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Delighted or Disappointed?

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Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
07 Jul 2014, 21:19
Hi @Julianna - in reply to your question.....we studied sociology(!)

I say "we" because at times, it felt like I was right in the thick of it too! I burnt the candle both ends many a night proof reading essays....ha ha!

Glad that's all over...for now! My next eldest will sadly never go to Uni as he is autistic, bless him, but there is always my 10 year old who is moving on to secondary school in September! Wonder what the subject will be? Guess she has the next 7 years to decide!

Was talking to my Mum yesterday & she said she was still walking round in the happy bubble that enveloped us last Thursday at graduation.....and I knew just what she meant. Some days are just perfect.....but they are few & far should be cherished!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
07 Jul 2014, 21:29
Oh @Hazelnut20, I dont know how I missed this thread until now! I can only repeat what the other posters have already said. Thanks for sharing and for inspiring us. :like: :heart: wow, you are both really pretty and so alike.
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
08 Jul 2014, 23:51
I know what you mean about you both studying the course together @Hazelnut20, my daughter is studying teaching and arts majoring in psychology and my stomach has been tied up in knots with the anxiety and worry she goes through! The good news is she phoned us last night ( from her 1st day housesitting for 10 weeks at my best friends house) that she got her results for the last semester-1 high distinction and 3 distinctions which is wonderful. I'm just hoping now she won't be so anxious and will have more faith in her ability. What now for your daughter? A holiday or job hunting?
Xxx Julianna
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
09 Jul 2014, 07:01
Beautiful pic hun, you look stunning! Well done for how far you've come on this journey x
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
09 Jul 2014, 08:33
You lot are so lovely - thanks for all the amazingly positive and kind comments! It is great to get some feedback because there are times when you can only see the negatives when you look in the mirror..or at a photograph for that matter. Perspective is what it's all about, I guess!

In answer to your question @julianna - DD is currently planning to travel the world later on in the year and is busy looking for a summer job at the moment to help fund the trip. Although I will worry myself crazy for her safety, I know that this is probably the best time to go off travelling...before she takes on responsibilities. So I am thoroughly in favour of her going, not to mention proud of her for having the courage to do what I never could! Not only am I a total wuss, but I have a problem with that has always limited my options somewhat....! Wow, Julianna - you must be so proud of your daughter with those brilliant results! Clever girl!

Have a great day everyone xx

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
09 Jul 2014, 09:11
I think you're daughter will have the time of her life! You are right, this is the best time before life, jobs, responsibilitirs get in the way. I feel the same way about my 20 year old leaving for 11 weeks but I know it will be a great life lesson which will teach her responsibility and maturity. DD will have to mind a house, a dog and 3 cats (1 being diabetic which needs insulin injections at 6am and 6 pm, so an important responsibility.) But she will have use of a car, a house and will have to learn how to cook to survive. So a great learning experience and I think we will both appreciate each other a lot more when she returns in September.
Re: Pretty jolly chuffed!
10 Jul 2014, 22:16
Oh yes @julianna - it is a great responsibility for your daughter...& what a lovely long time for her to practice!

Speaking as the mother of a 22 year old...who still hasn't yet mastered how to switch on our grill for a fish finger sandwich.....I'd say the house sitting will be a fabulous opportunity! It's amazing what they can learn....when no-one is around to do it for them!!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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