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Re: Tearful and down....
24 Feb 2014, 20:06
Sorry you're having a bad time Domane. But some good suggestions above - I like the Drilakila's idea! If you can be consistent in your approach, I think that would probably help you. I hope you can get yourself out for a run soon as taking yourself away from the situation and into doing something completely different that you enjoy may be a help.

Sending {{{hugs}}} and best wishes.
Re: Tearful and down....
24 Feb 2014, 20:16
Hi Domane, :heart:
I know nothing about yards (or corrals as they call them here in Nevada), but I know a thing or two about bullies. Ignoring them doesn't work and appeasing them sure as heck doesn't work. Standing up to them does. It is stressful for sure, at least in the short term, but much b etter in the long run. Are there other owners who feel like you? A couple of people filming her behavior would send a strong message. :victory:

On the WOE, hey, you can't undo a week's good work. You are still ahead of the game because of that good work! So, just say, "Okay, that's over with. Back to the plan." One thing I have read in several places recently is how sugar/simple carbs are implicated in increasing feelings of depression. It seems to hold true in my life and, also, in my daughter's life. So, although they are not the devil, they may be his handmaidens--at least in large quantities. :wink: Hang in there!
Re: Tearful and down....
24 Feb 2014, 20:21

I've read these wonderful messages and I hope you feel some comfort and support. :like:

Deep breathing is a very helpful starting point when times are tough

Remember some people can be very difficult because they are unhappy beings - dig deep and rise above it with your support networks.

While your YO is very unwell and needs support - can you and YO's wife/family/friends find some local input and support to sort out what needs to be put in place going forward> ie, you need a strong, agreed strategy/plan to exit this person on from your happy place.

I'm interested to understand why this person has so much power?

Sending you strength and :heart: love. :heart:

Lizbean xx :heart:
Re: Tearful and down....
28 Feb 2014, 19:04
Just thought I'd let you know that this afternoon, the nasty piece of work finally vacated so I am FREE of her!

After I had typed my post on Monday evening, my YO phoned me up to ask about some spare keys to a set of locked gates. He asked me if I was OK as a matter of course so I told him how I was feeling and he was SO sweet and reassuring. We were totally singing from the same hymn sheet and he just told me to bide my time and that he WOULD get rid of her but that he had to be methodical about it.... so I felt a lot better when I got off the phone after about twenty minutes chatting to him, bless!

And today I feel like the black cloud has lifted.... she's gone. Phew!

I also finally worked out today why I am finding 5:2 more difficult at the moment. When I did it last summer on my fasting days I was able to get up and go straight to work because I always visited the horses in the afternoons. At the moment I have to go to feed them and put hay out twice a day so I get up, go to the yard and then come home and get ready to go off and do my housekeeping. I think the effort of driving over there, the cold and general early activity starts my tummy off a-grumbling so I always relent and have some breakfast when I get back (as you know that is my favourite meal of the day anyway) The weird thing is that I have totally stopped re-gaining now. I'm still holding solidly at 10:8. I'm sure my body is happier, even if my mind isn't..... perhaps I need to work on accepting this rather than fighting it....
So glad that problem has been resolved Domane. You certainly sound in a much happier state of mind than a few days ago! xx
I am so pleased for you! This is just for you...sing along now :grin:

Bean :starving:
Thanks for updating us, I'm soo glad it's sorted out and you feel settled and positive. :smile:
Yeh, I was watching out for an update and a happy outcome.
Glad it's sorted do mane and just love your new avatar photo you look positively wonderful
:like: :like: :like: everything sorted!
:like: :like: :like: new avatar! X
And here's to a lovely summer for you and your horses xx
So glad it's all sorted. I have to say I loved @runningOlsens solution :lol:

Ballerina x :heart:
julianna wrote: Yippee. The witch is gone!

I've been singing "Ding dong, the witch is dead...." all afternoon :wink:
Oh, that's excellent. Happy for you.
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