The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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Consider yourself flogged with a feather!! If you were on a twelve week program it would be a disaster but it is just another four days in the rest of your life, a blip in the proceedings that is fixed!!
I hugely admire what you've achieved so far, you are an inspiration to us all, and any slight binges are to be expected. As others have said, it seems to be these little 'accidents' that shake up the losses. So smile!!!
Thanks folks :) I really appreciate all the support and you're absolutely right, I'll be back on track and shift the weekend's gain in a few fasts. I stepped on the scales this morning and the damage looks minimal- in fact, if it was anyone else reporting the scales seeming to be up by a pound or two I'd be telling them not to worry unless it happens again next week.

So, on with the usual fasting regime and even if I'm still this same weight after Christmas I'll be happy - it's not a bad size to maintain for now in any case :)
Moogie, Thank you for letting it out! Here's another like everyone else who understands, and is glad the forum is there as a safety net, somewhere to spell out that frustration after a binge. I have recently done that, and was helped back on track again. I hope to drop back down onto my LONG plateau and if I can actually lose enough to reach my goal before Christmas, that'd be wonderful. If not, I still have a healthier trim figure and a great WOL and still have a goal! I would prefer it to be maintenance rather than a plateau....... :like:
I hope that you Moogie feel much happier again :heart:
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