The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Delighted and disappointed
03 Jul 2014, 09:15
Hi Tacie,
I'm so sorry to hear about your health setback. I know how thrilled you were when your thyroid was behaving itself and you were losing weight more easily and enjoying all your exercise and fitbit fun. Congratulations on your amazing weight loss. I too am a size 16 down from a size 20 and I feel so much better too. From everything I've read, when you've lost a lot of weight as you and I have, our bodies want to put it back on ( as mine has twice before) so its a wonderful achievement to even stay the same weight for a while and not put weight on again. That's why I don't mind how long it takes to get to a healthy body composition because if I'm not gaining, I'm winning.
Hugs to you from the chilly beautiful blue mountains ( not far from Bruce!)
Xxx julianna
Re: Delighted and disappointed
04 Jul 2014, 18:27
Thanks so much for your kind words everyone! It really helps to know people believe I can do it :-)

I'm definitely looking forward to getting back to walking with my fitbit. Thanks to this forum, I have another wonderful tool to help me at least maintain, if not lose more.
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