Gosh....I don't think anyone has ever called my weight "normal"....how thrilling!
Thank you all for your very kind comments. I found the dress in a charity shop early last year! It is by Coast & is a minty jade coloured lace set over a cream silky fabric. At the time, I could barely fit into it (classic pear!)...but it so caught my eye that I had to buy it & hang it in my wardrobe for "thinspiration", ha ha!
I kept hoping things might come together in time for July 3rd....& magically they did! I really think having certain events to use as goals has helped me enormously. Also, joining in the challenges has been so good too...as it keeps me accountable to myself (which is all that matters!).
I don't really have a 3rd goal as such (since I don't get out all that much!). That said, the end of the Springing into Fall challenge in September coincides with a charity event I am helping to organise - so it would be really nice to have dropped some more weight by then...as it gives me so much confidence! I am hovering outside of the top end of a healthy BMI (not yet turned green...though it doesn't help that I put the wrong height in my Tracker when I first joined the forum!) so that could be a good mini-goal.....The biggest goal after that will be to see how far I have come when I get to my Fastiversary on Nov 25th this year (can't wait!!!)
Love your idea for a new tent @lizbean - a great suggestion! Only slight fly in the ointment is that I would not necessarily be able to post things on the same day as they happen....depending upon how exciting the day had been.....so could we possibly consider a tent that contains a "This Week" element? Many of you might laugh, but I really don't know how to resize photos to fit onto the forum - in fact, sometimes it takes me days! When I asked The Graduate for assistance today, the conversation went something like this:-
G: "Go into Paint, Mum"
Me: "What's Paint?"
G: "OMG.....are you serious?"
Me: "Of course I'm serious.....why else would I ask you for help?"
G: "But you've got an iPhone - so you must know how to work things!"
Me: "No I don't! I've got no idea how to close files down or anything on my phone. I just use it for texting & phoning people..."
G: "OMG........you shouldn't have an iPhone if you don't know how to use it!"
Welcome to my world! Technology has passed me by....& I feel really old!