have to keep myself from saying the same thing to my children.

I am trying to be (relatively) good today and not undo yesterday's efforts. I had 2 fried eggs (low cal spray oil) 1 rasher of bacon and red cabbage which I made earlier in the week. It did fill me up and I had a snack of nuts (two handfuls) just now. DH is cooking Fajitas for late lunch at 2.30 and then I have to run some errands followed by church, so I won't be back until after seven. Then I am planning if eating a couple of apples and a banana for supper.
After cleaning the house this morning (not all but the most important parts) I will go outside and do a bit of gardening with DH. Last year the weather was never great early in the year and I left everything too late so that it was so much hard work. This year I want to stay ahead of the game. Unfortunately DH can't do much as he has a slipped disc and is in constant pain. So the bulk of the housework falls on me but he still does the cooking.
I have to go now, the weather has turned and it might start raining in a minute. speak to you later.
14 Mar 2015, 13:44
I'm sorry to hear your DH is in such pain. It is so difficult to deal with and disrupts his life.

Only ONE? rasher of bacon? Amazing. I hardly ever buy bacon anymore because I eat 4 pieces at a time, and then go back for more. The crackers aren't a replacement for all the junk. They replace bread which I don't buy because I would only eat toast all day. I buy individual buns or bagels when I have the urge but try to limit them to once a week. For my carbs I eat potatoes and rice a n d, those darn crackers :). I am slowly weaning myself off them, though. At least that is what I'm telling myself. and in the last 19 days I have had two days of giving in to treats from the corner store. The first time I gorged myself with that mindset of in for a penny in for a pound. The second time I stopped myself from doing that which surprised me. Perhaps my "will power" is coming to the fore front? Mostly, now, I don't have any desire to eat such stuff. Adam came home with chips and pop again yesterday and I didn't ask him for any!

Well, now for the second time Gisela has cancelled our visit so I haven't had any cake this week either. My one allowable indulgence. I've lost 2 lbs this week! I was so happy to write my weight in my signature line lol. I have one lb to go to reach my March goal. Amazing to me, after gaining so much over the past few months. My next goal will be to fit into my work out pants I wear to the Y. Right now I am using thick, loose, sweat pants. Not the most "hip". Here there is this trend to wear really tight, body hugging leggings and shirts in and out of the gym. I refuse to wear such things, so I want my nice little pants to be loose. You would be shocked to see all of these overweight women in my class. The skin tight clothes show off all of their bulges. I just can't see myself ever doing that. Baggy clothes for me! LOL

I'm envious of you working in your garden. Perhaps this year I will volunteer my services to Ille who has a huge flower garden. She'd have to point out all the weeds, though. I love digging in the dirt. It is supposed to rain here today as well. I think I will go out for a short walk to the grocery store to get some ice cream. Adam has decided he wants to make crepes with ice cream for our Sunday dinner :bugeyes: I will have some if I am hungry. I will be making my vegetable tagine tomorrow as well so I might fill up on that in the afternoon. I cannot believe Adam and I have been cooking together on Sundays since January first!

My, my, you must be tired of reading my long posts. I go on and on and on LOL. Time for that walk and then on to the laundry. Take care, hugs back atcha!
14 Mar 2015, 14:24
Hi Steph, well done for almost reaching your March goal. That is super. Soon you will reach your final goal- possibly by the summer?

I think it is absolutely wonderful that you spend time with Adam on Sundays cooking your meals together. Your tagine will fill you up with very few calories so you can have the crepes and ice cream for deserts easily.
You are doing well to cut back in the cracker.

The gardening I do at the moment is digging out brambles and other old roots. Our garden needs someone with a bit of expertise. It is a mess. All the flowers I plant in a container the rest is grass and hedges that are overgrown. I wish I had more time and knowledge to create a lovely garden.
I hope you have a nice weekend. Lots of love
14 Mar 2015, 20:10
I am so proud of myself! after eating, you guessed it, cracker after cracker after cracker, this time with butter, I've chucked the rest of the box in the compost bin. Adam didn't like the kind that I was eating so no loss for him. It is March Break here for students so he doesn't need any crackers for snacks in school lunches this week. I have tossed every cracker even the ones I don't much fancy but know I would eat anyway, in the compost. My snack cupboard is bare but for a box of cheerios. I should chuck those too as I know I will dive into them in a moment of weakness even though I don't care for them and Adam doesn't like them either. Why do I have them then? Months ago I bought the cereal so Adam could have some on Saturdays before he heads to work. Since then they have been in the cupboard. They must be stale by now! I want to see what food choices I will make now that the darn, tempting little morsels are out of the house. I vow I WILL NOT buy any crackers this week at all. A whole 8 days without. Can she do it??? :?:

I am cooking some beef stew at the moment and if it turns out I will eat that on fast days so I won't have to make the tagine tomorrow in readiness for Monday's fast. It shouldn't be too high in calories since it has more vegetables than meat and I only used a tablespoon of olive oil to brown the meat. I have to get more organized when it comes to cooking. I know I've said it before but it seems to me it is worth repeating and repeating. One of these times I will actually get there and start cooking consistently through the week.

