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Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 18:19
TedE wrote: .. and those pesky final 10 picograms).


I've often felt the same myself, @TedE, about the last few picograms! Sally could trim her toenails - that oughta do it. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 18:28

How does it feel to have a better BMI than 76-79% of your fellow countrywomen and ~53% of the world?
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 19:14
I feel fabulous. Strangely I still think I'm fat. I have felt quite impatient, previously, with people agonising over their weight when I can see they have a healthy BMI. Now I am beginning to understand this phenomenon. It delights me that I can keep doing 5:2 and continue to lose weight. I feel I have learned a precious secret.
Re: Not over weight!!!!
11 Mar 2014, 20:10
Amen sister! I completely agree! A secret that will help us all become healthy and live longer. Xx
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