Didn't have a particularly good weekend, eating-wise but have had a BAD day today.... no willpower whatsoever so I've undone all last week's good work. I know it relates to a lady at my field who has turned so nasty to me AND Mr and Mrs Yard-owner and has been ordered to leave but has turned round and said "no, I'm not leaving" (what can you do?) She's been an absolute cow and I won't bore you with the minutiae but it basically means that I dread going to the yard at the moment and spending time with my precious boys because I'm worried she will turn up and cause trouble. Dom has told me that if that happens just to get my phone out and start videoing her "as evidence" which would very likely shut her up, but I'm not a confrontational person and I'm a worrier. I can see this dragging on for months whilst she digs in her heels and gets more and more stubborn. Things were supposed to be sorted at the weekend, then today and now it may be the end of the week.... or months.... I feel like the goalposts keep moving and like I'm spiralling out of control... this is such a major part of my life and usually such a joyful area but it has a whacking great black cloud hanging over it at the moment..... and I hate that it has managed to have a knock-on effect to my eating willpower. I don't even want to run at the moment.... it's THAT bad....