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Things are getting complicated
12 Apr 2014, 08:59

Since the end of march, everything is pretty complicated. On my birthday, my mother fell and hurt her back, with my dad we were looking for her day and night at their home as the E.R. didn't seem to find her case bad enough for her to stay at the hospital and she stayed 2 weeks like that except that she is hospitalized since yesterday, that all the pain was for nothing and that she's now very depressed, wants to die, seems to think we don't want her anymore and it's pretty rough.

She will recover, she just need a bit of time but is losing hope and patience which I understand as she's in constant pain for 2 weeks now.

On the other hand, OH has very bad problems with his mentally ill son

All that stress made me drop some weight (5kg in 2 weeks) without doing anything, even without fasting, as I don't have time for it, and I don't know what to do about that as I don't have any kilos to lose.

I don't have time to come here as the days are pretty rough and I just fall in a deep sleep when I am at home.

However, I will be back when everything will be back to normal. I just wanted you to know that you all are in my thoughts

Take Care :heart:
Thanks for letting us know what's going on in your life Manderley.
I'm so sorry things are tough for you at the moment. Please take care of yourself.
Support and thoughts coming your way.
So sorry to hear of all the problems you have been experiencing Manderley and hope things soon improve for your mother and OH's son. You cannot afford to lose any more weight so please try and start eating more or you'll be fading away to nothing! Look after yourself and let us know how things are when you can. Bises xx
:heart: :heart: Hey @Manderley was wondering where you'd gone, your mum is getting depressed because she was in so much pain and probably thought no one was bothered about her case at the hospital, constant pain is very depressing and an awful situation for you and your dad to deal with, obviously you're very stressed yourself with worrying about both parents and now your OH therefore not eating correctly, Manderley you can't afford to lose this weight you're already so very tiny, time to look after yourself now concentrate on number one = YOU.
The doctors will look after mum she's in the right place, your dad will cope, now its your turn, time for me time.
Take care of yourself and put some fat back
onto and into your body.
:clover: :clover: :clover:
Best wishes from me.... You do what you have to do, we will be here waiting for you to return. :heart:
sorry to hear your news. Look after yourself.
{{{+}}} a hug and hope things improve soon. Very best wishes to your poorly ones too.
Big hugs coming your way. It's hard to cope with depression and mental problems, so stay strong for them and yourself xxx
Thank you for your post. It's good to know what's going on and I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Like others have said, please take care of yourself.
Oh no, not a very good situation. Hope things improve for you and yours soon.
Sorry to hear of your family hardships. Stay strong
((((((((((((((( :heart: ))))))))))))) we miss you heaps but understand where you need to be. All the best with holding onto your weight dear Manderley can't have you fading away too much more on us
Love from me, too. Please follow advice to take care of yourself first--you can't help others if you let yourself get sick, too. You deserve the best. :heart: :heart: :heart:
Sorry to hear your news. Please take some time to look after yourself. Hope all improves soon. Very best wishes to you and yours.
@Manderley I'm sorry to hear things are tough atm, it's never easy when family are ill, I know it may be difficult, but try keep ya chin up, the storm will pass over soon and then you'll see the rainbow! Hugs and good vibes being sent your way! <3
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