The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

18 posts Page 1 of 2
It's 3am and I can't sleep. Not sleeping well at the moment. I am fasting today, Friday, and I am writing this because I am tempted to go and have a hot milk, a piece of zucchini cake, some nuts, a piece of toast and honey.... you get the picture. But the fast has started. So that's that. I'll probably check in again in the real morning.
Hello @Sallyo it's still Thursday here! Hope you've resisted and sleep well. :sleepy:
Now it's real morning: blue sky but an autumn nip in the wind. I did end up having a handful of nuts and have had very little sleep. Coffee is hitting the spot and then it's off to Burnie to take OH for a medical procedure. I'll come back home and have a few more zeds, I reckon. Tasmania will have to carry on without me for a few hours this morning.
I think you should get some more zeds @Sallyo otherwise it's gonna be a loooong fast day for you! I'll be joining you later, but at the moment it's still Thursday :smile:

Good luck with the rest of your day

Bean :smile: :heart:
I'm in for Friday :) My darling husband is in Melbourne at the moment, and I can't wait until Sunday morning when he gets home :) He's been away two loooooong weeks and I miss him.
I'm in. I'm about to give a lecture to 100 elementary school kids, not my usual job… I hope I don't faint!
I'm fasting today too
Light babybel mid morning
Now just having a Coles simply less ripened tom and quinoa soup- delish and only 126cal
Tonight's going to be a challenge because I'm going out to a music festival. I think I'll make some sort of super low cal dinner so I can have one beer when I'm out :smile:
I'm unclear about dinner as well. Probably OH will only be able to eat liquids, so soup. I am thinking red lentil soup would be soothing. Tomato soup, using up the glut of tomatoes, is probably too acidic for someone who's had a gastroscopy. Thoughts?
hello Friday fasters,

Yes, I'm in too - it's my birthday tomorrow, so I thought I should get it in today!! One of my dear friends is making me a raw vegan chocolate cake with agave syrup (at least it's low GI), and we will probably be eating out at the North Fitzroy Star, even though my favourite cool jazz singer from there is actually over in London atm - lucky London!

@Sallyo, yes probably good to have something bland after a gastroscopy - I made the mistake when I had a gas/colon in August last year of eating some chilli beans afterwards, and within half an hour... well you can imagine - both ends! And Tasmania may live today without you, but I'm sure it won't be the same. Drive carefully along the Bass Highway if you're sleep deprived today!!

oh @Doodle, your husband will be having a gorgeous last day in Melbourne today if he is out and about - it is an absolutely sparkling day with a tiny bit of autumn in the air, bluest skies & a light breeze.

I will be hopping on Squeaky for some HIIT in a little while.

Happy fasting, people!
I'm in today for my last fast of the week! I need to after the meal I consumed last night. I met up with a friend of mine and we ate burgers and fries and milkshakes. My stomach hurt afterwards but we had a good night! Did a lot of shopping too- my poor credit card. Happy fasting everyone!
Good morning everyone. So this is a new fast day for me, and last week I did a Saturday. "old dog, new tricks" comes into mind here. I think that will be having prawn salad tonight, as we have some which need eating up again. See you all later.
I'm in today as usual, and boy do I need it! We had VIP guests at work yesterday, laid on a lovely breakfast spread and they didn't eat it, so guess who did? I had a big croissant with jam, a massive Danish pastry and a fat sandwich. I'm exhausted anyway as work is mad busy, not sleeping well, and feel like a porker after all that!

My body will thank me today for not filling it with (delicious) fatty carbs :smile:
You and your prawns @Carieoates! Of course, I shall be joining you in fasting today :wink: tonight, I've got Cajun chicken with fettuccine I think. Anyway, needless to say, it's an M&S Count on Us meal!! Don't worry, I'm getting more energy so soon I'll be able to cook a Hairy recipe...can't wait! Anyway, my meal will come to about 430 because I shall add 4 sprouts...I know how to live!

Have a great, easy, problem-free day, my fellow fasters xx

Bean :starving:
I'm in. Feels weird to be fasting just two days instead of three but I have enjoyed the break.
Twice I have been food shopping this week determined to stuff myself with anything I fancy...chocolate, cake, anything really only to find I stand in front of all the stuff on the shelves then turn and walk away empty handed. My snack at work yesterday was melon and grapes.
Happy fasting everyone x
I'm fasting today. Main meal will be Five Veg Risotto (300) but also looking forward to three Wasa rye crispbread with tomato puree and one emmental Laughing Cow triangle (140). Not sure yet what to do with remaining 60 calories. The possibilities are endless...
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