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Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 10:03
Last Thursday (3rd July) saw me reach the second of my 5:2 look OK for my daughter’s graduation from Bath Uni.

32 weeks in and just over 50lbs here’s a little pic.....

Em Graduation.jpg

Apologies for the was late afternoon and I had just flung my lovely new heels into the boot as they were not too comfortable – so flatties were the way forward...even though it spoils the look somewhat!

We had a magical day...made all the better by not feeling ashamed of myself. Something strange has been happening to me since starting this WOL back in November – I think I am actually starting to quite like myself. Even a little pride too!
Hurrah for that.....I am really enjoying life right now.....even though I am nowhere near my ultimate goal yet!

:heart: Thanks to you all for your constant support & kindness xxx :heart:

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 10:10
I love this photo Hazel on so many levels!
First coz you look so great! Not only pretty and trim but dead firm too,no wobbly bits! Second coz its such a fun relaxed pic,you both look like youre having a great time! Also coz can see the the resemblance between you and DD,you are both so pretty.
What a great memory for you of such a proud day!well done DD and well done Hazel,you look sooooo close to yr own IF graduation! X :like:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 10:26
Awww...shucks do say the nicest things! Thank you so so much :like:

Only people who have faced/are facing similar struggles with their weight can truly understand the joy that wrestling back a little control brings. I so love this forum and the way we all rejoice in each others' successes and equally how we sympathise when the going gets tough.

I know I could bore for England about what 5:2 has done for me.....and with the best will in the world, my non-fasting friends in real life just can't fill the space that you all do!

This is priceless for me. Big hugs xxx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 10:34
What a lovely, happy post!
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 10:52
Great post HNut. It's always nice to have a great pic for the family album. Love your dress, the colour is amazing. and love your smiles even more.
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 10:54
Beautiful picture . You look very nice indeed , well done! I am impressed . Good luck to you and to your daughter. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing this lovely picture with us :-)
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 11:18
:like: :like: :like: well done Hazelnut and thank you for sharing with us! Such a happy cheerful post, and such a great picture, too! Very happy for you!
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 11:18
How amazing do you look!! Congrats to you and your daughter too - you look so full of life and happiness in that pic :-)
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 11:42
Thank you so lovely you both look so proud of each other. What a lovely memento you have of such a awesome time. Oh and you look fabulous flat ties and all :like: :smile: :clover: :heart:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 11:59
Lovely picture, you both look really happy and you look great @Hazelnut20 I love the colour and cut of your dress. Thank you for sharing :)
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 12:18
@Hazelnut20 :like: :clover: :heart:
You look amazing yes very happy and relaxed with life,
So glad you enjoyed the special day, those photographs on that day will now also be extra special, both for the occasion and thoughts of your 5:2 journey which by the look of things is almost over.
Well done and very proud of yourself you
certainly should be
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 12:31
Wonderful all around Hazelnut! Congrats to you & to your daughter. Dress color is stunning, agreed with the others. Also agree with your observation about the level of support on the forum-it is a special place!
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 12:49
You look lovely and congratulations to your daughter. I totally get the starting to like yourself thing.
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 13:02
Wow Hazelnut. You and your daughter should both be proud of yourselves and each other. Keep that feeling going.

Alex x x
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
06 Jul 2014, 13:23
Aw, that's lovely - well done to you both. 2nd Goal achieved! No 3 is?

Hey, Hazelnut do we have a 'today's happy tent' thread where we can trot into to share good things of the moment?
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