The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

40 posts Page 3 of 3
I'm in today and not too much longer to go now :)
My stomach is growling so loudly!!
2.5hrs until food!!
I have fasted today. First proper one since early last week due to illness. I did have a small homemade mug of soup a satsuma and an apple. Then had a mushroom and onion omelet just now as off to class later and was feeling too hungry to wait till afterwards.
justdee wrote: ok and now I'm out. Just had an egg sandwich (sorry fasters) and broke my 3rd fast of the week. it will have to be a 16:8 today. I'm a bit gutted really because me brain tricked me. I wanted the sandwich for about 2 hours and then before I knew it, I had made the decision to brake my fast, made the sandwich and eaten it. Then I realized I hadn't had anything to drink for about 3 hours. Doh!!(homer style). I find it much harder to fast on a wednesday because it's not a normal fastday (mon & fri) for me. Oh well, I already have dinner planned so it should still be a low cal day. Sorry guys, I've let the team down. Stay strong :)

Just wanted to say, you didn't let anyone down, @justdee! This is what we do. We climb on the wagon, we fall off the wagon, we dust ourselves down, we climb on the wagon, we fall off the wagon, we dust .... yeah, you got it. And we have a great supportive forum who help us dust off! Good luck next fast.

And oh, by the way, I fell off the wagon at 3pm and snuck in a few (that's the creative interpretation of the concept of few) peanuts. So we climb on the wagon, we fall off the wagon ............ Hey ho!
I am in too - have just been eating my dinner as the only meal sine yesterday dinner :like: .. Used 335 calories and no more eating before tomorrow from 11am-7pm.. At the moment 4:3/16:8 :victory:
Thanks @shachat I've been very teary and down today. Last night I had a dream about my mum who pass way 8 years ago. It was a really long dream. I don't dream of her very often and it was really nice to see her again. I miss her so much.
I only had that sandwich and my evening meal and I'll be doing my friday fast as normal, but I never realized I am an emotional eater.
Oh Dee. Have a hug from a stranger (( Dee))

Well, I'm almost at the end of my second consecutive day, and how right you all were to tell me it's a really tough way to start! I will try to separate the days in future, but sometimes it's just not doable. About to have my final 'meal' of the day: 25g of celery, 25g of carrot, and a whole almond; yes, a whole one :lol:
Flippin' 'eck it's been a toughie.... I reckon I just made it through by the skin of my teeth! came VERY close to giving up today as i'm processing some bad news.... I nearly bought a bag of macadamia nuts with the intention of scoffing the lot but I acknowledging that I was seeking comfort and a way of avoiding dealing with the news seemed to help.... Somehow! I'm ready for bed now though, I'll use that as a way of avoidance instead!!!!!
And now I'm watching Masterchef; masochistic, or what?
Blaise wrote: And now I'm watching Masterchef; masochistic, or what?

It was a really hard day today, and I nearly gave up fasting twice. Still, I watched two episodes of masterchef, and my boyfriend was just rolling his eyes asking why I am doing it to myself. :razz:
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