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Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:12
Good morning Forumites! Today the scales gave me 65.4kgs. I have entered it into the Progress Tracker and my BMI comes to under 25.

I am coming up for my Fastiversary in early April. And here I am! Not obese! Not even fat! Well, not officially. Not according to the CSIRO!

I absolutely love this WOE! Thank you so much to all of you on the forum. Joining this forum is one of the best things I've ever done. I love the support, through thick and thin, in the hard times and now, in times of celebration.

I feel great. Much more energetic. And I seem to have more money too because I actually spend less on the weekly food bill.

Be inspired, Newbies! Be very inspired! This is not a quick fix but patiently and consistently sticking to two fasting days a week, works! I have hardly ever felt deprived because I can eat what I like 5 days a week. I am a foodie and a passionate cook, and never go without anything I fancy on those 5 days. I do try to be strict 2 days a week. That's all. And I use the forum consistently to keep me on track.

I couldn't have done it without you.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:22
Woohoo!!!! You did it Sallyo!!! So proud of you and happy for you. Imagine where we'd all be without this wonderful forum? Don't want to think about it.
Congratulations. You're inspiring.
Xxx Julianna
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:26
I agree with julianna! You are an inspiration Sallyo

Congratulaions on yr achievement and your impending anniversary! X
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:28
Congratulations Sallyo! How about updating your avatar so we can all see the slim new you? xx
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:28
Congratulations @Sallyo - so nice to read your very inspiring story this morning.

It is such a wonderful achievement.

I am currently just 'plodding' along, but I look forward to the day I am no longer obese.

Well done,

Maggie :smile: :smile:
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:28
Congratulations! This is great news. Love this WOE
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:29
I'm thrilled for you, @Sallyo! Seems like the last few days are good times for lots of us, weight-wise. Lots of fastiversaries and goals met.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:32
Omedetou gozaimasu, Sallyo-san.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:33
Well done you. It's great seeing your numbers changing colour to green.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 21:36
I would change my avatar but I don't remember how to do it.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 22:03
Well done @Sallyo You are truly an inspiration only one year on and you're not overweight that's brilliant you must feel amazing be proud because you should be. :heart: Sue
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 22:05
Fantastic. I'm not sure i will ever get my BMI to go green. You must be chuffed to bits
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 22:11
Ta da! We formally induct you into the hall of fame, an exemplar to the newbies and a beacon to those who tarry by the wayside aka me!!

Well done Sallyo. :like: :like: :like:
Re: Not over weight!!!!
10 Mar 2014, 22:11
Congratulations! I can remember how it feels to get into the 'normal' range. Well done to you! :like:

Here is a link to Dominics very comprehensive instructions on adding an avatar. He makes it so simple that even I managed to do it! I printed it out and worked through it step by step and it worked!

I have never added a URL before but, if it works, then you just click on it and it should take you straight there (I think!) :confused:

Onwards and downwards, @Sallyo!
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