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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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I have been a serial exercise-hater my entire life, mostly because I'm not very good at it.

I've only ever liked very specific, interesting sorts of sports, like horse riding and skiing, but have never been one for suggesting a game of rounders. I absolutely abhor running; treadmills are my worst enemy. I started Taekwondo at university last year and usually only make about 1hr a week (they do 2hr sessions every Monday and Wednesday but I am very lazy). I also joined the gym in January in the hope that I would lose some weight (usually have the time to go once or twice a week).

So, last week at the gym, I had an amazing rush of energy and really threw myself into it- I went berserk on the cross trainer! Was positively panting. I've also been swimming and attended all 4hrs of Taekwondo this week, and will be hitting the gym tomorrow again. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it, and how much easier it all feels suddenly!

Haven't lost much weight yet as I've only been doing this for 2 weeks but I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this exercise zen! Or the opposite?
For me, eating healthily and exercising have always gone best hand in hand. There's nothing like donning lycra to incentivise one to tone up :lol: For the last two years I've been doing running and military style fitness with a personal trainer, and loved both.

I stopped exercising and dieting last year when I had medical problems and an op (just before Christmas) and had half-heartedly started dieting again in January. I felt a bit scared about getting back to exercising, which is daft because my recovery was textbook.

When I started doing 5:2 it coincided with myself and my girls signing up for the RFL, so we're all training for that now. We're doing a couch to 5k plan, with adjustments for the difference in leg length! We went out for our run/walk yesterday but I felt very restless afterwards, so when DH came home I went out again for a short run by myself. It was great :smile: I was doing a liquid/36hr fast yesterday as well, so it's amazing I had the energy.

I'm certainly finding my zest again, and in fact have been to TK Maxx this mornign and bought some new gear :like:
I agree Beth!
I always set out with good intentions, but if i feel rubbish about myself, manage to talk myself out of any form of exercise
I'm in my 3rd week, and feel much better about myself, (although did not loose any weight last week)
I went to the gym with a freind last sunday for the 1st time in years and loved it! have been for a walk tuesday and due to go out again tonight....I'm even suggesting getting the bikes out at the weekend!!

Loving the feeling of this WOE :)
I have felt compelled to do so much more since I started 5.2. It has crept up on me gradually, but now I feel truly restless if I don't do brisk walking at least, and I think I am going to have to start jogging/running to use up all this energy. I am sleeping less than usual and generally am more alert and busy and for a former couch potato I don't quite know how to handle it! Yoga once a week is no longer enough. I hate gyms so this year I am going to win the garden of the year award with all the digging and new path I am planning to lay!
Much MUCH more! I was a serial exercise-hater too... and now I'm doing it every day, apart from Fridays, only cos of time restrictions though. I NEVER EVER would have put me and exercise together. It's just been one of those things I put off thinking I couldn't, and would never be able to do! And here I am loving it!!!!!!! it might even be a miracle!!
Definitely feel more able to exercise and more committed too! I'd always done very little other than walking to visit friends. I finally bought running shoes and all the gear 2 years ago and managed to go regularly for a bit but only 1-2 times per week and then it gradually tailed off.

I'm now going running before work which is something I never thought I'd be able to do and have managed that 3 times a week for the last 4 weeks. I even managed to go on Sunday morning because I knew I wouldn't be able to on Monday. Feel a lot more dedicated and really want to carry it on! Definitely feel like I have more energy since I started this diet.

To be fair I did give up smoking in December and the diet was partly motivated by the weight I put on after that so that might be another reason why exercise is easier.
Also enjoying exercise more since I started 5:2 - I think that now I am more aware of the food I am eating, I am appreciating that my body runs much better on good fuel.
My husband and I have been keen walkers for the last couple of years. The last few weeks I have actually broken into a jog - and was able to keep it up of several hundred metres. I have only lost a couple of kilos but they must have been the ones holding me back. :victory:
Yes, I love it now. I'm already planning what to do once my 30 day shred stint is over.
I'm not sure it would actually be possible for me to enjoy it less :shock: so I guess, I'll have to say 'more'! :oops:
Sounds we have got a few more parkrun candidates here - apart from Carorees(!) - check out the other threads or go online for details, it's great!
I am certainly enjoying my exercise more. Running is kept for racing and interval training now because of hip problems, but even these have not been so painful since losing a stone. I am getting faster on my bike, and when the new one arrives I intend to be very fast! I also get out for a walk most days, and try to maintain 4mph to make sure it counts...
Sounds like an overall positive response! I'm glad it's this WOE that's been doing it, I've been struggling a little this weekend as I'm staying at my boyfriend's house with his family and they always feed me up! Been meaning to exercise but have been feeling very lethargic and not enjoying it. Can't wait to get back to uni, get back to fasting, and run around a bit (:
I am *not* enjoying it more. However I am doing it more.
I have enjoyed my excerise more because it gives greater results. I am doing 5/2 and after 3 weeks have lost 2.1 kg which would take me forever on a normal diet. The week I did not run I did not loose as much. Last night I even ran/walked 30 mins on a fast day and loved it.
My exercise fun party was tripped up by a mobility barrier: 3 heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and osteoarthritis in both big toes. Now I get why I was feeling sore-footed. :doh: I used to do gym and bushwalks...
So my long walks are short bursts until I decide how to treat these feet.
Podiatric Surgeon appointment next week...And 5:2 to take the load off the poor inflamed souls! Physiotherapy and TENS and ice at present...
But, luckily we have a divine ocean pool nearby and I have lift-up by the cool water and waft of the gentle waves. :lol:

I do look forward to long walks again, and easy exercising...
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