You all know that I am exerciser.
Classes four times a week -mon eve, weds eve, fri morning and sat morning. These are aerobics classes with 25 mins high impact then strength and toning, usually burning about 500-600cals.
I am not bothered one bit (physically) when exercising after a fast day then breaking that fast after the following morning class (eg sat mornings) so why can't I reverse this and eat after an evening class. Is it all in my mind perhaps!
So I am thinking about trying a little experiment this week which is eating a light salad based lunch then having my remaining cals after class. Which will essentially be more salad.
The reason I am putting this out here is to ask these two questions
Will I burn more fat by breaking my fast after the mon and weds eve classes ?
Does anyone else fast all day, exercise then break their fast ?
@carorees I could do with your help here please.
Classes four times a week -mon eve, weds eve, fri morning and sat morning. These are aerobics classes with 25 mins high impact then strength and toning, usually burning about 500-600cals.
I am not bothered one bit (physically) when exercising after a fast day then breaking that fast after the following morning class (eg sat mornings) so why can't I reverse this and eat after an evening class. Is it all in my mind perhaps!
So I am thinking about trying a little experiment this week which is eating a light salad based lunch then having my remaining cals after class. Which will essentially be more salad.
The reason I am putting this out here is to ask these two questions
Will I burn more fat by breaking my fast after the mon and weds eve classes ?
Does anyone else fast all day, exercise then break their fast ?
@carorees I could do with your help here please.