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How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 15:21
It's official, today my BMI is now within normal limits. Amazing!

Three months on 4:3 and I have regularly lost between 1 and 1.5 pounds per week and so far have lost 5 inches from my waist.

How did I celebrate? It was SO easy, and the local charity shops are now bulging with size 16 clothes and I have an empty wardrobe.

There's no going back - I'd have nothing to wear!

Tomorrow I start 5:2. I think the self- discipline of 4:3 helped me.

Good luck to everyone who is starting. It really does work.
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 15:24
Congratulations Eve, bet you felt great!
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 15:28
Another success story Eve.
Congratulations. Have you being 4:3 since the beginning?
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 15:36
Congratulations Eve :victory:
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 15:39
Yes I decided that I needed some self-discipline so 4:3 seemed a good idea.

Like many other post-menopausal women on the forum, I seemed to put weight on even though I genuinely didn't appear to be eating more. Worse still, it was all going around my middle.

I am very pleased!
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 15:40
Well done a great result and a great reason for some clothes shopping!
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 17:16
Well done Eve, what a great achievement.
I'd celebrate the same way as you did, by getting rid of all my size 16's. Then, of course, I'd have to fill up the wardrobe again with size 10's, oh what a lovely thought!!
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 17:33
Wow, well done! Hats off to you for managing 3:4, that really would be beyond me!

I celebrated being part way today(I know I know still loooooots to go) but buying a pair of red skinny jeans IN size 16 - not been able to get into that size for years!! Hopefully will be in a size 12 in the summer.

How are you planning to maintain?
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 17:53
Congratulations EveS! well done. It must feel so amazing. I will celebrate getting into a normal BMI by taking some of my favourite clothes to a dressmaker to be taken in, take the rest to the charity shop and best of all I will fit into some of my daughter's clothes. She passed away four years ago and I have a bag of her lovely things that are too tight for me now. I will have a big dinner party for all my friends and wear something stunning! We are heading into winter soon and I want to emerge in Spring as a slimmer me!
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 19:13
Bravo EveS! It's very encouraging to read that someone conquered the dreaded middle age spread that has plagued me.

I would do an activity with my adult children. I would go parasailing and I would dive in the Florida Keys. I'd like to go to one of the theme parks in Orlando, FL and ride all the roller coasters with my kids.
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 19:25
Brilliant! That's my plan too - a whole new wardrobe...can't wait!

You must be so pleased, plus you know exactly how to keep the weight off now too! :star:
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 19:39
Congrats Eve, :like:


errrr big

CAKE and then probally not be able to eat it 8-)
Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 19:50
Congratulations, well done!

Re: How would you celebrate?
21 Mar 2013, 19:57
Well done!!!! It would be steak and chips for me with a large glass of red wine!
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