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Quite a long list of foods I don't like (a bit of a fussy eater) so I will just go with the ones people generally like and I hate:
1) Pasta/noodles - never liked, I always feel like I'm choking.
2) Salad and most of the things that go into salad - salad isn't a dish, it's a combination of random crap that I probably wouldn't want to eat in its own right. I also generally dislike a large no of veges, just a small selection that I do like.
3) Sandwiches/burgers with lots of components - partially because it usually contains salad which I don't like, but also because, like the pasta/noodles, I feel like I'm choking on all the different textures. This is particularly bad as the sandwich is the standard working lunch for a lot of corporate/seminar meetings I have to attend.
4) Beer - call me unAustralian, but I hate beer.

Also, slightly off topic, but I really hate it when I go to a restaurant with a group of friends and someone says "hey, I have an idea, why don't we order a number of dishes and share"... no thanks, you guys share if you want, but I'll order a dish I really want to eat for myself thank you very much.
Wow, I think our parents have got a lot to answer for!

A lot of your dislikes are my favorites - semolina, marmite, tinned peaches, liver (no pipes), brussel sprouts, shell fish, escargot - yum, yum.

I have to agree with the dislike of celery, it's ok chopped up small in soup but that's all.

TedE - My husband could have written your post, except the beer and he really doesn't like sharing in a restaurant.
Fascinating posts and so interesting to find that one person's hates are another's delights.
I really cannot stand bananas, peanut butter, desiccated coconut, Marmite, cabbage (school dinners!), have never tried snails but simply couldn't face them, octopus and squid put me off just looking at them and I would never buy veal.
But I love celery, cheese, haggis, most fish and shellfish and will quite happily cook liver (not overcooked and always with tomatoes). I remember eating tripe as a small child without any problem but I don't think I'd want to eat it now.
I am a really picky eater so the list is far too long. :curse:

The worst ones for me are seafood, most fish types especially salmon, offal, anything fatty (meat). Most vegetables like cabbage, celery, brussel sprouts, onions (white). Marmalade, marmite and peanut butter.Soft white bread, most things in batter, pies (no matter the filling).

All of this just comes to mind without much thinking. As I said I am a fussy eater. the list of foods that I do like is much shorter. :grin:
I forgot I don't like marmite. That's not really food though, just a jar of yuck.

My dad used to eat some weird stuff. Like hominy (corn treated with lye. I'm pretty sure that's bad for you) and hash. Thank goodness my mom didn't expect us to eat it.
I can't stand offal generally but will eat chicken liver pâté that I have made myself. Love seafood and most veggies but not parsnips. I find them sickly. I tried natto in Japan and wouldn't be in any hurry to try that again. Don't like mass produced white bread either. Love marmite and peanut butter, not at the same time.
Mushrooms and Okra - I think those are the only two veggies I avoid. I think mushrooms at home taste awful, like dirt and feet. Interestingly, they don't have that flavor when I've had them in France. Not sure if it's the terroir or what. As for okra, I just can't stand the texture.

Seafood - I don't hate it, but I don't love it either and I generally need to cover it in butter or sauce, or deep fry it in batter, so that it's no longer healthy. So I don't eat it often because the way I like it is a bit unreasonable.

Offal - I love pate - really really love pate. But I haven't tried any other offal because I have the American aversion to the *theory* of eating the "inedible" bits.

Meat - sometimes I want nothing more than a nice, rare, juicy steak or a gorgeous burger. Other times, I'm inexplicably squicked out by the idea of eating animal flesh, especially if I've been handling it raw. Also, since I was pregnant with my son, sometimes the smell of cooking pork makes me feel nauseated. He will be 13 next month LOL
I was reading this thread and thinking that there's not a lot of food I don't like...but all your suggestions have reminded me what a fussy eater I am!


Kippers - bluergh! Devil's food!!

But I love:

Bananas - but hate banana-flavoured anything!

I think it's amazing that we're all so different.
Okra, because it is slimey.
Cauliflower, because it smells like something died.
Bananas, I used to love them, probably ate too many of them.
A Greek, smelly soup made of sour milk and flour. It looks like puke.
Kiwis, because they are slimey and taste bad.
Tangerines, don't know why.
Rocket, because it's bitter and smelly.
Celery leaf, but not celery sticks. Not sure why.
White chocolate. It's too sweet and too buttery.
I think that's all...
Marmite. Eyuck!!

Fish, unless in batter or breadcrumbs :)

Rice pudding. This one is from having to eat it as a child.

As I haven't eaten meat for 2 years I don't have to think about liver or kidney anymore. Another childhood horrid dinner table memory ;)
I haven't heard or eaten some of these foods listed and pretty confident given the opportunity to taste them they would end up on my list of foods I don't like:)

Otherwise, I hate raw onions but could eat a bag full of cooked onions. Love salad unless it is drowning in too much dressing...rather eat it dry. And I am a pretty big wuss when it comes to spicy food.
I don't eat meat and the thought of offal makes me want to puke.
I really like fish and shellfish.

I like some fruit (it's all about texture for me eg love oranges but hate the pith in my teeth) and nearly all veg. Not keen on swede or blackberries and can NOT STAND cucumber, it's completely disgusting and mars the taste of everything else on the plate.

I love marmite, coffee, cheese etc.
Fresh Cilantro--or Fresh Corriander.

Quinoa--hate the texture, like little "pop-it" beads.

Chocolate--(only joking) and I LOVE COFFEE!
Cabbage!!!!!! Hate the stuff

Bacon, potato and cabbage was a staple in the typical Irish household.
But unfortunately i wasn't a good eater as a child, couldn't sit still for long enough to eat a proper meal.
Dinner time was often an endurance test that I failed miserably, with my dad (all best intentions cause he's fabulous really)not letting me leave the table till I finished.
Often that meant eating cold dinners.
And cold cabbage sticks in your throat like nothing should
I've never cooked the stuff in all my adult life

But otherwise I turned out ok, no permanent damage done :grin:
Re: What Food Do You Really Hate and Why?

Postby TML13 » 29 Jul 2013, 23:13

"Kiwis, because they are slimey and taste bad. "................... :shock:

Please tell me you mean the fruit and not the delightful Antipodean people? :grin:

Ballerina x :heart:
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