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Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 22:22
Very well done Sallyo, so pleased for your success, and very best of luck in your election too. Keep up the good work {{{+}}}
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 22:44
Well done Sallyo and yes, you absolutely mist have a new avatar - no excuses!
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 00:12
Congratulations Sallyo! :cake: :victory: :heart: :rainbow:
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 00:37
Nice work!! And before Saturday too. Good luck, I shall be thinking of you!
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 01:15
Congrats & woo hoo @Sallyo!! So happy for you. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 02:18
Big congrats Sally. You have to believe the slow and steady loss means it is forever gone. And yes, you must change your avatar.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 02:43
This is so grand, Sally! Congratulations! :like: :like:
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 02:56
Sallyo wrote: I would change my avatar but I don't remember how to do it.

well done

help-f14/topic5530.html?hilit=avatar for how to add the avatar
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 03:21
As I'm a dope with computers I emailed my photo to Moogie and she kindly made it into my avatar. ( maybe when she's all better)

Edit that. I just read Moogies entry. She just needs to rest and recover so no jobs for her.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 04:39
whoop whoop!!!!! :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory: :victory:
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 05:24
Haha, I love how precise your progress tracker is:

Sallyo has lost 12.6kg since starting her 5:2 diet 47 weeks 5 days ago (start date to last recorded weigh in). That's a mean average of 0.264kg lost per week. That's 0.40000000000001kg until she reaches her goal weight!
The last recorded weigh in for Sallyo was on Monday 10th March 2014. Sallyo's BMI score has gone down by 4.8 points in total. Her Goal BMI of 25.00 is now -0.079999999999998 points away.

Congratulations. Good luck with that last 400 grams (and those pesky final 10 picograms).

Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 07:22
That's brilliant. Well done.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 17:51
Congratulations Sallyo! Your posts have always been sensible and steadying when I have referred to them, and your result is so well deserved. Enjoy the exhilaration you must be feeling as well as knowing that you are a great example to all here. :like: :heart:
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