The FastDay Forum

Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

57 posts Page 3 of 4
So impressive! :victory: :like: :party:
Well done carie you are definitely nuts!
All done, not too mucky!
Had uploaded some mucky pictures...just a bit of proof that I did it.
Well done carieoates!! :worship:
Well done, I'm quite tempted to do something similar...
Great pics! You can tell you really enjoyed it :)
Impression :) :) :) :) looks like you had a lot of fun
Nicky_94 wrote: Well done, I'm quite tempted to do something similar...

Can't wait for the next one, it's quite addictive. So here is a list of the brands I have heard of to get you started. Mucky races, spartan, and insane terrain.
As Minsmum said, Respect.

definitely, no way, not even remotely tempted :lol: :shock: :wink:
I'll stick to reading me book :grin: :bugeyes: :oops:
I think we should enter a 5:2 team.....the mucky fasters......:)
... And I will organise the cheerleaders :lol: :lol: :lol:

ONE ... TWO ... THREE -

Mu-cky Fast-ers RA RA RA!
I'll bring my tea trolley :)
That's a deal my lovelies
57 posts Page 3 of 4
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