Thanks to each of you for taking the trouble to post. I am so grateful for your comments as they will continue to inspire me to keep going. You lot are so giving all the time.....bless you!
One of the huge benefits I have noticed, which ties in with what @CandiceMarie said, is that I have become myself again! Some people have said "I'd like some of what you're taking!" at moments when I have been particularly chirpy....Some days I am completely in love with life, from the moment I wake up and hear the birds singing! If you knew me, you would know what a difference that is from the miserable, unhappy apology for a human being I felt I was.
I was in a changing room on Saturday and got chatting to a lady who came out of her cubicle in the same blouse that I was trying on. I told her how much it suited her, whereupon she said "I think it looks better on you because you are so much slimmer than me". Nobody,
ever, in all my years, has said such a thing to me!!! I will live off that forever.....and it's all thanks to 5:2 and this wonderful forum!
I'm a believer!!!
Have a great day everyone xx