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Non-diet Chat

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Seriously, I bring all but the kitchen sink when we go (which is in August! Hurrah!). We're renting houses (one week in each), and I will be cooking as I love it. So I'll be bringing some spices, especially chilli flakes as I have had problems finding that in the past. I'll go to the supermarche and stock up on essentials when we get there, and then have a big shop before we go home. I'll bring a cool bag too, so that we can buy stuff if we come across a market.

I'm hoping not to need warm clothes, as we're going quite far south - will bring a rain coat though. And sandals for swimming in the rivers.
All this talk of France is making me insanely jealous!! Perhaps those of us on the proper side of the worlds should start a thread about what to take to a tropical island :razz: :smile: :wink:
I can get Weetabix, marmite, PG Tips, Pataks curry pastes and Seriously Strong Cheddar in my local Super U. With all that and the cr*p weather Brittany is really home from home. a rainy day on holiday always better than a fine day at home? Id go to Brittany despite the weather, its FRANCE!!!
When we are on holiday overseas, locals we meet are always envious that we live in NZ. Just goes to show that the grass is always greener :smile:
Swiss army knife, if only for the corkscrew & toothpick ;)
You can actually buy loo paper in France! The weather has been so horrible this year that you might need a couple of sweat shirts (or whatever you call them - I'm having trouble understanding some of the vocab). Even in good years, you need warm clothes in Brittany.

You don't appear to have any shoes, socks or underwear which might pose a few problems ... You didn't mention swimsuits. Who knows? There could be a heatwave.

As for food, why don't you do it the French way and only eat what you can buy in the shops/on the market here?

Have a lovely holiday in any case. I love Brittany. We're off to cycle along the Danube for a month on Monday and I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep up the fasting as I'm only up to my 4th fast.
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