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Delighted or Disappointed?

54 posts Page 4 of 4
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 14:31
A bit late but just wanted to echo what the others have said - it sounds like you have had mega stresses over the past few months so don't beat yourself up about not fasting. Hoping things improve soon and sending you best wishes. Hope too your OH is better soon.

Liz x
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 16:36
Sending lots of love - but I'm so glad it's *just* your weight that's the problem.

San Francisco is a great spot for exercise. All those hills should definitely help your weight loss efforts. And it's easier than most areas of the country for you to find healthier choices.

Be kind to yourself. YOu're not too far from healthy. I'm sure things will get back on track :-)
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 17:31

Karen, I hope you are feeling better today - you are so right, the forum is a lovely, enriching and safe place to be - lots of SUNS :sun: around in the Solstice tent this week too :sun:

Very happy to suggest high tea venues when peeps are ready to think about that - need to keep in mind the best venues get booked up well in advance and I guess finding a date is the tricky bit.

@Debs don't look now - shut your eyes it's tea time :shock:
Here is a taster ... ners-2013/

Off to the beauty tent later for a crack (my face). I'm looking for recommendations on face packs! My face is threatening to it's leave home :shock: I need to be kind to my face as I'm so busy I forget I have one :bugeyes:

Liz x
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 18:19
@rawkarenI know it's must be disheartening but you have some fantastic support here. Hope all goes ok for ya and I'm sure one you get into the fasting again it will be a doddle. I've not been here that long but as the the others have said you always seem to be so supportive of others. Chin up :smile:
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 18:44
Sending you my best wishes @rawkaren, you're like one of the presiding geniuses of this site. As everyone has said, given what you are facing there's no shame in your weight gain; you know how to get shot of it again, as soon as the time is propitious. :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 18:49
Hi, Karen. I'm here for the first time in a week. I was driving across the country with my daughter. So nearly 50 others have beaten me to the reassurance! Don't be heartbroken - it's something you know how to deal with better than almost anyone else. And the BMI is really just a number - being in the yellow is no disaster. Most important, in my opinion, is not letting it be a big focus for you. Focus on the job, the beautiful weather, conversations with your hubs, listening to some good music. I believe in fasting, but it should be a small part of our crazy lives. And I know - easier said than done. I'm around to chat whenever you feel like it. Right now, it's a gorgeous spring day here, and I'm going out to enjoy it. Hope that you can do the same.
Re: Heartbroken
27 Apr 2014, 05:13
@rawkaren, first of all as everyone else has said what a shock I had when I first read the title. Ok so it's about a weight gain, phew. I completely ditto what all the other lovely forum members have said. You've had a tough time, it's only natural something's got to give. Big hugs to you :heart:
Now I'm going to update my tracker for the first time in many months so you can see your not the only one to have gained, time I was honest about it too.
Re: Heartbroken
27 Apr 2014, 05:17
Warm wishes for the journey back, you will be fine, I just know it, from reading your posts. You are positive:) Slow and steady will get you there.
Re: Heartbroken
27 Apr 2014, 20:38
I am sorry to hear that. I am new here so don't know you or your circumstances well but it looks like you've been really supportive to others. I can say though that I have moved country which is very very stressful and I also gained weight doing so, it's probably where my problem began.I think you gain weight not only because of the stress but because there are new things available and maybe you use these to help you feel better. good luck to you x
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