The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

32 posts Page 3 of 3
I'm in, early here as usual (not quite 3pm), having my usual cuppa broth.

@scubachick, good job on resisting that breakfast buffet! Can't have been easy, but buffets are the most dangerous creatures in our universe! :confused:
Sigh...this is what happens when you're the furthest west faster: replying to your own post! Need to get some Alaskans and Hawaiians on here...

Interesting thing happened; I worked a little late, secure that my "lunch" was in the kitchen. Went to get it and couldn't find my yogurt! I swear I bought one at Trader Joe's, but I tore the fridge apart, no yogurt (well, only a full-fat one...). So...I drove to the store (very close) and got my yogurt, some additional fruit, and even a couple more items.

When I first realized the yogurt wasn't there, I was pretty upset. Then I calmed myself down, considered my options, realized that eating straight fruit was a bad idea (goes right through), and it was worth the 2-minute drive to the store. And the hunger "pangs," rather than being intolerable around "all that food," were quite manageable. But I did really enjoy my yogurt/nectarine/Grape-Nuts meal! (when I finally got it after 7pm) :lol:
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