The FastDay Forum

Delighted or Disappointed?

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I'm so happy for you Wildmissus. So many milestones achieved at once. What a buzz. I'm jumping up and down for you too!
That is brilliant news! Well done for sticking to it - I'm not sure if there is such a thing as 'a night on the town' in Nairn? Maybe head for the coast, Findhorn even, tomorrow and have a celebratory skip along the beach :) FatDog
Wildmissus - absolutely fantastic news :lol: and TML will be over the moon for you too :cool:

Wendy Darling - I like mine crispy, dry cure, streaky, and with tomato sauce :shock: :lol:
Longest I've seen. WTG Incredible persistence! :victory: :-D
Wendy, rind cut off, with tomato sauce please.

FatDog, I'm working tomorrow but will be taking the kids to Findhorn during the week (and lunch of course) - we love it there.

I will be treating myself. I have a couple of ladybird tattoos on my foot which look a bit dull so I'm going to get them re-worked to add in a flower and some little leaves.
Well done, Wildmissus,and thank you! I've been decidedly glumpy (grumpy and gloomy, you understand)on my 2 week plateau and am feeling all inspired and hopeful now.

Thanks also to all you other plateau-breakers who have been sharing your stories. Those of us still stuck in Plateau-Land need to know there's light at the end of the tunnel (so to speak!).

I keep thinking I should ramp it up a bit from straight 5:2 and try adding 16:8 or 36 liquid fast to the mix. Thing is, the huge attraction of this WOL for me is it's simplicity (oh, and the weight I've lost already!) and I'm loathe to complicate it. I'll wait a bit longer but it may come to that yet.

Ho hum.
Fantastic! Finally, you got there! Happy days! :0)
Well done Wildmissus! So many achievements in one post - you must be so pleased. Fingers crossed for healthy BMI soon :smile:
Well done wildmissus dedication to your aim and the WOL has really paid off. I won't recognise you in Nairn! Fanastic x
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