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We all like different things and we are all different.

I'm not particularly fussy but there are 3 foods I really can't stand -

1. BANANAS because as a child I was force fed banana Angel Delight by my father then I promptly threw it up all over the 1960's purple swirly nylon carpet.

2. CARROTS because a pile of carrots were served with just about every meal when I was wee. Grated raw - fine, wee bits in soup - fine, a big pile of boiled soggy carrots on a dinner plate - no way.

3. COFFEE, I don't know why but I've just never taken to the taste or smell of it.

Anyone else got anything they really don't like.
Childhood memories and food brings to mind the time when I snuck away one day when little with a bottle of peanut butter and a spoon. Could not face peanut butter on bread for many a year but peanut sate helped me back partially. The memory is there as a turnoff for straight peanut butter sandwich
Well, I love the three things you hate but hey, that's life. I hate fish, the smell can make me heave, yuk! I hate celery, any offal and left to my own devices I'd probably never eat meat again, not because I dislike it but I am squeamish about eating dead animal flesh, how weird is that?

Ballerina x :heart:
Ballerina - I'm with you on the celery! And apples - just something about the peel!
Watercress. The only type of pasta I don't like is gnocchi.

And of course - sago, and semolina :grin: :grin:

Not forgetting 'luncheon meat' - :lol: :lol: :lol:
: Wildmissus - also agree re bananas too - something a bit slimy about them somehow :sick: :sick: :sick:
I love all vegetables except celery, and all fruit except peaches.

Maybe I dislike peaches because when I was a child, our most frequent dessert was slimy tinned peaches with evaporated milk (another hated food).

Nobody likes celery do they? :wink:
No :shock:

Ballerina x :heart:
I love celery. Celery and marmite yum! I can't think of many foods I hate but if pushed, I'd say I don't like custard.

My husband and daughter both eat rice crispies on toast. Now that makes me sick, but its the combination of the two. I could eat both separately quite happily.
I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed of this, but I would eat just about anything, and in my time believe me I have. What is wrong with celery, bananas, fish, offal...told you, I'm easily pleased. Actually, I do detest some things, fake foods like crab sticks and processed cheese, but if push came to shove....
Cheese, hate the smell, taste & texture...... Think was allergic to it as a child, was always uncle dick if ate it so never developed a taste for it which as a habitual dieter in the past isn't a bad thing!
Spam, remember those fritter things we used to get for school dinners?
I am another cheese hater . Also anything spicy,but I have an excuse for that it physically hurts the inside of my mouth. I can't bring myself to eat shell fish either.
Sweet peppers - yes I know how healthy they are, but I real hate tasting them after I burp (often after eating them -- for HOURS)!!!

Raw onions and sharp cheese bite my tongue, so avoid them.
Oh yes - forgot marmite :shock: :sick: :shutmouth:
There is very little food I don't like, and I love trying new and unusual foods. But there are 2 things I just really really dislike - the smell, the taste, the way their smell permeates everything they come in contact with - celery and coffee. I don't even add celery to my stocks (and I make a lot of stocks and soups!) because just the smell of it in the fridge is so yuck.
What's wrong with your tastebuds you lot? Izzy, I really had to giggle at your post - you sound so revolted but some of the things you hate most are my favourites! There really is no accounting for taste, is there? Actually, when you think about it I'm surprised disagreements don't flare up more often on here as our tastes are so diverse. Well I for one say Vive la Difference! Although surely there can't be many who don't love Sh...Sho....oh, what the heck, out with it, SHORTBREAD. Next to whisky and haggis one of Scotland's greatest foods. Did I just hear someone say they hate ha...hag...I cannae bring myself to repeat that sacrilege!! :grin:
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