With the weather turning darker and wetter as we head into November and beyond it's tempting to huddle indoors and not get the 10,000 steps in, so here is a thread to log daily efforts and try and exchange some motivation. I have pledged myself to do 10,000 every day as part of the Christmas Challenge, so no respite until the winter solstice.
So far done 10526, 27763, 10236, 21492, 10030,12548, 10050, 17697, 12083, 24092,14528, 10008, 12012, 10328, 14678, 16577, 28015, 13011, 13159, 12721, 10980, 12694, 11644 (yesterday).
Sadly, days of interesting rambles are giving way to plods round the Village or aimless wanders round town but these steps must be stepped!
Folks from other climes, you may tell us how hard it is to walk in sweltering heat, but after the summer just gone, please don't expect me to remember what that is
So far done 10526, 27763, 10236, 21492, 10030,12548, 10050, 17697, 12083, 24092,14528, 10008, 12012, 10328, 14678, 16577, 28015, 13011, 13159, 12721, 10980, 12694, 11644 (yesterday).
Sadly, days of interesting rambles are giving way to plods round the Village or aimless wanders round town but these steps must be stepped!
Folks from other climes, you may tell us how hard it is to walk in sweltering heat, but after the summer just gone, please don't expect me to remember what that is