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I'm here on ipad safari, had a bit of a panic when my usual shortcut didn't work this morning but thanks to Moogies email the other day I was quickly relieved & sorted the issue out.
Not sure how keen I am yet, but that's just as CreakyPete says :lol:
Think I will give the new site a miss for a few days. Doesn't work very well at all with firefox. Doesn't remember login, hangs, like us FB every few mins, ads, and the yellow banner takes up so much on the iPad and quite distracting on desktop.

Safari I can at least login, but everything else it suffers from as well as firefox. No doubt teething, but will wait, as its rather frustrating!
Completely failed to get anywhere last night with the same problems of not letting me get logged in but telling me my email was already in use. Got on this morning though after a couple of tries with internet explorer. Haven't time to look at everything but will when I get home tonight.
Cookies and Facebook prompts keep appearing. I would log in via Facebook but there is an error there from both iPhone and iPad.

Very stark colours. Would love to lose the ads. Post icon not filled properly, not that I would want it anyway.

Not sure if I'm staying logged in but I have to go to the forum section before it recognises me, I used to go straight there when I opened the site.

Positives, the bits that have stayed the same in terms of screen layout.

Sorry to be a grump must be because I haven't eaten today :wink:
Finally logged in. Endorse all that has been said here. Yes sorry to be a grump - and I'm on holiday!!!! I think I will post a separate topic about getting rid of the Ads - I believe it is possible as some have done it. Watch this space!

Also thinking of wearing :cool: because of the glare! And have already turned my brightness settings down! :curse:
I'm on Chrome too
Hallo my dears! Hurrah! :0)
Lots of good info in here Moogie, fantastic, and I'm sure the many glitches will settle over the next few days.
I'm finding the font a bit tiny for old Eyes m'dear, is there a chance to enlarge it a bit please?
So glad I can continue here {{{+}}}
@azureblue karen and others have already mentioned the accessibility issues over on another thread - apparently she doesn't think it is internationally compliant. So it's not just you. Glare I'm finding a real problem. Don't want to rain on anyone's parade - or maybe I'm just a GOW (Grumpy OLdwoman!)
Came via Safari on MBP last evening, took it's time but in the end worked out. Now via Explorer at work, normal shortcut didn't work, so had to start over.
Changing servers is alway a hassle that even in the bank side of the world, never goes without some glitches.

Otherwise I live after Bamse's rule (the strongest bear in the world); "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all". :grin:
I am fasting today, it's 5.30pm so I am hungry and grumpiness is starting to set in. I thought I should say that before my criticism.

The yellow banner is too much for me, both in size but particularly the brightness is overwhelming. If it needs to be yellow could it be half-strength?

Boxes such as cookie policy, account setting and Facebook keep appearing and I seem to have more difficulties in clicking the right tabs (closing takes longer). FYI I use an Apple mini but have always used that.

Not sure about progress tracker yet as it told me I had more to lose, which is not the case.

I love the font but haven't tried to thank anyone or use full editor so haven't fully explored it yet. That's for after dinner!

Thanks for all your hard work. We shouldn't forget this is a free site for us to use, and a mighty helpful one it is. Cheers, Wendy
Very glad to be back in as I love this site and especially the forum element but must say I really dislike the mustardy yellow banner colour, very stark and in your face. The old blue colour scheme was much gentler and somehow more appealing. The yellow reminds me of an ad for a tyre company!
Happy to be here, especially on a fast day. On iPad and would love to know if there's a way to block ads from it.
Working fine here so far. I agree about the yellow, it's a bit urgh but I'm sure I'll get used to it. There's loads of info and I've already wasted about half the day browsing, when I really should be out planting cabbages. It looks like loads of hard work's gone into it and there's loads of new stuff for people to get their teeth into, so a big thankyou to those involved :grin:
I have! And I am going to spend a bit of time looking through it whilst my (possibly unwell) son watches TV.
imcountingufoz wrote: I have! And I am going to spend a bit of time looking through it whilst my (possibly unwell) son watches TV.

Check out where your blog is highlighted!!
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