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So two shorties in the hall at 12!!!
Hello, it's me again :smile:
@Wendy Darling
I hope you all received my welcome PM, shout out if you did not.
Hi@CandiceMarie here is one of my faux pas organising events when I was young; I organised a large reception for a charity, hosted in a royal home. 5 months ahead when arranging the refreshments I was informed the Dutchy would be served. I assumed that meant the hosts were providing the refreshments and I'd arrange the canapés via their caterers. On the day I was called at 4pm, where is the wine? GULP - fortunately they arranged a delivery by 6pm but I had kittens all night and for days. x
Looking forward to it. OH worried as he will be oldest there!!
Hi @Merlin
No worries OH, I too am the oldest at times and I have a great time and OH will too on Saturday, we'll make sure of that!
Lizx :smile:
Thanks for organising this @Lizbean, I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone, there is such a buzz going in this thread. I'll eat anything and your reference to 'buckets of champagne ' made me smile. See you next Saturday
Edit, I spent yesterday at Woburn Abbey, where the Duchess of Bedord is credited with inventing the concept of afternoon tea :heart:
er - how does @Merlin's OH know he'll be the oldest there? And why is he worried? After youth there are 2 phases, 'in your prime' and 'past it'. Which you're in depends on attitude, not age. Age discrimination is illegal, I believe, so with age comes freedom - the older you are the more you can do anything you like!
I am assuming you haven't reached retirement age, I have and he is older than me. It's OK he's just having a wobble-He'll get over it!
Hi @Merlin,
I'm in my prime - I'm quite sure your OH is too!
Lizbean's daily tea update, so while not hot off the heals of Mark's apple, apt for us?
Registered; 2 vegetarians to ensure a great selection of sandwiches for all :smile:
Registered; at noon you will find 2 x 5ft 2inchers (HEY 252, that's my lucky number!) at the bottom of the spiral staircase, probably with many taller peeps, so don't miss us. Must pop into the small people tent soon.
Wondering what your first order of tea will be, Carorees has chosen lapsang souchong, a lovely reminder of her student days. My first order will be a grey.
See you tomorrow eve.
5 days x
Looks like you guys and girls are going to have an amazing time.

My daughter and I met up with @Tracieknits, her husband and son this evening for roast dinner and pudding...mmm! What a lovely evening we had with lovely people.

@WarriorPrincess, I love what you wrote -

'After youth there are 2 phases, 'in your prime' and 'past it'. Which you're in depends on attitude, not age. Age discrimination is illegal, I believe, so with age comes freedom - the older you are the more you can do anything you like!'

You made me smile and feel warm inside. My personal life is a bit messy at the moment and I often feel past it but you have reminded me of my belief that we make our own choices in life and I am really in my prime but I just have some difficult choices to make!
Oh how lovely @wildmissus to meet up with @tracieknitsand her family!
I have a soft spot for her as she was the first person to speak to me on this forum!
I too love what @warriorprincess said
Good luck with making yr choices WM x
And I have a soft spot for you @CandiceMarie because you're just such a lovely person :)

We did have a really fantastic time with @Wildmissus and her daughter. Our kids are the same age and have so much in common :) I'm so happy we were able to meet up ♡

Scotland is beautiful and we are having a great time but now I have to wrangle a grumpy 14 year old out of bed ;)
Liz's daily tea update :wink:
To clarify the tea sitting is 2 hours 1230-1430, we will be promptly and graciously booted out to make space for the next sitting. For those wishing to extend the party experience after the tea here are a few options: browsing F&M, a walk in Green Park through St James' Park (yeh, current forecast is a cool 26c-no rain) a drink in F&M wine bar or ICE CREAM in the Parlour it by ear folks......
Fast day tea time calling - now where did I put those boiled eggs :wink:
4 days, not counting today or Saturday x
@lizbean & Co....five sleeps! :like: :like:
@CandiceMarie yeh ! I need a hand, I have mislaid my Monday fastday 2 boiled eggs, can you see them from our Luverpool? :wink: :cool: :heart:
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