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Hi ballerina,
I also cannot believe where all those years went, I will be 60 this year!! What happened?? When I was younger I could not envisage getting old at all, It wouldn't happen for a long time I told myself! But it's sort of crept up on me and all of a sudden that's IT I'm old!! But hey, never mind, a lot of people don't even make it to be old so I've decided to grow old as disgracefully as possible, wear purple and red hats ( isn't there a saying about red hats and no knickers??) well, I possibly won't go that far, but you get the drift!!
You have an amazing sense of humour and I really love your posts!! I think if you are young at heart and happy, people will always 'see' you as young.
I look forward to your next post x
Oh, Oh, head not good today. We sat out late on the terrace drinking wine,like, well, like a pair of old winos, got a bit squiffy and decided to go on a toad hunt. We never found him as I suspect he heard the sounds of approaching drunken OAP's and took to the hills and who could blame the old boy.We did come across one of his now world famous curly wurlies so we knew he was not too far away. I'm not quite sure what we intended to do if we found him but I suspect we would just have been very polite and chatted to him in a lighthearted way, nothing too deep and meaningful, (I wonder if that's where the expression 'toadying up to' comes from?) it would all have been terribly civilised, we are British after all. :grin:

Off now to have aforesaid painful head removed from rest of body till it learns to behave itself, back later with a weight update, that should be good fun!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
A lot of wine must have been consumed for you to have considered chatting to a toad! I'm not sure I'd wander around in the dark and risk stepping in a curlie- wurlie
Bonjour mes amis!
We were 'subjected' to some devine French hospitality yesterday. We went to see a French friend in the gorgeous village of St Suliac. Out came hams, fruits, crusty bread, port (you cannot have melon without porto!)etc. We explained we were following a 'regime', mais, non, we must eat... and so we did!
Arrived back at the caravan to find we had our own private swimming pool, so we upped steadies and moved to another pitch. It was thirsty work, so we opened a bottle of the red falling down juice and spent an enjoyable evening sitting in some very rare evening sun.
Madame is coming to see us tomorrow, so I shall have to think of some nice salads.

Hub is going to rig up the satellite TV this morning. The fun never ends!

You sound as if you're having better weather in the south of France, Ballerina. We're going a serious shade of rust here!
they say nowadays that the new middle age is the late 50's so we are not so bad. I am 67years young and plan to be around for a long time yet. the family have been warned that I plan to get wrinklier and wrinklier and more outrageous for at least another 40 years. :shock:
Hello Sian, we have some wonderful garden lighting here so 'inspecting the estate' is not a problem in the lantern light, in fact it is rather lovely, and of course a bit too much alcoholic raspberry tea helps with the old Dutch courage. In the cold light of day I don't feel quite so hospitable toward Mr. Le Crapaud and am glad that he is as proactive as me in avoiding a face to face.

Oh dear Pennyforthem, you are not having a good time, weatherwise, are you, although it sounds like you are all having a great time anyway and yes, port with melon, yum yum in fact, port with anything is rather good. I suppose you could say, with your weather, any port in a storm! Rust is good, brown is better but hey, having fun with loved ones is the most important thing of all and it sounds like you are doing that just fine, hope the sun shines soon for you, now, close your eyes because I want to tell everyone else what the temperature here is so, got them tight shut? good, it's 30degs and due to get hotter as the day wears on! O.K. Pennyforthem, you can open wide now, just don't read the last sentence.

Hi Nessie, we have a pool slave thing here and we nicknamed it Nessie as it swims about swishing its long tail and looks like something from a sci-fi film so please don't take offence if I talk about Nessie being tempramental, spitting at us etc, it's NOT you. Glad to hear from another ancient, yep, growing old is for cissies and like TDStephenson (HI there) I'm going to go down fighting but I plan to keep my knickers on, you never know!!!!

Just working on our weight update and will see you all later with the shocking truth,

Ballerina x :heart:
Sounds as though we've managed to start the over 60s club! I used to believe that you were only as old as you feel but that all went pear shaped when I started to wake up feeling 90!

Shouldn't the phrase be that growing old is NOT for cissies? I think you really need to ease up on the vino or you may be seeing pink toads!
OOps, I missed a word, I've also been known to miss my mouth when imbibing, who would have thought it, with a mouth the size of mine? thanks Miffy,

Ballerina x :heart:
Surely its because, like me, your mouth is merely the size of a rosebud! therefore easily missed. I wish! I'm noted for one like a parish oven!
'Parish oven' sounds quite small to me, where I come from it's called 'like the Clyde tunnel'! Have to say I'd not heard of the parish oven but I rather like it,

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi, everyone, can I join the over-60s club too?? That's me, about the same age as all you gals - yes, I am old and wrinkly, but feel as young as ever inside and am enjoying trying on some of my old/new clothes at least one size smaller!!!!!! :heart: :heart:
I use one of these on my upper lip and the little sods on/under my chin. It fits into your handbag, doesn't buzz and can be used in any bathroom with a mirror. It still hurts, but its better than razor burn or cuts on your lip or chin. Also they are VERY cheap. ... 417223b207
Ballerina, just to let you know we missed you today in Glasgow! We had a lovely meetup at Rogano's Oyster Bar, ate and drank a fair bit, and did a lot of gabbin' - it was great fun! We really need to try to arrange for a 5.2 convention, that would be great. I didn't have time to read your latest bollox this morning, catching up now. Now let me see, who on this forum has a mooth like the Clyde tunnel...hmmm, naming no names..!! :grin: :grin:
Age is a state of mind! My Ma doesn't think she is old at 90(so you can work out I am not spring chicken) . My father died recently and when asked if she and pa had discussed funerals she said no-we weren't going to die , and she has made it quite plain that there is no way she is going into a home with a load of old ladies! Not that that is likely to happen I think she'd kill me first!
Merlin, your mum sounds like my kind of gal,

Lovemyparrot, welcome, come on in, it's lovely here because we don't care a hoot about wrinkles or saggy skin we just have a laugh, keeps the old face muscles moving,

Dhana, you have no idea how much I wanted to be with all yooz lassies today, sounds like you all had a good time

Bellerina x :heart:
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