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Fasting today?

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57 posts Page 4 of 4
Hi....from Canada ;)

3 rd fast today. Have a wonderful day everyone
Hi I'm in today.
So far so good, no hunger just black coffee.
Maybe a low dinner tonight although debating whether not to eat if not hungry.
If I am I am having zero noodles with ex light phili with ham, oxo and pepper at about 70 cals.
That will see me through to the morning.
Think this is my 6th fast day now. Weigh in tomorrow. Did have a Chinese last night so probably what's kept me full. Hoping it won't be showing on scales tomorrow.
Healthy sensible food days coming up at least. No big events or meals out planned for weekend.
Happy fasting all x
I'm in.I wasn't sure as I had an odd sort of day planned- but I seem to have made it through to dinner.
As long as I go to bed as soon as I hit <return> I'm easily through today's fast. I am finally back from a month in the States. Chuffed that I managed to fast at all. Now that I'm home, I feel encouraged that I can actually make this a permanent habit. The next step is to make better use of fast days to build more awareness of hunger and satiety signals on non-fast days.
Count me in!

I had a very bad day (everything went wrong, it was like I was out with both Murphy and his law) but it helped me in not eating anything till 7.30pm.
I had lunch at 7.30 and dinner at 8.30, LOL!
I wasn't going to fast today as had a one day visit to Germany, but with a 4.30am start and not much good offered on the planes, it was just easier to make it a fast day and drink lots of black tea and cold water, and had a small meal at about 5pm. It worked well :) I will sleep well now!
I'm in!
Struggled a bit today- it was the second in a row. I also tried to go without breakfast, so not sure if that was the reason I struggled.
Went to the docs today, blood pressure was registering quite low! (I didn't mention the fasting, just said I hadn't had lunch yet- didn't wan to get told off)
Glad I can now go away for the weekend guilt free!
That's me finished for today. Had a good bowlful of chicken and spinach one point at 9pm that's left me feeling full enough for bedtime. I definitely find it easier not to eat until 3-4pm then again around 9. At about 6 I was thinking of going to the off-licence to get wine then remembered I'm fasting. Dammit!

Night all...
Well I really messed up today! I own a bakery... :confused:
Went to work in the afternoon and the chocolate cake I had made in a teaching class on Monday was right before my eyes (it had 2 slices missing - one from Tuesday and one from yesterday). I suddenly thought it would be essential to try it, just to see if it was still nice. Of course it was. So nice that that opened the mighty floodgates to hungry hell, and I had to have an oatmeal raisin cookie. Did some work in the kitchen, then had to sit at the computer for a while. Took another cookie in there to eat. 5 minutes later I though "s*d it, I've screwed up the fast today, I may as well have another one". So I did.

Dear me. I've just had a very small bowl of cereal for dinner because I was hungry, and it has done so little for me I may as well have had a glass of water. Now I feel really guilty! Not sure how many calories I've had but could be 1000 or so. Wondering whether to just eat up to my TDEE and have another go at a fast tomorrow!!!

Well done everyone else though!
10 pm and just had my last cup of miso soup. Hopefully my night will be more restful than my first 2 fast. Tomorrow morning is weight in day ;)
7:20pm here in the rainy pacific northwest. Nothing but water today; so far so good.

@Yanika1 - Three days in a row?
No lol.....3 rd fast ever ;) I like food too much.
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