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Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 21:30
Oh @Rawkaren you are one of the most compassionate people I have never met, you are on here daily pulling others up by their bootstraps, do we still have those? , and here you are having such a stressful time yourself. Please take on board what everyone else has said and be kind to yourself. You have taken on SO much and achieved SO much and now you need to look after yourself. Your kindness and consideration absolutely shines through and as others had said it is now time for you to be cosseted and emotionally pampered by us, so sit back and enjoy the wealth of good wishes that are coming your way, you deserve every last bit of them. Take care of yourself and heaps of hugs and good wishes to you and your lovely husband,

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 21:33
Lizbean wrote:
PennyForthem wrote: Sound devine, but it might involve calories! I might be up for that!!

Oh yes Penny we can do devine and delightful, but who is going to organise the global meet up - and when will this happen? Ooh sounds like a challenge, anyone up for that?

Lizbean :heart:

As the unofficial 5:2 bully emeritus, ask Red Herring, yes, that's you @Silverdarlingabout that :shock: I may have to crack the odd whip or two and get on with the great Global Rawkaren love in :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 21:45
Oh @silverdarling it's you, :shock: thanks @Ballerina.

It's a friendly game of tag .....
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 22:08
Dear Karen,

Everybody before me has said it all and I agree, take care of yourself my sweet and I am sending you lots of big hugs {{{++}}}.

Maggie x :smile: :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 22:24
@rawkaren we all know that loosing weight has more to do with the brain than the body, you have had so much to cope with recently that it would have been a miracle if you did not either put on weight temporarily or become skeletal. since we are all the eating for comfort type I am afraid it is the former. When I emigrated to Canada 50years ago I got so homesick I put on 3 stone and only lost the weight when I decided to come home. You have had so much more than just moving to another country and new job, when your husband became ill that must have been intolerable. If you were a tough as nails hard hearted person you may have coped but as others have said you are not, you are caring. All our thoughts and for some of us prayers are with you and hubby, this difficult time will pass and you will get back on line. :heart: :clover:
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 23:13
Sending love :heart: and less stress your way. It is hard on both of you at present. My :heart: goes out to you

You are doing so well @rawkaren juggling so much it is not surprising your BP is up a bit. Be kind and gentle to your self. Mark's daily apple says if it's not working have a reload week. You're not short of choices to suit your life now with IF varieties

:clover: :clover: :clover: :clover: all the best with everything
Re: Heartbroken
25 Apr 2014, 23:37
(((((((BIG CYBER HUGS)))))))

You have done it before, but you are not back at the begining. Now you know what to do and how to do it, as well as the fact that you know that you can do it. I have got to goal 3 times with other diets, but each time I have learned so much about nutrition and lifestyle. I have built onnthe knowledge and learned from it . This experience will make it easier for you whenever you are ready to jump into 5:2 again.
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 00:10
Nothing to say that hasn't already been said so just sending you many hugs. :hugleft: :hugright:
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 00:25
I agree with jusdee
We need a tent for those of us who did this and then stopped and regained and now trying again
I don't know many of you as I started last April,lost weight,stopped in sept and regained it all
Trying again
Rawkaren,you have been through so much
Just take one day at a time
I am trying fast 5 now which I find a bit easier
Good luck and welcome back
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 00:54
Everyone else has already said it better than I :heart: :heart:
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 02:30
@rawkarenit is stress/cortisol that has sabotaged you. I feel your frustration. I am going through it myself. All I can say is that I am trying to go back to the time I first started 52 and why it was so successful. Luckily I kept a diary of my feelings and experiences as I went through the process. I keep rereading it hoping that motivation will kick in again. Right now I try harder than I did before and I keep gaining yet my waistline goes down. There is something weird going on.All I can say is to keep it simple and straight forward. And I think there is some substance to that old saying 'take time to smell the roses'. :wink:
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 03:33
As someone who is also stressed currently, I agree completely with you clairemarie, we unfortunately sabotage ourselves unconsciously and can't do anything about it. What a good idea to have kept a diary like that.
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 03:44
@rawkaren I feel as though we have failed you in the US. I'm sure the change in familiar food has added another level of challenge. Surround yourself with similar food that made you successful before. Start every morning with a short walk if you can. Give a shout out if you need a buddy in your time zone. Sending best wishes your way!
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 05:40
Golly, I'm choked. Thank you all SO much for your messages of love and unconditional support. I have said it many times, but this is why this forum has to be the best on the t'interweb. I really can't quite believe the sincerity, and kindness and also fun. I never feel judged or threatened by anyone here. This is a safe place.

I want to name drop everyone, but special thanks indeed to @sue.q who made me laugh out loud, @ballerina and also the red herring @silverdarling. And yes @lizbean. I'd be up for a swanky meet up in London :heart:

So back to blighty tomorrow and hopefully into a decent fasting routine. :like: :like: :like:

Thank you again everyone and hopefully I can be a case study for showing that this is a WOE.
Re: Heartbroken
26 Apr 2014, 07:31
Ballerina wrote:
As the unofficial 5:2 bully emeritus, ask Red Herring, yes, that's you @Silverdarlingabout that :shock: I may have to crack the odd whip or two and get on with the great Global Rawkaren love in :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:

Is that you volunteering then @Ballerina?????? If so I would be your wingman, and I'm sure @Lizbean could research locations (and @PennyForthem could bring her divine chutney ... ) :lol: :wink:

In the meantime @rawkaren let me know if you want to do coffee at Carluccios again while you're over here :heart:
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