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OOOOO, seem to have lost my r's somewhere!!! I blame it on 5:2 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
It's not sore, just missing :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Happy birthday army & many congratulations on your weight loss. Do have an enjoyable day :smile:
Sorry should have been aamy my iPad changed it to army & I hadn't noticed.
Happy Birthday aamy! :cake: :cool:

Ballerina, I lose r's all the time, everytime I post and read back I'll see that it will say you instead of your, :bugeyes: I don't know where they go, as my 2 year old niece says "it's a mystery" lol :confused: :?:
Isis wrote: Sorry should have been aamy my iPad changed it to army & I hadn't noticed.

Ah! I see Isis had the elusive r :lol:
Ha ha! You're a' bampots! (slightly more polite than yer'e a'!! Where are the r's?? :lol: :lol:
They are all on this thread, thank goodness as it means that we do not lead all the others astray, :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:

Be back in the morning with tales of blood and mayhem as the mozzies have now found me, aargh :curse: :curse: :curse:
ooohh, I'm itching in sympathy with you Ballerina. :bugeyes:

Chris x
Good morning girls, (I wonder if any of the men read this nonsense?)

Yesterdays storms never appeared so we had another lovely day doing nothing but sunning, swimming and laughing.Oh, and drinking wine, mustn't forget that!

Mrs H snr's only child, the young Ghengis, was wandering around the undergrowth last night and came rushing back all excited. He's found Madame Crapaud coming to see us, we do see more of her than her rather shy, but bloomin' huge husband. He had managed to take a photograph of her, which I will try and post later. I came out to see here but she had scuttled of to hide in a dark corner and who could blame her, I'd run away and hide if some ugly big bloke flashed at me

The mozzies found me last night, well they found my ankles and calves. Him indoors has an app on his iphone that keeps mozzies away and it does work. My iphone is not as smart as his so I cannot have it on mine. This meant that I had to be near him if I wanted to be in a mozzie free zone. He thought I was stalking him and tried to shoo me away but he doesn't get rid of me that easily. I had to admit that it was not his magnificent body I was after, just his app. "The mozzies have found me and with my skinny wee legs, those huge lumps look as though I'm growing extra knees and I look daft" His good nature got the better of him and he kindly handed me some anti-mozzie lotion, and wandered off back into the undergrowth, with his app!

Must dash, we are off to Frejus today whatever the weather does and we are catching the 10 a.m. bus from the end of the road. We have three cars at our disposal but I would hate to actually dispose of any of them so it's publico transportio for us,

See you all later, and Dhana I did this early just for you, it's what friends do,enjoy your coffee

Ballerina x :heart:
Hi Ballerina,
In all of my pictures from Provence (and Venice), I look like the Bride of Frankenstein due to many (about 28--I counted them) mosquito bites on my face. :curse: Oh well, it was worth it to be there!

Happy birthday aamy! Life is good.

Party on everyone!
and I read 'fill your boobs' oops it was fill your boots :bugeyes: :oops: I thought, yes I need to fill my boobs with this weightloss too hehe :lol:
Betsysgr8 wrote: Happy Birthday aamy! :cake: :cool:

Ballerina, I lose r's all the time, everytime I post and read back I'll see that it will say you instead of your, :bugeyes: I don't know where they go, as my 2 year old niece says "it's a mystery" lol :confused: :?:

Reminds me of this wonderful explanation of why American spelling drops the u from so many words: http://somekindofexplanation.blogspot.c ... d-and.html

Nance Why do Americans drop the “u” when they spell words like neighbour, colour, and humour, but leave it in other words like contour and velour?

The American Declaration of Independence (or as it was known in Britain “Fine, See If We Care”) was followed by immensely difficult years for the newly-formed US government. Up to that point the erstwhile colonies had imported all letters of the alphabet from Britain, but in an attempt to undermine the prestige and name of the newly-formed USA in 1776 the British banned all trans-Atlantic trade in the letter U. The Americans were determined to keep the U in pride of place in their new nation’s name and so made sacrifices elsewhere, salvaging non-essential “u”s from words like “honour”, “harbour” and “elephaunt” (a usage that eventually became adopted back in Britain too) to keep the new national sobriquet intact.  As the blockade continued patriotic mums became “moms” and farmers exchanged their ploughs for plows while ukulele players took up the banjo. Eventually however the masses complained of this hand-to-moth existence, and there was even talk of a second revoltion so that by winter 1789 the Fonding Fathers had to face up to the possibility of becoming a Nited States of America. But as grim preparations were made tomake do without the letter U altogether and George Washington prepared a sombre State of the Onion address a French schooner, L’Ululation, carrying several tons of fresh letter “u”s wrapped in the finest contoured velour broke the British blockade of the ports.  The Americans fell on the vowel-rich cargo and the letter flooded back into the New World. But the years of shortage had left their scars and American spelling was never the same again.
Bonjour happy campers!
I'm watching a British couple erect an awning on their caravan; they should have sold tickets! They tried this pole in there, main non. That pole in there? Mais, non. The other pole, maybe? Yes! This has gone on for a whole half hour and there is still at least half an hour of entertainment, plus a row, to come. We are going out to Dinan and I'm sure peace will have returned to our happy little campsite by the time we return.

Sorry to report, I haven't had a fast day since we left home a week ago, but, on the plus side, I have eaten salads and chicken most days. Not un pomme de terre, nor an morceau de pain has crossed my lips, but, on the downside, we have enjoyed a few fine bottles of falling down juice!
Hope you enjoyed Frejus, Ballerina!

We have shopped at many Super U supermarkets. Glad to see the U is still alive and kicking around here!
:wink: I am over 60 but that about all the info you are getting, the rest is a mystery :?:
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