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Getting Sweaty! Exercise & Fitness

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Does anyone have/use a power plate? I've had one for a couple of months now but I just don't seem to be able to find the motivation to use it. I wonder whether it's because I haven't really heard any rave reviews about them so am slightly sceptical that it will work. Anyone been seeing good results from a power plate?
Hi Abbie,

We have a Power Plate at home and we swear by it. I do 10 mins a day working on different muscle groups (upper body, lower body, abs) and it does seem to keep my muscle tone up. Also it has lots of other hormonal/health benefits - increased HGH and bone density (v important if you are post menopausal or heading that way). It's also rumoured to help melt cellulite (mine hasn't got any worse, at least!).

For a thorough medical perspective 'rave' about the benefits then see what health guru Dr Mercola has to say at

ps. My understanding is that the quality of the machine you buy makes a huge difference to the benefits it can give. Do have a good hunt around the internet reviews before you buy one.
Many thanks for your reply brendabell - are there any particular exercises you find most beneficial? Dr Mercola sure is enthusiastic - thats just what I wanted - thank you!
I had a course of 10 sessions about two years ago in a special power plate club, my objective was to tone my thighs, so I got to do loads of leg excercises, and there was a teacher to help and motivate me. I saw good results-I didn't measure but I could see a big difference in tone and cellulite, then I fell pregnant and had to stop. I have since gained weight (and lost some too now) but even at a higher weight my thighs stayed slimmer than they had been. I would love to do it again, but unfortunately it's too expensive.
My mum was given a power plate and she asked me whether I wanted it but I wasn't sure I could use it at home. It's not the big one, with the handles, just the platform. Do you think that I could use it on my own, without an instructor?
Yes-I'm pretty sure you can find the excercises on the internet, it was all familiar stuff like squats, lunges, sit-ups, it's just that you stay still rather than move.
Stand still? Interesting!!!
I've had one for ages. I got it because I'd read about them being used in the treatment of various neuro-muscular conditions and thought it might help my fibro. They seem so simple and yet You do ache a lot when you first start. Its done a lot to help my legs strength and balance. Don't know how much they actually do for weight though. Just started using mine again after a long break. It had to be moved due to work being done in the house and I couldn't really access it to use it. We'll see if it helps get things moving faster again. I think they are very useful for people like me who can't do more formal exercise routines.
TML13 wrote: Stand still? Interesting!!!

It's harder than it sounds, honest LOL!
I used the big commercial one at the gym for about 12/18 months - absolutely amazing results - cellulite reduced by 50% at least, I absolutely loved it but costs $9000 here for that one and even the little home ones are $5K. So I bought a Hypervibe which cost a lot of $ and don't like it - shakes me up too much and also the plate is small and hard to do the same exercises as PP - I did a training day on Hypervibe but it wasn't so good. Would kill for a Power Plate at home!
Nicky_94 wrote:
TML13 wrote: Stand still? Interesting!!!

It's harder than it sounds, honest LOL!

He he!!! Got any links with exercises? I googled "power plate at home" but got the machines one can use at home... :confused:
I have a power plate - not huge, but not the small "shaky" one either. I really like it and, since losing a bit on 5:2, I'm using it more and feel its really helping me tone up some of those muscles I haven't used in a long time. There are lots of online exercises and ideas on Youtube. Make the most of it - I think you'll love it.
TML13 on PP do Squats; plank; stand holding 1 leg up under bum (always have a slight bend in knees when using so u don't shake ur head off!) - do both sides;...hamstring stretch - 1 foot on PP and hold toes with both hands (do both sides); - my favourite...if I can describe it...u sit on PP with one leg tucked into groin...sort of half buddha...then lean forward till head almost on ground - u will feel the stretch...this tones bum/ all exercises for both sides if applicable. These are some of the exercises. ps don't do too much when u start or u won't be able to walk the next day it's VERY powerful
GMH, if I want a light start, would standing on it with slightly bent knees be a good start? Perhaps some semi-squats, standing up side leg raises and steps?
GMH is right! Its easy to underestimate the amount of work your muscles are doing as you don't feel it until later. Start slow and work up. Its less shaky on higher speeds so if you feel as though your eyes are going to roll out bend your knees a bit and try turning up the speed. Beginners often make the mistake of starting on the lower speeds and then give up because they get a bit sea sick. The higher speed smooths it out.

I got quite a large one as I wanted one with a wrap round handle because of my mobility problems. If you think you may be a bit shaky they are worth the extra bit of money. I would say to try one in a gym or salon and then buy a decent model rather than buying cheap because you're not sure if you'll like it. I've had far more use out of mine than I ever had out of an exercise bike. Also, the physios use them now for rehab and my son was able to make use of mine (with specific exercises from the physio) after knee surgery.
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