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Delighted or Disappointed?

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I know from the runner's thread that you have had some problems this year and I'm really sorry you are finding maintaining more difficult. I hope you manage to get back down to your ideal weight. If it's any help, I went over by 3kgs, not a lot, but enough to make me want to lose it, especially because of my running. Like you I started binging on sweets, crisps etc on non fast days.
Anyway, I managed to lost 2kgs to get in shape for a 10k race following one in which I was slower than the previous year - it was great motivation to do better! I lost the weight by logging everything I ate in MFP (I probably shouldn't mention it on the fasting forum, but it really helped). I ate below my TDEE, did a couple of mini fasts and this worked. Logging what you eat is good on two levels: 1) you realise how much you eat and don't want to consume 'useless' calories and 2) it takes so long to log what you eat you don't have time to snack.
It isn't something I'd do long term as it is a PITA, but it helped me focus on what I eat. And I'm eating more healthily as a result.
It probably doesn't work for everyone, but combined with fasting it might help you. Also carrying a few bags of sugar makes you realise how much easier it would be to run and how much faster you would be without them....
Good luck :clover:
Congratulations @MaryAnn on maintaining for the year. You have answered so many of my questions as I move into maintenance in the new year, so following in your footsteps I say a big thank you for your insightful post! One reflection, I recall seeing it can take up to five years for the body to recover/reset/maintain. So while you feel you have struggled more than some this year, does the future look bright? :smile: Anyone got the answer to that?
I got down to the 69's briefly and have been up in the 73's but mainly I maintain in the 71/72's kgs.
I've discovered not eating after 6.30pm has positive effects, it's easier to do 16:8 or take it further to 19:5 if the numbers are looking too high.
Eating real food (nothing processed) really helps and tastes so much better, as does abandoning sugar in all it's disguises.
I've also abandoned gluten and have a happier gut. Occasional GF oatcakes or organic rice cakes give me a crunch without doing any harm, 80/20 strictness is enough after all.
My special treat is a little (3 squares only) 99% chocolate, barely any sugar and such a sensual delight when indulged with fresh black coffee :0)
:star: :star: :star: :clover: :like: :star: :star: :star:
I weigh every morning to keep an eye on things, and make sure I have my 3 teaspoons of coconut butter through the day which keeps me 'regular'.
Keep going, chin up, onwards and um, onwards!
@MaryAnn, thank you for your updated post. Although I haven't reached my target yet I could have written much of what you wrote. I lost a pile of weight in my first year but this year I've hardly lost anything, so effectively I've maintain that weight loss for a year. I know the reason - I've taken my eye of the ball when it comes to non fast days and I actually feel I have a bit of a problem with sugar, not bread or potatoes or rice but sweets, chocolate and biscuits. I'm going to give myself a big push in the new year to get back into healthy eating and switch the sugar for fat. I accepted a while back that fasting really is a way of eating for the rest of my life and I also remember that I am doing it for the health benefits.

@Franglaise, a few people have suggested to me to record everything I eat on MFP but I've resisted it because it would be such a bind but I take your point that it is time consuming so less eating time. I also like the idea of putting a bag of sugar in my bag when I walk to and from work as a reminder.
@wildmissus I was like you, I couldn't really see the point in the time it took to log everything, but because I often eat the same things (breakfast is always 50g bread plus butter plus marmalade for example) you can copy and paste quite a lot, plus all the regular food you eat comes up as a suggestion for various meals. It worked for me and I'd go back to doing it again if necessary.
Fasting is good in many ways but if you overeat on non fast days there is no guarantee that you will lose weight or maintain.
I do a lot of sport so my TDEE is high, but if I didn't I think I'd use MFP more often as my TDEE would only be around 1400 instead of the 2500 when I run. It is easy to over eat if you only need 1400 cals a day and MFP helps educate you on this. Not something I'd be bothered to use long term, though!
Thanks everyone for their comments and encouragement. I wish it wasn't so hard, but it is, so I'm so thankful to have the support of the forum and its wonderful members!
@peebles, I have wondered if maybe I should be maintaining at a higher weight. Given that most of my problem (I think) was psychological/emotional (eating too many sweets because of work situation), I'll keep trying for the lower weight for awhile. An extra few kg may not matter too much for my health, but it makes a big difference with running so I'd still rather be at the lower weight if I can successfully maintain there.
@Franglaise, I am also a part-time MFP user. I don't think I ever used it during weight loss (though I did keep a food journal in the beginning), but I started using it when trying to get back down to my goal weight after a few holidays. It's a little difficult because I live in Japan, so the barcode thing doesn't usually work and I really have to dig to find calorie info on certain foods. These days, I'm using it preemptively: I log my calories at the beginning of the day based on my plan and try hard to stick with it.

A few links that people may find helpful:
I'm not sure I'm on board with Dr. Berkeley's low carb plan (though I certainly agree we all need to cut back on refined carbs and sugar for our health, I'm not convinced whole grains are bad for everyone), but some of her articles are really useful: ... ng-go.html (I think it was @SSure who put some links to this site in a thread about maintenance--to give credit where it is due)
I really like Yoni Freedhoff's blog weightymatters. Here's some of his posts on weight maintenance: ... aintenance
Congratulations, @MaryAnn for your first year of maintenance :like: We have the same mainteniversary :grin: I think you need to find your right mixture, what makes you feel good. I guess,h findng the right balance helps with the struggles. I mean, personnally I find keeping my 2 fast reassuring, they calm me down, they help me deal with all the stress I have outside. Like @Azureblue I found I that not eating after 6:00PM when I fast is a big help and on a non fast day I never eat anything after 8:00PM
Well done MaryAnn, from a fellow maintenance struggler! You've done really well, to have lost so much and then stayed so close to goal for a full year.
Like you, I've been hoping that maintenance would get easier and so far, 14 months on, it hasn't. But I think at some point, maybe 5 years on, it will.
Every day we stay at a healthy weight, that's another day of training our bodies to re-set their default weight. Not to mention another day of looking good and not putting a strain on our joints and our hearts. So every day, we are winning.
kentishlass wrote: Every day we stay at a healthy weight, that's another day of training our bodies to re-set their default weight. Not to mention another day of looking good and not putting a strain on our joints and our hearts. So every day, we are winning.

Well said @kentishlass!
kentishlass wrote: Well done MaryAnn, from a fellow maintenance struggler! You've done really well, to have lost so much and then stayed so close to goal for a full year.
Like you, I've been hoping that maintenance would get easier and so far, 14 months on, it hasn't. But I think at some point, maybe 5 years on, it will.
Every day we stay at a healthy weight, that's another day of training our bodies to re-set their default weight. Not to mention another day of looking good and not putting a strain on our joints and our hearts. So every day, we are winning.

Indeed, well said, kentishlass! Virtual high five to all the maintainers, struggling or not. We are healthier, our joints are happier, we feel better about how we look. This is SO important to remember!

But… I think the obsession with staying on track is important, too, in its own way. I hate it, but from the point of view of someone who has regained lost weight too many times, it's necessary. I'm glad I have the support of this place for the "white-knuckling" portion of maintenance, and here's hoping it won't last much longer!
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