The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I've found recently that having a plan works to calm me down and to feel in control. I've a problem with a "library stacks stalker" who always sneaks around when the security guards are somewhere else. I've worked out a method of always knowing who's around me and keeping my pepper spray handy. Now I go to my volunteer shelf-reading job with confidence.

It took me about 3 weeks to work out what to do and to stop obsessing about it when not actually in "alert" mode when on duty. I don't like to mention this too often to people because some seem to think that a stalker in his 60's and a victim in her 70's is a comical situation.

Anyway, I hope it's helpful to you to think about having a plan that enables you to gain confidence, the next time this type of thing happens. :clover: :clover:
julianna wrote: Yippee. The witch is gone!

OH Yes and good riddance to her now you can get your life back together again well done Jane. :heart: Sue
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