The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

32 posts Page 2 of 3
Re: Delighted and disappointed
02 Jul 2014, 23:40
Hi Tracie i am delighted with yr good news ( and in awe how well youre doing) and disappointed in yr bad news
I know from what my mum has told me( she had a very overactive thyroid which badly affected her heart) thats its so very uncomfortable ( understatement) when thyroid is overactive..
Hope you get sorted out soon xx
Re: Delighted and disappointed
02 Jul 2014, 23:48
Congrats on your progress, Tracie, but you must be really frustrated. I hope you can work out the right medication levels.
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 00:43
:hugleft: :hugright: Hugs to you Tracie. So frustrating when your body lets you down when you are doing all the right things!
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 00:46
:heart: :heart: :heart:

You're all so very sweet. Thank you so much for the encouragement - it really warms my heart :oops:
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 01:47
Just read your posts, pleased and disappointed for you in equal measures. I really hope you manage to get it sorted without too many drugs; like you I hate taking medication for anything if there is another way around it, but sometimes it is safest for you in the long run. Please don't put too much stress on your heart.
Keep your chin up, you have your weight loss to be really proud of.
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 03:18
Thanks sweetie!
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 03:54
Yay weightloss :)
Bummer thyroid :(
hang in there, strong lady. It'll get sorted.
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 03:57
Thanks! how are you doing? Isn't this a weird hour for you to be up? Getting ready for your flight? I hope you have a safe journey!
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 04:03
Up a wee bit earlier than usual . it's just after 8am here.
So excited, need to pack, and finish my jumper, and change money, and get Small out to work, and let in the builders and and and
most importantly wish everyone well and arrange the meetups! :) :):)
isn't it late beside you?
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 04:05
It's midnight, but I'm hoping Bruce gets out of his meeting long enough to call me. It's 2pm in Sydney. I may give up in a few minutes and go to bed.

Safe travels!!
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 04:16
Hope you get a call. Sleep tight
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 05:23
Stay strong Tracie. I'm sure you might be just pressing the pause button for a while, and your fabulous achievement means you know you can keep moving forward when the time is right. Hope you get sorted soon. :heart:
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 06:39
Bl**dy thyroid!

I second every word rawkaren said. Hugs
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 08:11
Cheering you on Tracie, you've done so well despite all your setbacks so keep going for the final hurdle! xx
Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 08:26
Oh Tracie, I do hope your thyroid behaves again, you are such an inspiration here, and your health must be top priority. {{{+}}} Hugs and all shall be well {{{+}}}
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