The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

54 posts Page 2 of 4
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 15:44
Just glad the post wasn't related to your OH's health Karen. I admire your honesty in confessing to regaining weight but you know it's not the end of the world and in the great scheme of things it's just a blip, frustrating though it is. As others have said , you've been under enormous stress and strain over the last few months so don't overstress your body by asking too much of it at present. Concentrate on healthy eating, you're a great cook and know which foods you should be concentrating on, but don't overdo the fasting in an attempt to lose weight too quickly. All in good time, just be kind to yourself and let things calm down for a while. Don't keep weighing yourself if that makes things worse and just do your best for now.
Lots of love, hugs and positive vibes coming your way. xx
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 15:59
Oh my giddy aunt, Karen, don't beat yourself up there, girl! I echo what everyone else has said, 'cos they got there before me, but think of everything you've had to achieve in the last 3 months: not only new stressful job, but new continent, away from hubs, who's not enjoying the best of health and yet somehow, SOMEHOW, you still come here and support others.
OK, you've put on a few pounds, so what? Means you can stick around here a while and let us support YOU for a change. Perhaps start again after your 3 weeks here and don't put yourself under yet more pressure.
You're gorgeous as you are... hugs
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 16:00
My stomach went over when I saw your heading. Like some of the others I was relieved to find it was just your weight! No, I know it must be really disappointing and frustrating, but as Cariline says, you are now armed with the tools to succeed. Don't be so hard on yourself. You've gone through a tremendous change in your life with additional worries to contend with. Just jump back on the'll be fine

...after've always got us!

Bean xx
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 16:19
Hi @rawkaren :heart:

Like others I opened your post nervously when reading the title - sending you a big hug from me :heart: :heart: :heart: . You are such a kind, caring and supportive lady. You have gone through so much so be kind to yourself and take good care :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 16:52
I was also relieved it was only a weight gain! Stress isn't good for blood pressure- try and relax and put weight loss at the bottom of your list of priorities, it will be a lot easier when you aren't worried about your OH and you are properly settled into your new life style.
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 17:02
Ditto all the above and add massive amounts of hugs and positive thoughts your way!!!! We're all behind you!
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 17:36
Hi Karen,

I second everything that has already been said, be kind to yourself, its a tough time and your body needs a rest... I can relate to you because when a loved one is ill and you are abroad its extra pressure and worry... My poor dad is desperately ill with kidney failure and all i want os for him to pull through..I dont fast twice a week anymore, i just do one and other days i try to stick to 16.8.. Worry and stress just take their toll eventually...You will get back there, no doubt... Give it time, sending you a big hug, and i wish your OH a full recovery too.. Take care xx
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 17:36
What can I say that hasn't already been said - I agree wholeheartedly with everyone, especially Merlin above that weightloss should be at the bottom of your list.

We are with you, we love you Karen and things will only get better - that's a promise :clover: :clover: :heart: :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 18:39
Everyone has said everything I thought (and much more eloquently). Just sending {{{{hugs}}}} and best wishes.
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 18:39
What everybody's said...
Don't beat yourself up, or try too hard.
Be kind to yourself.
Imagine what you would be saying to yourself, if you were posting a reply in support of yourself on here ...
(Karen, you don't dissemble and you're straight-as-a-dye honest - but that's both a blessing and a curse ...)
Do the counter-intuitive thing, hard as that may seem, and cut yourself a bit of slack; eat healthily and without guilt (but smaller quantities) enjoy your food, and if you feel like trying a fast, just take it one day at a time, and keep it basic and as easy as possible (if that means omelette/ scrambled eggs and salmon / burger from downstairs/ huge salad and chicken / veg stir-fry etc etc that's ok)

And by the way your recent pic on your blog looked great ... :like: :clover: :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 18:57
{{{+}}} first off, a hug.
Second, the world is still spinning so All Shall Be Well.
You've restarted, good on you; I'm hoping your hubs is beginning to mend? I'm hoping your work is being supportive?
We're all here with you, whenever you want/need us.
I wish you ripe avocados and all good things m'dear :0)
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 20:16
Hello @Karen, I have not read this thread of responses. I think Izzy talked on on a thread about stress, work, home, kids, partners, elderly parents - life balance and how it affects our well being. Knocks us off our centre. Does me!

When you are next in the UK and you feel up for it - how about a fun fastday meet up for high tea at the Dorchester or Claridges etc - I'll wear my recent charity buy!

While it is early days in the US, if the US is not working for you and OH, you can come home.

Big swishy hug. :heart:

Lizbean x
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 20:29
Sound devine, but it might involve calories! I might be up for that!!
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 21:08
Hi Karen
I'm fairly new to this fasting thing, up to fast 8 now. It was your blog in particular that gave me the courage to give it a good go, so thank you. I've been moving countries backwards and forwards for the last 18 years, on my own, and while its a huge privilege it's also really hard work mentally. I admire you for doing as well as you have. Take care of yourself, and good luck with getting back to the 5:2 rhythm.
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 21:23
PennyForthem wrote: Sound devine, but it might involve calories! I might be up for that!!

Oh yes Penny we can do devine and delightful, but who is going to organise the global meet up - and when will this happen? Ooh sounds like a challenge, anyone up for that?

Lizbean :heart:
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