The FastDay Forum

Fasting today?

Every day there will be a new topic in this forum for today's fasters to chat & support each other.
Please don't make extra threads in here besides the daily fasting threads, if you've got a question please post it in the relevant forum or ask in today's 'Fasting Today' thread, thank you.

61 posts Page 3 of 5
Oh dear maryann!! And how are the war wounds?
Hi all, I'm in today too, in fact just had my one meal. Oh yeah! Feel better now. It was very cold here today and I was toddler sitting my granddaughter which has left me quite tired...... :sleepy:

I have only lost 900 grams since October 3rd, and nothing since early March, even though I have been doing two fast days a week regularly, apart from 2 or 3 lapses, Christmas being one of them. It has been one whole year tomorrow since I did my first fast, and as my BMI is 24 now (down from 28) I am considering going to maintenance of 6:1 and just staying at this weight as my body seems quite happy here. I am still 2.45kilos from my goal though.
What do others think? Who else is maintaining? Is there a thread for this? Am I giving up or being realistic? (Now that one is a big question!) was my original goal too optimistic?

Any replies gratefully received, thank you.

Cheers all :geek:
I'm in...washing on, dog walked, curry cooking (veg and prawn) about to tackle the ironing pile (gulp)........ Must keep busy, must keep busy.....:)
judio, I think there is a 'maintaining' tent. You are at a healthy BMI, so how arduous do you find fasting 2 days a week? If it's really hard, then maybe you could go to one day a week. But if it's not too bad, why not just carry on?
I'm in today. So far have just had 3 brazil nuts to keep me going. Looking forward to asparagus, mushrooms, kale and superfoods burger much later on.
I'm in today as well.
Nearly done here thank goodness. A small protein bar for dinner and an avocado, oh, and phsyllium!
Judio, I have been stuck since February but unlike you I still have a way to go to that elusive 'normal' BMI. I am furiously experimenting on myself to find the 'silver bullet', still looking!! If you feel comfy as sallyo says then keep fasting as you are, or drop back and see if you stay the same.
Its the second day of fasting today for me, and feeling really poorly. My head doesn´t hurt as much as it did on Tuesday´s fast, but I wish now I had done Monday and Thursday, I will do this next week. All I want to do is go home to bed, but I have the school run and two little monkeys to feed this afternoon. Just hope to feel better this evening.
next week will be better, I felt like bad the first week with dizziness headaches and sickie feeling, Hang on in there!
@Caboodlez you might find the thread of carorees about headaches handy you might be getting caffeine withdrawal headaches, or need a salty drink and more water. I used to be dogged by headaches. Very unpleasant. Might be in the coloured bubbles at top of the home page.

Well I am just about to sleep. Have had a very good fast day, worked on extremely low carbs, we shall see, all the best everyone
Still going strong just had a cup a soup up to now, although now i am home from work i think it will get harder :oops: hoping to keep going until dinner :smile:
Agree with you@MLCDz Mary Lynn..i feel like such a wuss coz pressure just makes me want to eat
Nice to see you @Doodle!
Thanks everyone for yr entries,they are helping me thru my second fast of the week..hoping to do a third but better get thru today first! :lol:
@philxjr and @Caboodlez like gilly said,try a salty drink..i always have a cuppasoup late afternoon on a repair day,gives me a lift..can't even look at them on feed days,they seem vile,but taste like ambrosia of the gods on fast days..might do the trick for you tho its a 60 - 100 cal from yr allowance..but worth it for me x
I'm in today. Been on a business trip and knocked my system sideways. :cry:
In today as well on my first ever Thursday fast (did Tuesdays and Wednesdays). Some Easter gain has to be done away with (no dramatic gain). So far, all is well, just the regular fasting feeling.
Hello @caboodlez & well done for being on your second fast.

I am about 21 weeks along from you, but I do remember feeling like you are. Hand on heart, this will pass. It becomes second nature to fast.....& you hardly think about it, honestly!

I have just had a small bowl of soup (2.30pm) & more importantly, a number of drinks today. Apart from the odd tummy rumble earlier this morning, it has been fine......and you will get there too.

My best advice for you today would cut yourself some slack! Do the bare minimum once you come home from picking the children up....whatever you need to get through! You are past halfway today, so keep the kettle on, rest a little & imagine how chuffed you will be with yourself later when fast #2 is done & dusted!

I took myself off to bed in the afternoon of my first fast as I felt awful. Would be kicking myself now if I had taken that as a reason to stop! Your body needs adjustment time - that's all!

Keep in touch & good luck too!!!

:rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:
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