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Re: Goodbye sweet Phoebe :(
10 May 2014, 12:40
@moogie So very sorry to hear this sad news of yours :heart:
Small conciliation but the new clan look
absolutely gorgeous
:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover:
Re: Goodbye sweet Phoebe :(
10 May 2014, 13:04
A very sad time, but wonderful that you felt able to give a home to another cat and her kittens so soon after your loss. :) Photos are lovely. And glad to hear that things seem to be on the mend otherwise for you.

We of course know that animals' lives are shorter than ours so their loss is inevitable, but it is worth it for the joy of having animals in our lives - as so many of the posts here tell. Having animals as pets is a great learning for children, in so many ways. Our teenage boys came with us when we had one of our dogs put to sleep, and it is the only time I have seen them cry since they were little.

Big hugs :heart: :heart:
Re: Goodbye sweet Phoebe :(
10 May 2014, 15:10
Wishing you better times with improved health and energy. Sad about your phoebe that is a lovely long life you have shared though and how time flies til your new pet clan come home
(((((( :heart: )))))
Re: Goodbye sweet Phoebe :(
10 May 2014, 16:54
So good to have news from you Moogie, too bad it wasn't good. I still miss my two cats that passed 4 years ago, we haven't found replacements yet. Concentrate on how lucky you were for the time you had with Phoebe.
Hope the rest of 2014 goes well for you and your family, Stan
Re: Goodbye sweet Phoebe :(
10 May 2014, 19:16
So sorry to hear you have lost your darling Phoebe. Cherish the happy times and memories - she will always be with you :heart:
Re: Goodbye sweet Phoebe :(
10 May 2014, 22:23
I don't know you, but I have followed your blog in the past and heard you were having problems this year.

My heart and soul goes out to you. Nothing as heartbreaking as losing a beloved member of the family, be it two or four legged. Prayers for you on your awful loss. Sure, I can say that old saying "whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger", but sometimes, when you're hurting so badly it just sounds like another cliche'. I'll just say my heart goes out to you for losses and health issues this year.
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