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Patience has been paying off!
04 Mar 2014, 16:32
So you know how I went about 8 months without losing any weight, despite being really pretty faithful to the way of eating, because of my thyroid problems? Well I discontinued the thyroid suppressing drugs in mid-December, and gave myself a bit of a break over the holidays. The first day of January, we really recommitted ourselves to the WOE after a lovely and filling holiday.

Since then I have lost 11.4 pounds and I am now in size 16 jeans! three years ago, I was 37.5 pounds heavier and wearing size 22 jeans. Even better, hubby hit a BMI of 25 this week. I'm trying not to be too jealous over that one, to be honest. Oh well. I will take my small victories and look forward to more of them :grin: :heart:

So I am beyond grateful that I stuck it out over that difficult year last year. I think it gave me the tools to help make this year even better. I am looking forward to going on holiday on Friday able to face the amazing food and know that I have tools to help me enjoy it the way a "normal" person would - i.e. eat until satisfied, not stuffed, eat only when hungry, and not gain weight. Hopefully my fitbit will help me get in enough exercise to make the pastries less of a problem!
So pleased for you Tracie as you really have had to stick it out for months and have never lost faith with this WOL. Great results for you and hubby, now enjoy your trip with no fear! xx
Wow that's fabulous. 11.4 pounds is an amazing loss. You'll be hop skip jumping your way around Europe!! :heart: well done. Mrs Knits.
Well done, @Tracieknits! You are a shining example to all of us on the power of persisstence! You deserve a gold star or two! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: (Well maybe more really! :grin: )

Congratulations to your husband as well. Stars for him, too! :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Have a wonderful holiday and if you should put on some weight, you know that it will come off easily if you just keep on, keeping on! :smile:
Well done, that is so good to read. Weaker mortals would have been tempted to give up and blame your hormones (with good reason in your case), but you kept going and it has paid off.
Well done to husband too! I can see you might be jealous, but just think of him as arm-candy to set off your new look.
Well done @Tracieknits Your long slog and wait
gives me hope. :heart: Sue
That's fab news my fitbit buddie @tracieknits :like: :victory:
So pleased Tracie! Youre a shining example of persistence and patience..glad its paying off for you now xxx
Whoo hoo - and France, here you come... xx
It's a about time you came over to the black runs. No more bunny slopes for you!


:victory: :victory:
So, so glad for you Tracie! Now your thyroid is back to normal I'm sure the weight will just carry on dropping.

Have a great holiday!
Wonderful and enjoy a fab holiday that's well deserved {{{+}}}
Congratulations, Tracieknits. That's fabulous news. Well done for sticking with it! You'll get to that magic number, 25, if not this year the one after.
Well done Tracie, that's fab news! Have an amazing holiday and enjoy the pastries!! :victory:
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