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Non-diet Chat

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it's just very VERY windy down here in the Shire! It's the noisy kind of wind that I reeeeeeally don't like. I've got something that resembles a tree right outside my bedroom window and it's either bashing away at the glass or scratching at it! Very annoying :doh:
Just been into Newcastle Upon Tyne. The Quayside is closed in anticipation of the storm surge later tonight. The road is already flooded. I have never seen the River Tyne lapping the road before now...... goodness me. Got to go back in a few hours so will be interesting to see.
I hope everyone survived the storm OK overnight, for those living on the east coast or in Scotland please take care.
Friday morning now so how is everyone today? We had a calm night and luckily no structural damage to the house , garden fences etc so hope everyone else escaped unscathed too.
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