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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Well, half of it anyway - I wore a separate skirt and the top, the top being all boned with buttons up the back - I can't try that on at the moment because I need a 'dresser' to get me into it and OH is at work! :lol:

But the skirt has a waistband that's exactly 30" so I've tried it on a couple of times since starting 5:2 to see how close I'm getting, and today it fit perfectly, no straining! I'm very pleased considering how the last time I tried it on, a few years ago now, I could hardly pull the thing over my hips, and I was so far off being able to do it up I thought "that's it - middle aged spread and there's nothing I can do about it."

But now I'm looking forward to the day when it's too baggy! :bugeyes:
Isnt that a lovely reward for all your hard work lizzie! Well done :clover: xx
Thanks Candice! Good to have these little rewards now and then isn't it?
Fantastic! :like: When OH gets back you should get the complete outfit on and get some pics for us! Please? :grin:
How marvellous lizzieh! 'Middle aged spread' banished forever!
What a wonderful thing :smile: :like:

I am determined to get back into my wedding dress one day. At the moment I'm a stone away from the weight I was when I married DH... There's hope!
:heart: Well done @lizzieh That's great news :heart:
Wait until the OH gets home and see's that for a picture :heart:
Happy Honeymoon :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
How good is that........well done!
Well done on your fantastic achievement!
I'm over a stone lighter than when we got married nearly 14 years ago! It's great, isn't it?
Wow that's fantastic. Well done lizzieh
Thank you all so much!

@Carorees - I did try the top on when OH got in from work, and it fit - but I didn't take a pic :frown: ... but since Sunday is our wedding anniversary I'll put it on then and get hubby to take photo and will post it here... :grin:
Brilliant! Congratulations on your weight loss and I can't wait to see your photos :) :victory:
well done you! Looking forward to seeing the photies :)
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