Digging out brambles sounds like hard work! You will get your exercise in for the day for sure :smile:
Take care, enjoy the day despite the rain! I am being so lazy, I didn't go for a walk to the grocery store after all and haven't done any laundry. I don't even feel like driving to the grocery store. Hopefully, tomorrow I will wake up with more energy. I'll be thinking of you out there digging in the mud! :heart:
15 Mar 2015, 00:53
Now if that is not worth a million stars on your callendar what is? Well done for getting rid of temptations.
Your beef stew sounds nice and is definitely a great fast day meal especially if eaten with lots of veggies instead of potatoes or rice.

To answer your question earlier about my restraint of bacon. The bacon was in the red cabbage. I fried a four slices of cut-up smoked bacon until crisp, added onions, a bit of garlic, an apple (cubed) and one cabbage (finely sliced) and let it cook in some stock as well as half a cup of white wine vinegar. sometimes I add some star anise or chinese fice spice. I looove it. The bacon gives it a lovely smoked flavour. I got about five portions which I keep in fridge and freezer.

I have to admit I was a bit naughty today and had some jellies this evening after my shopping errands. they seem to quench my thirst and I wonder if I should drink more water not just coffee.

Take care and stay strong.
15 Mar 2015, 03:36
Hello Ieramul,
I just returned from a little walk to the grocery store, it stays open 24 hours. It is 11:20 p.m. and I'm off to bed in a couple of minutes. I'm glad I finally went out for that walk even if it was so late in the day! Tomorrow I will walk to a small variety store that sells single serve ice cream tubs for a buck a piece. If I buy those I won't be tempted to eat all the ice cream from a bigger container bought at the grocery store. I also don't have any room in my freezer for a large container - sure that's the reason :lol:
Adam didn't like the stew tonight, all the more for me. I thought it was delicious. He asked me why I didn't make spaghetti so I'll make up a batch of sauce tomorrow and have it ready for his supper on Monday when I am fasting. Also means I can make myself a bit of pasta tomorrow for my lunch and perhaps Adam will eat some too, whenever he wakes up. He says he is staying up to watch a movie "Lake Placid" about a crocodile in Maine. :lol: It starts at 12:30 a.m.
Jellies make me thirsty, funny huh? how different people can be. The cabbage sounds wonderful. Alas I can't eat cabbage as it messes up my stomach royally. The only time I eat it is at Christmas and that is Rotkohl. Christmas dinner isn't complete without it :) and I just put up with my poor stomach for one day.
Ok, I'm getting s l e e p y :sleepy: Enjoy the time with your kids! Happy Mother's Day :heart: :heart: :smile:
16 Mar 2015, 17:03
Hi, Steph - I hope you had a nice Sunday with Adam. Sorry, he didn't like your stew. Buying smaller portions does not work for me. If I know that there is more in the freezer, I will got to the next one.

I had a lovely day with the girls and we went shopping for wedding dress. I found a dress in the right colour which I bought, but then I found another gorgeous dress also quite formal and everybody urged me to get it especially since it was a bit reduced. I reasoned that I could wear it at DD no2 wedding. But now I feel I should return it because I don't really need it - it is just very pretty and not the sort of everyday dress I could justify. There is no reason keeping something however nice in a wardrobe just in case.

Now I need to get the right shoes/sandals in white which turns out to be quite difficult as it is not in fashion. Same for hand bag and accessories. But I will get there, eventually. :smile:

So far my fast day has been OK - it is now almost five o'clock. I have only had 2 apples so far but I am concerned that a friend who I am going to see in a minute will offer me some supper that will be difficult to refuse. I don't want to explain my fasting, especially since she is quite overweight and might not understand, as I am not overweight. I just don't want to justify myself.

Also there is still the evening to navigate with only about 300cals left. I let you know tomorrow, how I managed.
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